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JULY 11, 2010




Ancient civilization are the basis of the world as we know it today, built on ten
thousand years of advanced cultures such as the Greek, Roman, Mesopotamia, Persia
and of course the Egyptian hence how is the study or knowledge of ancient civilization
useful to us today? I will elaborate some instances that typical college student point of
view about studying ancient civilization.

As a student studying ancient civilization have a great contribution and impact in

the present day, I am more aware that there is government because of the ancient
civilization they are the pioneer of having a leader and follower to have a smooth
peaceful rule and regulation system in their area the leader symbolize the emperor or
the king who is the most powerful person in ancient civilization, on the other hand
Egyptian and summer the forerunner of having writing system that progress to have a
better understanding of communicating with one another the “pappyrus” and
“hieroglyphics” one of the most sensible stuff why we study ancient civilization as useful
today, conversely the architectures and building amazing man made structure that is
very unique in every country is one of the reason why we need to tackle ancient
civilization appreciating the manmade structures like the existing and now non existing
man made construction for example the hanging garden of Babylon is now non-existed
and the famous pyramid of Giza in Egypt that is one of the evidence there is ancient

In the year of ancient civilization the religion thing is being molded compare to
the nomadic era religion is like having many god or recognizing nature as their religion
but in ancient civilization although there are civilization who has many god like Greece,
Egypt and Romans they are organized in what their influence and having many god
and goddess there is still one of them as the mightiest and powerful above them all and
then we also have the system of counting being a student it is really important to have
systemize standard counting because it is use in day to day living like buying stuffs,
paying fare matrix, buying foods, clothes and other things. to sum it all I always looking
forward for ancient civilization subject because the amazing fact that people in that
times made structures that really impressing and they construct it because of having
purpose(like a thumb of pyramid of Giza) not necessarily sensing that it can become an
evidence of existence of ancient civilization.

In many aspects ancient civilization is very useful not only in me as student but
also to all people who live in this globe. I appreciate the contribution they done that is
progress in every century up to now we mold everything they left to us their legacy like
system of writings, counting, the architectures and many more stuff like agriculture
(farming) fishing and crafting on other hand I become open minded that they left us
contributions that we need to protect, preserve and also to develop as our years
progress for us the present generation as well as for the future generation.

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