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I come with all my wet heart

while in this chest still pounding, there are tingling of gloomy serenades
no one but you able to listen to,
as this song composed to life that the soul emerges from the innermost of you
where my love everlastingly engraved here
along with full adoration that goes to never ending.
Indeed, how could I get rid of it,
even thirty eight years being counted what a meaning,
if we should pay no care to poverty of words,
just neglect the breeze that passing by …

Sidoarjo, the thirteenth of july two thousand and one.

Note : Quoted from “KABU DUPA”

An anthology of poems, for a beloved memory to Sita.
Part twelve


on the waves ever and ever break to the shore

I shout loud my jealous whisper
that thy kindness have been always so prosperously
sinking down all miseries and shrieks, deep, evenly deep
yet never bring any sadness up to thy angry look but soft surface
confusing me, where must to get rid of this loneliness
how to leave away this lamentation
after a long swimming in my own blue,
whom no one pays a glimpse just a billionth of second.

waves of the sea,

is not indeed a final path of my finding track of efforts,
thy become peaceful leaning cushion for my soul.

waves of the sea,

why still let my limping heart touch thy roaring emotions
while this weakened body of mine should have been ruined into
disgusting corpse?

Sidoarjo, February 18, 2010.

© Bintarto :


(A splatter of self contemplation)

Nothing in this world is everlasting; even Mount Everest was only emerged millions
years after the cooling down of the earth and no one will still in great belief that this
mount will still exist next million years.

A simple formulation ? Not at all, this is just a repetition of the fact. Look into the
universe, to the impossible number of stars and planet to be counted.

Some of them are even still in their process of cease from the fire and magma stages.
Human being ? Created such a way, that his or her soul to be immortal even after the
physical death. God the Creator, blesseth us the mind, a special circumstance of the
great question of “what”. But this world is indeed the mind itself. Who made the
computer ? the mind. Who constructed Suez canal ? the mind. No one could count the
creations, firstly sought from the mind, the source from where the human intelligence

Sidoarjo, December 01, 2010.

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