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Модальный глагол must и его эквиваленты

I Вставьте глаголы to have to или to be to.

1. She … to send a telegram because it was too late to send a letter.
2. They decided that she … to leave them a message every tenth day.
3. You … to learn all the new words for the next lesson.
4. Do you know this man? He … to be our new teacher of history.
5. Who … to go to the library to get the new books? – I was, but I couldn’t because I …
to finish some work at the language laboratory.
6. It is raining. You … to put your raincoat.
7. “The patient … to stay in bed for a few days,” – ordered the doctor.
8. The child had stomach trouble and … to take castor oil.
9. I told her she … to open the window for a while every day.
10. The agreement was that if Johnny White could not repay the money he had
borrowed, then Luke Flint … to have the right to sell the land.
11. If I don’t ring up before six o’clock, then you … to go to the concert hall alone.
12. The planters … to gather their cotton at once, as they had been warned that heavy
rains were expected.
13. I … to wear glasses as my eyesight is very weak.

II Переведите на английский язык, употребляя модальный глагол must.

1. Я должна упорно работать над своим английским. 2. Вы должны внимательно

слушать учителя на уроке. 3. Ты должен делать уроки каждый день. 4. Вы не
должны забывать о своих обязанностях. 5. Вы должны быть осторожны на улице.
6. Она должна быть дома сейчас. 7. Мои друзья, должно быть, в парке. 8. Вы,
должно быть, очень голодны. 9. Должно быть, очень трудно решать такие задачи.

10. Я должен повидать сегодня моего друга. 11. Он, должно быть, очень устал.

12. У них есть яхта. Они, должно быть, очень богаты. 13. Ты должен уехать завтра
утром? 14. Вы не должны опаздывать. 15. Я не должен забывать о своей матери.

16. Я должен признать, что я неправ.

III Вставьте модальные глаголы should или had to. Раскройте скобки,
употребляя требующуюся форму инфинитива.
1. Mike isn’t here. He … (to leave) early. 2. The car broke down and they … (to get)
the taxi. 3. You … (to disconnect) the computer yesterday. There is something wrong
with it. You can’t send e-mail now. 4. She … (to go) shopping last Friday because
there was nothing in the fridge. 5. I … (to write) this composition yesterday, but I was
too busy as I … (to translate) a very long text from English. 6. I … not (to take) my
little brother to the evening performance, he was so excited; but I really … (to do) so,
for there was nobody at home to leave him with. 7. You … (to see) our team play! You
have missed a lot. You … (to go) to the stadium. 8. It was a very important meeting
and we … (to attend) it. That’s why we returned home late. 9. He … (to attend) the
lesson: the material which the teacher explained was very difficult. 10. Although he felt
unwell, he … (to attend) the lesson, because the teacher explained some very difficult
Перепиши текст, подчеркни и найди части тела, переведи.
This is Tom. It is a kitten. It has got a small pink nose and green eyes. It is not white, it
is brown. Tom has got two ears and four legs.

Our body
What do you know about your body? The human body (man's body) is very beautiful. It
consists of arms, legs, a trunk, a head, a neck and . The eyes help us to see, the ears help
us to hear, the mouth and lips help us to speak and eat food.

All people have different faces. There are two eyes, a nose, a mouth on our face. We
have hair, a neck, two shoulders, ten fingers, ten toes, ten nails, two feet, two knees, two
cheeks, two eyebrows, a forehead, a chin.

Угадай слово:

1. Ybod
2. Cefa
3. Raes
4. Syee
5. Soen
6. Raih
7. Ltia
8. Toumh
9. Nadh

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