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Negotiation Skills have been pertinent to the social activities of human life from eons.

Be it Lord Krishna
of Mahabharata era or Mahatma Gandhi of modern times, negotiations have been used by everyone
over a span of time and space to maneuver a state of affairs to procreate possibly positive outcome with
optimum effect.

Presence of negotiation is evident in our daily life from commonplace vegetable bargaining to
businesslike border disputes. One such situation where negotiation plays its part is related to career
decisions. And this report is concerned with the career decisions and negotiation options available to a
parent and his/her child.

Our report also deals with the career dilemma and negotiations of a parent and a child. The two parties
of the case are Mr. Gupta and his daughter Shalini.

Shalini who is a bright student has cracked the exams of various reputed business schools, and has
finally made up her mind for Star Institutes of Management. The problem is that Mr. Gupta is reluctant
for the Institute as it as a fee structutre of 9 lakh and wants Shalini to settle down for Ocean Institutes of
managements which costs 5 lakh as fee. There is also an Institute named Horizons Business School that
costs 7 lakh as fee .

Here we have the glimpse of the several types of negotiations. When both father and daughter are
sticking to their guns, the state is called Reservation Price. That is to say that neither of the parties is
ready to budge from their desirous point of decision. However, when both Mr. Gupta and Shalini get
ready to consider the B School that has 7 lakh as fee structure, the state is called Best alternative to a
Negotiated Agreement (BATNA) in Negotiations. Father thinks The Horizon School of Management as
best alternative to Star Institute which has 10 lakh of fee structure and Shalini also considers The HSM as
best alternative when the SIM of out of reach at this moment.

Furthermore, when instead of settling down to one Institute, If they consider all B Schools falling
between the 5 lakh to 10 lakh of fee structure, their this activity can be termed as exploiting as aspect of
negotiation skill named Zone of Possible Agreement(ZOPA).

But if Mr. Gupta agrees to pay 9 lakh then he is trading off his money for a high class institute. Here he is
getting a high class education that can create a wonderful career for her daughter. So when he trade off
money he gets an excellent deal in terms of his child’s education, though he has to pay more than other


The several types of negotiations skills depict the avenues that one has at their disposal. After closely
looking at various options one can opt for the best suited option. In absence of a negotiation exercise,
one might feel disadvantaged.


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