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This week our subject was “role-playing” which is an important tool fort he teacher. Role-playing
helps people (Ss ot T) develop their self-esteem. Because you put on that role and act out like it, not
like yourself. Even a little thing (or item) can help you act out easily. It makes adopting the role
easier. Another important point is that. İf we would decide the role and prepare sth for it
beforehand, it would be more sucdessful and convincing. A well prepared role requires that firstly,
we should choose the role and the characters and secondly, we should decide about costumes and
prop. As to storytelling and mime, the storytelling appeals to all Ss. It requires just slight
modifications of postureand expressions (using your body language and voice). Mime, means “facial
expression” but you are not using your voice! We say ‘role-playing is a good tool for teachers’;
however, we shouldn’t use these role-playing activities all the time because it becomes boring and
has no surprise.

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