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September 27, 2019

T he H e ral d
Volume XXXXXV,
Issue 8

Peace at all times in all ways. — 2 Thessalonians 3:16

World Communion Sunday is October 6, 2019

Inside this issue: The Peace & Global Witness Offering draws Presbyterians to-
gether and provides education and exposure to those who
show us how to do peacemaking well. It allows us to create
CE Director 2
resources for dealing with conflict and provide nurturing rec-
onciliation, and stand in support of our global sisters and
brothers, because the peace of Christ belongs to people every-
Library News/ 3 where.
S’Mores & Songs/
Thank you This is why we give to the Peace & Global Witness offering. We
Session Notes 4 give because we know that every level of society is in need of
Christ’s peace – at all times, in all ways. From our congrega-
tion, where we retain 25 percent of this offering ; to the re-
Gently Used Sale/ 5 gion, where 25 percent is retained by mid councils to support
Puzzle peacemaking efforts being pursued, together with our neigh-
boring congregations; and to the ends of the earth, where the
remaining 50 percent is deployed by the Presbyterian Mission Agency to join the peace-
making efforts of church partners all over the globe. We join these monetary gifts with
Calendar 7 our prayers for peace and our work for justice.

Church Happenings 8

Sunday, September 29, is a carry in

lunch. Church Life will provide ham,
rolls and drinks. Please bring a dish to
share and plan to stay for a good lunch
and fellowship.
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T he He ral d

Christian Education — Cheryl Moles

Classes for all ages meet from 9:30 to 10:20 am
Preschool for 3, 4 & 5 year olds – room 108
Kindergarten through 3rd grade – room 103
Tweens 4th through 8th grade – Fellowship Hall classroom
High School 9th through 12 grades – room 201
1. Study of Psalms – room 200
2. Short term studies with different facilitators
Aug. 25 – Oct. 27 The Great Ends of the Church – room 202
Exploring the six guiding principles that guide the vision and mission
of the Presbyterian Church (USA) and how they are lived out at CPC

ER – Dr. Mark Minster, a Rose-Hulman professor will speak on his project of translating the

The Great Ends of the Church Class topics-

September 29 – join the Psalms class for Dr. Minster
October 6 – Preservation of the Truth
October 13 – Promotion of Social Righteousness
October 20 – Exhibition of the Kingdom of Heaven to the World
October 27 – Telling our stories

The next Parents’ Night Out is on October 4. Notice that this is a first Friday to avoid a con-
flict with Fall Break. Childcare with supper is at the church from 5:30 – 9:00 pm. Please notify the
church office if your children are attending. To continue our monthly color theme, we will be do-
ing a lot of activities with the color brown and eating sausage and pancakes. Yum!
Tuesday Meeting Night is October 15. Supper for the whole family and childcare will be avail-
able beginning at 5:15 pm.

The family prayer group meets on Mondays at 11:00 am at the church.

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REQUEST S’mores and Songs
The Central library has been an important
part of the church for many, many years around the Campfire
and hopefully will continue as such de- October 5 7:00 pm
spite the transition to digital materials in One of the favorite traditions
our lives. It is time to do a cleaning out of
the collection which Christian Nurture of the spring Pyoca retreat is
Commission members will do the first campfire night. (The partici-
week of October. The books that we think pants have even been known to sit inside
are no longer current will be displayed in with the lights dimmed to sing around a
fellowship hall on the first three Sundays
in October. The congregation is asked to cardboard fire when it was raining!) If you
help us determine if some of those select- don’t want to wait until spring, aren’t able to
ed are valuable and need to be kept for attend the retreat next year, or just want the
reason of topic, the donor, etc. Post-it fun and fellowship, Beth and Kevin Christ
notes will be provided to mark the books
are graciously hosting a campfire night from
to be saved and to write a simple explana-
tion for the reason of keeping the book. If 7 to 9 pm on Saturday, October 5.
there are books that you personally like S’mores will be made and drinking water will
but don’t see a need to be in the library, be available. Bring lawn chairs, a reusable
you may keep them (giving a donation to
water bottle and dress appropriately for the
the book sale is your choice). All books
not marked or taken will be put in the Nov. weather. The Christs live at 7760 N Weger
2 book sale. We welcome suggestions to which is on the north side of Roselawn
make the library more user friendly. What Cemetery.
materials would you like to see available?
Are you interested and willing to help with
the work and maintenance of the library [In case of rain, the cardboard fire will be in
because extra hands and ideas are need- the church fellowship hall and s’mores will
ed. Please talk to Cheryl Moles or Valeri
Kershaw. be made in the microwave. Fun and fellow-
ship cannot be dampened.]

Your kind thoughs and sympathy will always be remembered.

Thank you —
The monetary donation you made for Shelly Shyann Nelson’s funeral
is appreciated. The money was used to help cover the funeral ex-
penses. We are grateful to know Shelly had people that loved and
cared about her. Shelly’s passing was so unexpected and it will take some getting use to. She
brought so much joy to the lives of all that knew her. She was such a passionate person and
loved everyone she came in contact with. Again, on behalf of the family of Shelly Nelson, I just
want to say Thank You from the bottom of my heart.
Jeanie Edinburgh
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T he He ral d

Session Notes from September for the October Herald

During its September meeting, session reviewed reports from commissions and committees and transacted routine busi-
ness. Highlights from the meeting appear here.

