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Role of Biomedical in a Hospital

Submitted by avranil_choudhury on July 31, 2007 - 1:48am.

• Bioinstrumentation

Team Members:
Avranil Choudhury, Sunanda Banerjee
Name of the University:
Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra
Email address of Team Member(s):
avranil.bits @, sunanda_bmi2k6 @
Client Information:
Biomedical Engineer
Advisor/Professor Name:
Mr. A K Das, Mr.Omkar Banerjee
Project Overview:
Role of Biomedical in a Hospital
This project mainly deals with the role of the biomedical instrumentation or the
biomedical engineering department in a hospital or a clinic. Biomedical engineering
may be defined as the application of the knowledge gained by a cross fertilization of
engineering and the biological sciences so that both will be more utilized for the
benefit of mankind. Training in the life science includes physiology and anatomy,
with little circuitry, electronics or instrumentation are very much needed in this field.
In a hospital the biomedical department has to manage a lot of work. I have given a
brief discussion about the activities of the biomedical department. Some policies are
always maintained by the biomedical department to complete the daily work
smoothly. Some individual policies are there about each and every biomedical
equipment to identify complete details about the equipment or some emergency
plans are also maintained. All of the biomedical equipments are used for various
purposes to serve the patients. These medical equipments can be categorized
broadly as the therapeutic, diagnostic, pathological or critical care unit equipments. I
have also included a small note on this categorization of the biomedical equipments
Everyday I used to visit most of the department with the biomedical engineer or
technicians at the time of daily visit round or attending any breakdown call. I made a
list of the biomedical equipments present in all of the departments or a not on
department’s infrastructure at Apollo Hospital, Kolkata.

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