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Bachelor's Degree Programme


(For July 2010 and January 201 1 sessions)



School of Humanities
lndira Gandhi National Open University
Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110 068

Programme: BDPl2010-11
Course Code: FEG-01

Dear Student,

You are required to do one assignment for the Foundation Course in English-01. It is a
Tutor Marked Assignment (TMA) and carries 100 marks. .It covers four blocks of the

Aims: The TMA is primarily concerned with assessing your proficiency in English. You
should not reproduce chunks of information from the passage(s) but effectively use the
skills of reading and writing that you may have acquired during the course of study to
compose your answers. These assignments aim to teach as well as to assess your

Guidelines: You will be required to answer the questions on reading comprehension,

vocabulary, grammar and composition. For the question on transcribing phonetically,
you may consult an appropriate dictionary.

As in day-to-day life, planning is important in attempting the assignment as well. Read

the assignment carefully; go through the units on which the questions are based; jot down
some points regarding each question and then re-arrange them in a logical order. In the
essay-type answer, pay attention to your introduction and conclusion. The introduction
must tell you how to interpret the given topic and how you propose to develop it. The
conclusion must summarize your views on the topic.

Make sure that your answer:

a) is logical
b) is written in simple and correct English
c) does not exceed the number of words indicated in your questions
d) is written neatly and clearly.

Please remember that it is compulsory to submit your assignment before you can
take the Term End Examination. Also remember to keep a copy of your assignment
with you and to take a receipt from your Study Centre when you submit the

Last Date for Submission of Assignment:

For June Examination 31" March

For December Examination 3othSeptember

Good Luck!
Foundation Course in English - 1 (FEG-01)

Course Code: FEG-01

Assignment Code: FEG 1ITMA120 10- 1 1
Max. Marks: 100
Answer all the questions

1 Read the passage and answer the following questions. 1

There is only one way under high Heaven to get anybody to do anything. Did you
ever stop to think of that? Yes, just one-way. And that is by making the other
person want to do it. Remember, there is no other way.

Of course, you can make a man want to give you his watch by sticking a revolver
in his ribs. You can make an employee give you co-operation until your back is
turned-by threatening to fire him. You can make a child do what you want it to
do by a whip or by a threat. But these crude methods have sharply undesirable

The only one way I can get you to do anything is by giving you what you want.
Almost all your wants can be gratified; all except one. But there is one longing
almost as deep, almost as imperious, as the desire for food or sleep which is
seldom gratified. It is what Freud calls "The desire to be great". It is what Dewey
calls "The desire to be important".

The desire for a feeling of importance is one of the chief distinguishing

differences between.human beings and animals.

If our ancestors hadn't had this flaming urge for a feeling of importance.
civilization would have been impossible. Without it, we would have been just like
animals. This desire makes you want to wear the latest styles, drive the latest car,
and talk about your brilliant children. If you tell me how you get your feeling of
importance, I'll tell you what you are. That determines your character. This is the
most significant thing about you.

History sparkles with amusing examples of famous people struggling for a feeling
of importance. Even George Washington wanted to be called "His Mightiness, the
President of the United States", and Columbus pleaded for the title "Admiral of
the Ocean and Viceroy of India". Catherine the Great insisted on being addressed
"Her Imperial Majesty".

In short, people irrespective of caste and creed, nationality and status craved for
getting a feeling of importance.

1 What is the 'crude method' meant by the author? (1)

11 What is the deepest longing of human beings? (1)
111 "Without it, we would have been just like the animals." What does 'it'
refer to in the sentence? (1)
iv Catherine the Great wanted ........................ (Fill in the blank.) (1)
V What is the meaning of the word: (a) crave (b) gratify (c) repercussion
(d) imperious (e) flaming (5)
vi Suggest a good title for the passage. (1)
7 Transcribe the following words:
1 Comb
11 Examination iii Photograph
iv Island v Debut

3 Write a composition on any one of the following topics. The word limit is 250-
300 words. (20)

1 The most adventurous day of your life.

11 Commonwealth Games 2010- Will it change the image of Brand India?
iii Global warming: A price we pay for progress.
iv IPL- Pure entertainment or pure cricket?

4 Write a dialogue in about 150 words, taking about ten turns. on any one of the
following topics: (10)

1 You are at the mobile store to purchase a new phone. You make enquiries
from rhc sulzspcrs~ns b \ > ~thc
i ~ ie:trurc.s \)f 53mc ha113s<is.
11 You \\ant to plan .I \acation h r ~ L : I - tnemkrb d f ' o u r fan~il).Find out
details about different tourist packages from a travel agency.
111 Discuss your plans for higher studies with your family.

5 Mark the stress in the following words:

1 Photographer Photography
11 Conduct( Verb) Conduct( Noun)
iii Produce( Verb) Produce( Noun)
iv Object Objection
v Express Expression

6 Rewrite the sentences in direct speech or indirect speech.

1 'Is lunch ready?'
11 'I saw a great film yesterday.'
111 The timetable said the train left at 6.00.
iv I told Sheila it didn't matter.
v 'What do you want to do now?'

7 Fill in the blanks with the simple present or present continuous form of the verb
given in brackets: (5)
1 He usually .............his letters in English, but today he is
Hindi. (write)
11 Shiela often .............her homework as soon as she is back from school.
... The train ..................... at 9.00pm but it is late today and .................
at 9.30pm. (leaves)
8 Here are some sentences. Put the question tags.

Your brother can tell us that, ....................

They don't use much electricity, ....................
There was a phone call for me, ....................
Shruti is a good singer, ....................
I am late, ....................
vi She doesn't look happy, ....................
vii You would like a holiday, ....................
... There weren't many people at the party, ...............
ix She's a lovely baby, ....................
X He can't speak German, ....................

9 Cv?iil)letethe sentences with the infinitives of the verbs given below. (10)

catch drive hear

finish meet learn turn on wait for

1 Use this button ..................... the computer.

11 Anish got up early ..................... Akash to the station.
iii I was late, so I ran ..................... my bus.
iv Marilyn wrote to me... .................. Joe's address.
v I sat in the waiting room.. ................... the doctor.
vi I went to town on Saturday ..................... a present for my cousin's
vii I stayed up last night.. ................... my English assignment.
viii Ankita's gone to the airport.. ................... her aunt.
ix Susan went to Beijing.. ................... Chinese.
X I expect ..................... from my family soon.

10 Choose from, the box the appropriate meaning of the idioms given in boldin the
following sentences. (10)

Pretending At the last minute Unfrierdly Reveal the secret

Help someone Worried or nervous Deaf For a very long time
Avoid talking about a difficult subject No matter what the weather is

1 He's a little hard of hearing.

11 Everybody thought they were a happy couple, but it was just make
iii On the day of his final interview he had butterflies in the stomach.
iv She threatened to spill the beans about her boss.
v Doctor, please don't beat around the bush and tell me what is my
vi What have I done to him? He gave me the cold shoulder the whole
evening at the party.
vii "Where's Marie? I haven't seen her for ages."
viii "I can't do this alone. Can you lend me a hand?"
ix "We're leaving tomorrow, rain o r shine."
x "Yes, I got the work done in time. I finished it a t the eleventh hour

I1 There are errors in the following sentences. Give the correct form. (10)

1 She gave me a good news.

11 He was studyins in an university.
iii I-Ie gave me a hundred rupees note.
iv She bought furnitures from Delhi.
V The scissors is missing.
vi I and you are students.
vi i All the sisters loved each other.
... Each day and each hour are precious.
ix I will come on tomorrow.
X Myself Ms. Richa.

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