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Realizado por:
Galaviz Pantaleón Karla Pierina
Cedula de Identidad: V-26.493.547
IV Semestre Turismo

San Cristóbal, Abril 2021

Twenty Sentences with Simple Present
1. He always walks to school.
2. She reads the newspaper every day.
3. I speak several foreign languages.
4. She wants to learn French.
5. Mr. Green works with my uncle.
6. She goes there twice a week.
7. We play in the park every day.
8. You work very hard.
9. She likes to sit in the sun. (A ella le gusta sentarse en el sol)
10. She seems to be very busy. (Ella parece estar muy ocupada)
11. This bag belongs to Jane. (Esta bolsa pertenece a Jane)
12. They sell books there.
13. The service opens at ten o’clock. (El servicio abre a las 10)
14. She smokes a lot.
15. They play chess every Saturday. (Ellos juegan ajedrez todos los sábados)
16. The class begins at nine o’clock.
17. She needs to speak English in order to get a better job. (Ella necesita hablar
inglés para conseguir un mejor trabajo)
18. The boy cries because his toy is broken.
19. The employee fixes the mistake.
20. We come to school by bus.

Ten Sentences with Simple Present

1. She wants to learn French.
Does she wants to learn French?
Yes, she wants to learn French.
No, she doesn’t want to learn French.
2. We come to school by bus.
Are we come to school by bus?
Yes, we are come to school by bus.
No, we aren’t comer to school by bus.
3. I speak several foreign languages.
Are you speak several foreign languages?
Yes, I speak several foreign languages.
No, I don’t speak several foreign languages.
4. Mr. Green works with my uncle
Is he works with my uncle?
Yes, he works with my uncle.
No, he not works with my uncle.
5. The class begins at nine o’clock
Is the class begins at nine o’clock?
Yes, the class begins at nine o’clock.
No, the isn't class begins at nine o’clock.
6. They sell books there.
Are they sell books there?
Yes, they are sell books there.
No, they aren’t sell books there.
7. She smokes a lot.
Does she smokes a lot?
Yes, she smokes a lot.
No, she doesn’t smokes a lot.
8. You work very hard.
Are you work very hard?
Yes, I’m work very hard.
No, I am not work very hard.
9. We play in the park every day
Are they play in the park every day?
Yes, we are play in the park every day.
No, we aren’t play in the park every day.
10. She needs to speak English in order to get a better job
Does she needs to speak English in order to get a better job?
Yes, she does needs to speak English in order to get a better job.
No, she not to speak English in order to get a better job.

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