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Alternative ending

“Do you think 128 possums will be enough?” asked Connor

“I hope so because I don’t think there are any more possums left,”
Argued Vinny.

“But now what are we just going to leave them here because if we do
they will just run a way again” said Davin.

“Hmmm... Perhaps we should of thought about that first”

“Does that mean we have just done all of that work for nothing” said
Tammy in a scared voice.

“I know we could do what people do with cats, we could leave them at

in their hut for a couple of day and feed them at a certain time, and
when we let them go they should remember were to come back,”
suggested Davin.

“Cool” they all agreed.

“But how on earth are we going to get the money to feed them” asked

“Maybe we could sell them, because I heard that possums make good
pets “said Tammy

So the next day they sold all of the possums and made a tone of money
but what did they spent it on read the next book and find out

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