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up DEATIC PAYS 4 DIVIDEND (6/1 & private firm better adapted, than Government ‘Departinnts for building the neve factories and iestalling the fiw plant require to produce those kinds of wat material for the production of which all the- exiting, Goverment fand private manufcturing reouress of the country re inadequate? Tithe Tight of preientcday experince, these questions are purely hetoriealand we wilt foul he reader iteligence by cousenting Further on them Fieally, let us dispose of the quite ertoneous argument chat the elimination of private manufacture would lose uta valuable partofourexporttrade. Astudy ofthe Board ofrade'staitcal Feta fr sinter yas wl sow thatthe mischief done by the export of cms as fr as this country i eonoerned—quite fut of proportion to the addition which brings 0 our tral foreign exchange reourcs, Over the “normal” pesiod 1924- {ggg for example, the total svcrage valu of armament exports ‘et annum was £6,000, ncuding exports of cl siete When iti fealized that this som represented only about 1494 ofthe value of manufactured exports in general, i wil be sen {hat Beltalns position in word trade would Barly be undermined by abstention fom the Bloody Trafic. Thote who believe thatthe Bris Government would be verviag the best interests ofhumaity by placing a complet ban on the export of arms ia any shape fx form wil not be dismayed at the prospect of losing such a faction of expore trade, Te would be a poor commentary fo our tnanfacturing sil If we could not oft this ls by Producing and exporting ashy larger volume of goods for Dace purposes, ifthe Sate wre to teseve to ill the right export ane frm is own arsenals to Dominion and foreign Governments there is certainly very tle foundation fr beiving that overseas buyers would withbold order. Ted, ican be frgued that such customers would prefer to deal with dhe agents oft nonprofit-making public body than with the agents of the Private companies. Belore we leave the subject of nationalisation it soul be as well tosay afew words about the alleged difiulis of deSining an wo TOUotesoe ro scmaens and therfore, the sled apie ea fag rane ps fn oon oa te oa This comnon objection aris age om a miteoeeption of ie ‘extent and functions of a National Arms Board. rie ilk a bard would ave twe mais fet eee pervs te amar of al speciale watery aiteeael font ued inthe manultre Of armaments open fecorc, (t's, of cous to be opt that when the We faved great stount of the equpment now ted ie WE production cn be dsmanled nd scrapped orate peace Tees) Seconly, co Notional Ares Boca Wola powered fo tee manirs ager any fim which conned #2 Produce armeresta or any othey mater bellewl fo be pit asic for uc a waver. A clr and interontonallacerpted Sefton of arnacnents already contained in the Tnertona Gonvestion o7 the Anus Teale cyied i Oceana Stel new adltons could easly he made to chi it to big ep todate vith yresenday itary development We fae agin moce dete problem when we come f9 onside aries such s+ aero engines and chemi! substance Sch as chlorine and phonene which can be wed or pie rate purpore. As feat the Home matic coed the Government would, of cose, be able & exer complete onto over the we of ch Prods, ut what of the exper trade? How could we ensure Get sch doobe-pupore ster tas ot geting into the hands of reign rate The bot sufeqard woul ein ennplte co-operation Between the Notional Arms Board snd’ the Deparment of Oveneas ‘Trade, Sispcouly abnormal exports of products capable of trv use would be immediately eect in hs departments eulledstavice of indus exports; and, ifthe expres fi importers could not fami satisatory” explanation, all further exports ould be stopped and pense impore on te fim concerned. The poston under such ay arrangement of fm like Viekers for example would be qe cleat, Ta the far place, Viebers would be fequred o dismantle ad surrender fil plan machine tol sods dro raters high were

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