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I. -Write sentences using" I prefer" General Sítuations

Put the verb ¡nto the correct form where necessary.

1.( drive / travel by train) I prefer...
2.( tennis / football) 1 prefer....
3.( phone people / write letters) I
4.( go to the cinema / watch films on TV) I prefer

II. Write sentences using "I would prefer... "Or "I would rather..." (Specific
1. Shall we walk home ? (l'd prefer)
2. Do you want to eat now ? (l'd rather) ....
3. Shall we watch TV ? (l'd prefer) ...
4. What about a game of tennis ? (l'd rather) ..._
5. Shall we leave now ? (l'd rather) ...
6. Do you want to go to a restaurant ? (l'd prefer) ..._
7.1 think we should decide now ? (l'd rather)...
8. Would you like to sit down ? (l'd prefer) ...
9. Do you want me to come with you ? (l'd prefer) ..._

III.- Now write sentences using the comparative form with " would prefer"
or" would rather" and" than" or" to "

10. ( get a taxi / walk home) I' d prefer...

11. ( go for a swim / play tennis) I' d rather...
12. (wait a few minutes / leave now) I' d rather..
13. ( eat at home / go to a restaurant) I' d prefer...
14. (think about it for a while / decide now) I' d rather...

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