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Warrior Concepts Int’l Online Ninja Training

Bujinkan Moki no Tora Dojo Student Development & Progress Materials

Skill Development & Progress Chart
3 Levels/Phases of Training & Skill Proficiency

BASICS: Kamae Striking Body Movement

Positioning Limb-extension Balance control
Stability/Balance Fist confidence Muscle control
Cover/Shielding Joint-Torso alignment Relaxed body-in-motion

DYNAMICS: Sen Undo En Undo Kihon (Happo) Gata

(“Linear” (retreating) “Exercise”) (“Circular exercise”) (“Basic” (Infinite) “Models”)
Kamae-to-kamae evasion Defense-to-Offense Energy conservation
Maintaining kamae Offense-to-defense Basic RECURRING techniques
throughout movement the ‘pieces of the puzzle’

(Kamae first-last-ALWAYS!) (Timing-flow-power) (The ‘science’ of ninpo-taijutsu)

STAGING: vs. Strikes/Kicks vs. Grabs vs. Combinations

(These are the kata examples, including their henka & waza, from the scrolls)

 Situational Control
 Controlling attacker perception
 Reading and responding to attacks
 Applying the principles & concepts in ‘this’ situation
 Recognizing options (different lineages = different focus)
 ‘Bad-habit breakers’
 ‘Expert’ models
 Keys to strategic thinking
 Decision-making under pressure
 Vehicles for the ‘invisible lessons’
 Nagare - Flow
 Ritsudo - Timing/Rhythm
 Kotsu - Essence of the technique

This is only a first-stage outline. This is in no way a statement of, “this is all there is.”

Copyright (C) Warrior Concepts Int’l, Inc. / Bujinkan Moki no Tora Dojo & Jeffrey M. Miller
All rights reserved.

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