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Branding gives potential customers a glimpse into a company before a transaction is ever completed, so

it's important for businesses to develop branding strategies that create a vivid picture of who they are,
how they treat their customers and what they offer. A strong brand is memorable and introduces
customers to what's important to the business and how the business differs from its competitors.
 Consistent Visual Identity

The most visible aspect of a branding strategy is a logo--a visual representation of a company. Create a
logo that's a reflection of the company's personality and commitment to excellence. The colors and style
of the logo are woven into marketing communications the business uses, from business cards and
signage to brochures and the website. As you work with a graphic designer to create your logo, take into
consideration the meaning and feelings evoked through the use of colors and shapes. Careful placement
of the logo on internal and external communications helps protect the integrity of the company it
 Establish Credibility

Brands develop strategies that help them establish credibility within their markets. From hosting
seminars for local business professionals to writing weekly blogs on your topic of expertise, sharing
information with potential clients is a way to establish credibility. Publicists can work with business
owners to pitch stories to online and offline local, regional and national publications to introduce a
company or one of its executives. Interviews help introduce potential customers to what a business
 Target Appropriate Media Outlets

Where you advertise can greatly affect how your brand is perceived by potential customers. Advertise in
outlets that you know attract your target market, whether it's a website, magazine, radio show or
television channel. Data cards and media kits provide information on everything from an audience's
occupations and educational level to their salaries and buying habits.
 Competitive Pricing Strategy

Pricing strategies largely depend on the type of product or service you provide, as well as the target
audience you aim to reach. While some companies brand their businesses to offer the lowest prices
among their competition, others brand themselves as having superior quality and price accordingly.
 Deliver Top-Notch Customer Service

Customer service can make or break a business. Even before interacting with a company, clients develop
an idea of the quality of customer service it provides through reviews and opinions from other clients.
Previous marketing efforts also help potential clients form opinions about the level of customer service
they should expect. Companies that brand themselves as top-notch customer service providers must
manage the expectations that come along with it by creating an open loop of communication among
upper management, employees and customers.

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