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Miss Enger,

In the progress that I have made with my Project it feels as if I have made no progress. But in hind sight,
have made progress due to the fact that I have got most of my information laid out and found. I have to
complete one more interview but that will take place this weekend. I have used my sources in effective
ways throughout my pamphlet/ brochure. I will also be elaborate with more information than
previously thought. The reason being is that some of the information is not exactly what I am looking
for. This may take a little bit longer than previously stated and thought. From this I will have to adjust
my time in finding information that will be to a benefit to me. This could possibly be more interviews or
more in-depth research into the topic of Fish and Wildlife Management. For time concerns, I do believe
that I am behind from where I want to be. I have this weekend and I’m hoping that I can catch up on this

Right now I have just started the layout of my pamphlet/brochure. I took me a while to figure out how
to set it up. I will be using a template of a brochure to help complete the final project. One thing that I
will be needing to learn is how to print a front a back page. Overall, I have a pretty good grasp of my
layout for brochure. Now it is just a matter of putting all the information in the right context. My visual
aids will consist of mostly pictures that I have produced myself. I will try to integrate a useful chart
instead of just picture media.

Overall, I enjoy doing this project. The reason this is, is that I feel this is relating to me because this is the
direction of a career I would like to pursue. Not only is this a project appropriate but I feel that I could
learn some useful information and pass it on to others. By feeling that I want this to be my best project
yet I want to make sure that I have every detail right. This would consist of being punctual, clear, concise
and informative to others that may feel the importance of Fish and Wildlife Management. In closing, If
there are any questions relating to the project feel free to contact me by email.

Carl Eberle

Enclosed: Progress Report

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