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Technology Integration Plan for a

Physical Education Class

By Scott Miller
Identify Learning
• Mankato West district curriculum would like
Physical Education teachers to teach team
handball to 9th grade students.
• This will get students to be active while working
as a team to accomplish goals.
• My goal for the class is for them to understand
the rules, to show good teamwork by getting
everyone involved, and to most importantly
have fun.
Construct Assessments
• I will assess student progress throughout the unit,
to make sure they master each skill learned. Before
that I will have the students practice certain passing
and throwing drills to become successful.
• That they will be a good teammate
• I will also give the students a study guide about the
history and rules of team handball, and they will be
tested on those things at the end of the unit.
Design the Activity
• When going through the rules I will not just list off all the
rules, I will demonstrate the rules so each student knows
exactly what I am talking about
• After I go over some of the rules I will ask the class a
scenario in the game and they will have to tell me what
happens next
• I will not let the students play a game without knowing
proper fundamental first, so I will take them through drills
to make them better.
• Once the student have a good grasp of the drill, I will
challenge them by having them do it faster.
Design the Process
• The students will be presented a word
processed study guide with links to handball
websites that have history, rules, and how it is
being played today.
• I will post a calendar outside of my office
indicating what the class will be doing on each
day and what they should be wearing. It is a
good way to keep students prepared.
Classroom Management
• Students will wear heart rate monitors on some days
to make sure that they are keeping there heart rate
up during class. This keeps track of how long they
are in their target heart rate zone. I can grade them
based on the numbers instead of just seeing them
• We will also have devices that tell the students their
percent body fat and VO2 max. Some good
measurement to make sure that everyone is healthy.
• I will present this plan to the class and I see if it
is successful or not. If the students do not seem
to enjoy themselves then I need to change some
things up a bit to make it more fun.
• If they are not getting enough exercise, that
means I need to change the activity that implies
more movement.
• If they are unsuccessful at the tests, that means
I need to give them a better study guide.

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