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How can we handle it?

 Is a…
 Physical
 social,
 or mental
 event or condition that requires us
to cope with a given situation.
Eustress vs Distress
Eustress – positive stress that allows for personal
growth and satisfaction
Getting married
Starting school
Beginning a job
Making new friends
Learning a new skill
Eustress vs Distress
Distress – negative stress that is caused by events that
cause stress and strain
Financial problems
Death of a loved one
Academic difficulties
Breakup of a relationship
Top 10 most stressful life events:
1. Death of a spouse/partner
2. Divorce
3. Separation from spouse/partner
4. Imprisonment
5. Death of close family member
6. Personal illness/injury
7. Marriage
8. Dismissal from work
9. Change of job
10. Retirement
Response to Stress
when our bodies go on the alert to either
fight or escape
A sudden burst of
energy and strength
The heart speeds up,
breathing increases,
blood pressure
elevates, sugar is
released into
the blood.
Stress and Your Health
 Greater risk for heart disease
 Can decrease immunity to disease
 Can cause negative mental reactions
Stress Reducers
 Assess stressors
 Change reactions to
 Learn to cope
 Exercise
 Relax
 Eat Healthy
 Manage time
 Reduce stresses
Other Techniques
Hypnosis – focus on one
thought, object, or voice
Massage Therapy
Meditation – focus on deep breathing
Biofeedback – monitoring of
physical responses to stress
Support Groups

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