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Negative Effects Of The Industrial Revolution - Presentation Transcript

1. Negative Effects of the Industrial Revolution

2. The Haves
o The entrepreneurs (Individuals who start a new business) who opened factories and shipping
companies became very rich during the early industrial revolution.
3. The Have-Nots
o The people who worked in the factories for the entrepreneurs (the working class), were soul-
crushingly poor
4. Urbanization
o Urbanization: The movement of people to the cities
o The Industrial revolution brought rapid urbanization.
5. Causes of Urbanization
o Population explosion
o High demand for workers
6. Don’t Forget!
o The enclosure movement pushed people off the farms and into the cities
9. City Life
o Cities grew around factories
o These cities grew rapidly, without planning
o Working people lived in tenements in hellish slums
o The lack of planning meant that there was no sewage, running water, or sanitation system
12. No sanitation meant the streets were filled with trash
13. The crowded, filthy slums were a breeding ground for diseases such as cholera
14. Working Life in Factories
o Factory work was difficult and dangerous
o Typical shifts lasted 12 to 16 hours
o If you complained, you were fired.
o If you got sick, you were fired.
o If you got hurt and could no longer work, you were fired.
15. Women at Work
o Factory owners hired women because they could pay them less
o Women with families worked 12 hours a day and were still expected to cook, clean, etc. when
they finally got home.
16. Children at Work
o Families needed the income working children could provide.
o Children could be hired at very low wages
o Children worked in the same dangerous factories, for the same long hours
18. Workers respond to the awful conditions of their lives
o 1) Workers protested their conditions
o These protests were put down violently by the British government
19. Worker Response…continued
o 2) Luddites: skilled workers rejected the new machines that cost them their jobs by smashing
20. Worker response…continued
o 3) Methodism: a new religious movement founded by John Wesley . Working people tried to
focus on a better life to come rather than their lives on earth
21. New Ways of Thinking
o The industrial revolution changed the way people thought about everything from economics to
the way governments should work.
22. Economics
o David Ricardo
o “ The Iron Law of Wages”
o Workers should be paid only enough to survive
o If they make more money, they will have more children, become poor & die off from starvation
23. Iron Law of Wages…continued
o Workers should be satisfied with their wages, because they are at a “natural level”
o Ricardo’s ideas lead many to the conclusion that people are poor because of some personal
flaw in their character
24. The Rise of Socialism
o Critics of the industrial revolution wanted a more equal distribution of wealth
o Many were labeled “Utopians” because people thought their ideas would be impossible to put
into practice.
25. Rise of Socialism
o Robert Owen: Set up ideal working community called “New Harmony.” Workers worked less,
children were taken care of while parents worked… productivity and profits increased.
26. Communism & Capitalism
o Karl Marx and Frederic Engels witnessed the horrors of industrialization
o Together they wrote The Communist Manifesto .
o The following chart outlines the differences between capitalism & communism
27. The Communist Manifesto Das Kapital The Wealth of Nations Books Karl Marx Adam Smith Founder
Communism Capitalism
28. Everything is owned by the government Government closely regulates the economy (sets prices, tells
factories what to make, etc.) Government should not interfere with economy: laissez-faire View of Government
Communism Capitalism
29. People should cooperate to achieve success, no competition Everyone should have an equal share of the
wealth/property People become wealthy because they offer a good or service that people want to buy View of people:
30. Government ownership of the economy will end hunger, poverty, and slave-like working conditions “ From
each according to their abilities to each according to their needs” If people work hard enough, they can lift themselves
out of poverty How to improve social conditions?
o Government determines job placement
o Religion is the “opiate of the masses” and should be done away with
o Sacrifice freedom for security
o People are free to choose their own careers
o Freedom of religion
o Freedom is more important than security

Individual Freedoms

o Capitalism will destroy itself
o Workers will eventually rise up in a violent revolution and take power
o The future of the world is communism

Capitalism is the only efficient economic system “ It’s not perfect, but it’s the best we can do” On the future

33. Legislation & Reform

o Early attempts to regulate factories were weak and ineffective
o Unions were outlawed because they would interfere with the “natural order”…remember Ricardo
34. Legislation & Reform
o Child labor was only limited, not abolished
o Kids in textile mills only were limited to 12 hour workdays. Those in mines, shipyards and
factories worked more than 12 hours a day
35. Legislation & Reform
o Factory Acts of 1833, 1842 & 1847
 limited child labor
 Prohibited children under 10 in the mines
 Set the maximum number of working hours for women and children at 10.
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