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Top 5 Cancer Fighting Vegetables

There are many vegetables and fruits that can offer a general overall boost to your health when you include them
in your daily diet.  Some offer more benefits than others in the way of helping to reduce the risk of some cancers. 
This does not mean that if you eat them you will never get cancer; it simply means that you can reduce your risk
by eating them.

The 5 Top Cancer Fighting Vegetables

1.      Tomatoes – technically a fruit but for most culinary purposes it is considered a vegetable. They are rich in
lycopene which has been associated with reducing the risk of ovarian cancer, cervical cancer and prostate cancer.

2.      Broccoli and Brussels Sprouts– May reduce the risk of breast cancer, stomach cancer and skin cancers due to
the presence of sulforaphane in the plant.

3.      Cauliflower and Cabbage – These also contain sulforaphane but not as potent amounts as broccoli.

4.      Carrots and Squash – both excellent sources of beta carotene and they exhibit antioxidant properties that are
helpful in reducing the risk of many cancers.

5.      Spinach – Because it is high in lutein, vitamin E which are both antioxidants it is helpful in reducing the risk
of cancer of the colon, ovaries, liver and the prostate.

Choose Organic Vegetables When Possible

By incorporating cancer fighting vegetables into your diet you have taken a great first step toward your overall
health.  Choosing to purchase organic produce that is free of pesticides is another step you can take to prevent
cancer causing chemicals from being introduced into your body. Look for locally grown organic produce when
available because these are even less likely to have been treated with preservatives.

Tips for Preserving the Cancer Fighting Benefits of Vegetables

Now that you have begun to purchase foods that are healthier for you and also have the benefit of helping to
prevent or fight cancer it is important that you prepare them in such a way to receive all the benefits from them.

Vegetables should be washed thoroughly or peeled to remove any potential pesticides or preservative chemicals
that they may have come into contact with.  Use a vegetable brush for this purpose.  This may not remove the
entire residue but it does help to reduce the amount on the vegetable.   Remember that eating some of the
vegetables raw preserves the highest amount of vitamins and minerals.  Steamed vegetables will have more
vitamin preservation versus overcooked vegetables.  Steam them in a small amount of water just until they are
tender to get the most benefit of the vitamins and minerals they contain.

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