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Well.. I’m not Buddha.

Who am I

Eirini K. Voutskoglou
Mathematician & IT Professor
[blogger, columnist, vidcaster]

Linkedin Group: Creative Minds in Greek New Media &

Facebook group: Ελληνική Εκπαίδευση & Diaspora:e_diva & & You
Tube: grdiva & Facebook page: e-diva & Twitter: e_diva & Facebook page:
divcast & & Facebook profile: Eirini Voutskoglou & Skype: e_diva
Facebook page: We Go Web & more..
What is divcast

Web on a Video

Cloud computing Politics on web Cyber Culture Facebook

New Media Twitter Linkedin Social Networking Safety Applications
What does offer?
Posts about web [like in a magazine article]
- Information – Knowledge
- Cyber Culture Education
- Reviews [new media]
Vidcasts [user generated content = it’s not TV/ it’s.. you]
- Video no longer than 15 minutes as an alternative or additionally to more
traditional forms of information
Advertisement [educational institutes, books, clothing, cosmetics, e-shops]
- Video preroll on selected videos or on the entire video content (ROS)
- Banner positions 300x250, 728x90 [custom positions are also available]
Potential clients
I.T.U.[2010] 4,970,700 Greek Users On Line

-Publishers [DVD with a newspaper or

- Vooks
- Educational Institutes
[family = primary level of education]

- New Media sites

What’s missing

-Decent hardware & software for me

-Decent connections for the users
- Competitors :-]
Thank you

“An e-ducator must do

what an e-ducator
can do”

Eirini K. Voutskoglou &

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