Featured Report: Finance

Bob Guell outlined the duties of the commission, noting that its job is to manage and provide oversight for the day to day
financial operations of the church. Each year there is a financial review, done in accordance with PCUSA methods, of the
work of the treasurer and the financial secretary. All vouchers are reviewed for validity. The Sunday counting procedures
changed about a year and a half ago based on our financial review. We now use a team of seven counters (two each Sun-
day) and the process is working quite well. We have added the corporation president as a signatory for checks, particu-
larly those going to staff or their family. Our investments have long been in socially responsible funds, going from New
Covenant to Saturna, where we will stay until we find a better option. We are a financially healthy congregation.

Pastor’s Report:
Pastor Mike brought several items to the table.
 We have conducted 13 background checks with several more to complete.
 The strategic planning group will meet in two weeks.
 The second presentation of the Protecting Our Children workshop has been completed.

Treasurer’s Report
The report for the month of August was approved with thanks and one abstention. We are currently ahead on pledges
but expect this to even out by the end of the year.

Operating Fund Balance Sheet Sum-

Month of August 8/31/2019
Summary mary
Beginning of Month $58,240.63 Current Assets $546,969
Income $29,399.01 Fixed Assets $2,980,000
Short Term Liabili-
Expenses $33,867.27 $2591
End of Month $53,772.37 Long Term Liabilities $239,754
Net Worth (Fund
Deacons’ Report: The deacons donated $500, plus the $665 raised from the congregation, for funeral expenses for a
child who attended 14 and Chestnut programs. The family is extremely grateful. The deacons are offering a luncheon at

Westminster Village for our super senior members.

Reports and Action Items from Committees and Commissions:

Communication: Luanne shared a draft of the procedure for selecting the nominating committee and of its duties. Ses-
sion made suggestions based on practice, our reorganization documents, and the Book of Order. We will review again
next month.

Facilities: The heating element on the kitchen warmer has been replaced. A lock has been installed on the second
nursery door. A suggestion to check the A/C programming was made. We may need to have an adjustment to the movea-
ble walls. There has not been enough rain to check for leaks after the completion of the tuck pointing, but any leakage will
most likely be from the west window.
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It’s Coming!!! Gently Used Sale, Saturday, Nov. 2nd, 8a.m.-2p.m.

Update on the John Whalen and his kitchen helpers will be serving a hardy
breakfast of eggs, sausage, pancakes and beverages. We will start receiving your
“gently used items and books” on October 1st.
These items should be put in the library area NOT the
storage room. The library area is the farthest West
room on the North side of the Fellowship Hall. We will
NOT take items after Oct. 29th. --- this will allow us to
set up on Oct. 30th, 31st and Nov. 1st. We are looking forward to see-
ing “your trash that will be others treasures”!


Undie Sunday October 27

The last piece of Holypalooza involves our churches' coordinated mis-

sion to the community. Again this year we will support Undie Sunday
by collecting children's underwear for 14th and Chestnut to distribute.
The Center currently serves more than fifty children each school after-
noon. They can use all sizes, but please make sure
any boys' underwear you donate is boxers (no briefs). We will also accept
donations. If you so choose, please make your check out to 14th and Chest-
nut and memo it with, "Undie Sunday".

October Birthdays
2—Fred Rubey
3—Sophia Spencer
9—Lance Weatherwax
10—Lucille Merrill, Katherine Whitaker
12—Aidan Taken
13—Maxine Bough
14—Paul Foree, Emma Pennington
16—Susan Guell, Ezrina Seo
17—Sinwon Racop, Ricka Woodruff
18—Matthew Clinkenbeard, Theo Conner, Charlie Conner, Nancy Edgerton, Stephen Payne, Rachael Spencer
20—Zachariah Spencer
22—Andrea Paul-Bonham
23—Violet Taken
24—Andrea Clinkenbeard, Christopher Johnson
25— Mason Giltner, Brenda Green, Jessica Shepherd
29 — Emily Haan
31 — Alan Harder, Jacob Thacker
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Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 Library Clean- 3 4 Parents’ Night 5 S’Mores and
ing 6:30 Out 5:30 Songs Campfire
fellowship 7:00

6 Sunday school 7 Family Prayer 8 9 Deacons 5:00 10 11 12

9:30 Group 11:00
Session 7:00
Worship 10:30
Youth 5:00

13 Sunday 14 Office closed 15 Third Tues- 16 Youth De- 17 18 19

school 9:30 day meal and sign Team 6:15
Family Prayer
childcare 5:15
Worship 10:30 Group 11:00
Committee meet-

20 Sunday 21 Family Prayer 22 Seekers & 23 24 25 26

school 9:30 Group 11:00 Searchers Bible
study 10:00
Worship 10:30
Youth 5:00

27 Sunday 28Family Prayer 29 30 31

school 9:30 Group 11:00
Worship 10:30
Youth 5:00
the Herald
Central Presbyterian Church
125 North Seventh Street
Terre Haute, IN 47807 Sunday School for all ages 9:30 a.m.

Phone: 812-232-5049 Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m.

Fax: 812-232-5040 Rev. Mike Riggins, Pastor
Scott Paul-Bonham, Parish Associate
Cheryl Moles, Christian Educator
Sarah Kelsheimer, Church Secretary

Church Happenings

Women’s Book Club Women’s Bible Study

The Women’s Book Club
The 2019 study for the re-
will be meeting on Oct. 3
at 6:30. The book to be mainder of the year is Short
Next Herald Stories by Jesus by Amy-Jill
discussed is The Day the
Deadline — World Came to Town by Levine. The group will meet
Jim DeFede. At this in the church fellowship hall
October 28, 2019 meeting, spouses are invit- from 10:00 to 11:30 am on
ed to attend for supper and Tuesday, October 22. All
discussion on the book. All women are welcome.
women of the church are
invited to attend.

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