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the pentagram

Spirit (At the topmost point

- Represents the All and the Divine

Air (East)
- Intellect, Imagination, Knowledge, Mental Powers, Vision, Psychic Powers, Wisdom (Upper left hand
corner) - Represents Intelligence and the Arts

Earth (North)
- Money, Prosperity, Fertility, Healing, Employment, The Body, Foundation, Strength (Lower left hand
corner) - Represents Stability and Physical Endurance

Fire (South)
- Will, Vitality, Passion, Lust, Courage, Strength, Exorcism, Protection, Health (Lower right hand corner) -
Represents Courage and Daring

Water (West)
- Emotion, Intuition, Compassion, Sleep, Meditation, Purification, Prophetic Dreams, Healing, Love,
Friendships, Fidelity (Upper right hand corner) - Represents Emotions and Intuition

The Circle (Around the Star)

- Represents the God-Goddess it refracts and reflects all Light, bringing to the wearer Intelligence,
Universal Wisdom, and Protection.

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