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PDB 31202 Assignment 3

Question 1)
a) You are designing an office space in which engineering design drawings will
be produced and reviewed. Standard fluorescent lighting (rated at 18,000
lumens) will be used. The office area will be approximately 230 m2 and the
standard fixture for the building will hold 4 lamps. The office contains four
drawing tables. Assume there are windows on one side of the wall. The office
has four standard lamp fixtures.
Determine the Illuminance of the Office.

I (A) = (N1)(N2)(L)
I = Illuminance in area, lux
A = Area illuminated, m2
N1 = Number of fixtures
N2 = Number of lamps/fixture
L = Lumens/lamp

b) Sketch a layout of the office space and the reflected ceiling plan.

Question 2) The noise level in a workshop averages 80 dB. A new machine being
installed is being commissioned and the specification for the new machine
lists a noise rating of 90dB.

a. Assuming that all other conditions remain the same, what is the expected noise
level in the workshop after the new machine is installed?

PWL(dB) = 10 log W + 120

b. Worker are exposed to the above noises for 8 hours. Is the workers exposure
within the dosage limits?

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