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Catch up (with)

I do not catch with my brother because he walks very fast

2. Check out (of)

My sister went to Quito, she checked out of Hilton Colón hotel.

3. Check out

Fernando is studying for the exam. He needs to check out Materials Resistances in the

4. Clean up

My bedroom is very messy and dirty I need clean it up.

5. Come cross

My friend gots0 in his exam because he crossed it out.

6. Come cross

The Friday I was to dance in the Lenin, I came cross Israel.

7. Cut out

The doctor cut out the liver to my brother in law because I drank too.

I was walking for three hours I want to cut it out.

Isabel has been dancing for four hours she must cut it out.

8. Do over

My homework is bad I have to do it over.

9. Drop off
I dropped my little brother off at park.

10. Drop out (of)

I do not like the mathematic so I will drop out of mathematic class.

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