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1. Which of the following is not characteristic of an innate immune response?A.

B. increase in blood levels of specific antibodies
C. increase in phagocytic cells at the site of infection
D. activation of complement

2. List the order in which the events involved in humoral immunity occur:
I B cell activation by TH cell
II B cell proliferation
III Antigen processing and display by APC
IV TH cell activation by professional APC
V Antibody production and secretion


3. According to the widely-accepted clonal selection theory:A. all the antibodies you will ever be
able to make are already present in lymphoid tissue.
B. most of your lymphoid cells will never be recruited by antigen to produce antibodies.
C. cells in the lymph tissues look alike under the microscope, but differ in their affinity for
foreign proteins.
D. All of these are correct.

4. Spleen cells from a mouse are separated and passed over column A containing beads coated
with an antigen that the mouse has never encountered. The cells that are not retained by column
A are poured over column B containing beads coated with an antigen the mouse has encountered
in its life. What happens?A. A few cells stick to column A, but none stick to column B.
B. Many cells stick to column A, but only a few stick to column B.
C. No cells stick to column A, but many stick to column B.
D. A few cells stick to column A, but many stick to column B.

5. You are studying a particular type of immune cell, but you are not sure which type it is. It is a
relatively large, ovoid cell and has an extensive array of rough endoplasmic reticulum.
Biochemical studies indicate that your cells lack any surface cluster designation (CD) proteins.
What kind of cell might you have?A. plasma cell
B. TH lymphocyte
C. natural killer cell
D. dendritic cell

6. Of the following cell types, which ones function in both innate and acquired immune
responses and as “professional” antigen presenting cells?A. Dendritic cells
C. TH lymphocytes
D. B cells
7. TH lymphocytes activate macrophages, CTLs, and B cells, but what activates TH cells?A.
macrophages and/or dendritic cells
B. TH cells (i.e., self-activation)
C. IL-1 and IL-2
D. All of these are correct.

8. The _______ portion of an antibody molecule determines the antigen binding specificity,
whereas the _______ portion determines the class to which it belongs.A. Heavy variable, light
B. IgM, IgG
C. light and heavy variable, heavy constant
D. light variable, heavy variable

9. Antibodies present in breast milk are taken up by the infant's stomach via receptor-mediated
endocytosis. Which portion of the antibody molecule is most likely recognized by the infant's
receptors?A. CH

10. Which of the following is not a source of genetic diversity in immunoglobulin genes?A.
multiple V exons and J exons in the DNA germ line
B. variability in V-J joining
C. genetic transposition
D. enzymatic insertion of nucleotides by deoxynucleotide transferase

11. The genetic rearrangements that occur when antibody-producing cells mature areA.
temporary; the original genetic sequences are restored after antibody production ceases.
B. phenotypic; they do not involve the DNA.
C. permanent; a cell that has undergone genetic rearrangement is forever limited in the kinds of
antibodies it can produce.
D. nonexistent; they are an artifact of the techniques used to study antibody production.

12. The significance of class switching is that the B cell lineage canA. recognize the same
antigen but perform different effector functions.
B. perform the same effector function on different antigens.
C. convert to a T cell lineage.
D. All of these are correct.

13. The B cell receptor is to the intact antigen as the T cell receptor is to __________.A. humoral
B. cell-mediate immunity.
C. processed antigen fragments.
D. the intact antigen, also.
14. Professional antigen presenting cells have ________, whereas most other cells have
________.A. MHC I; MHC I and II

15. What is the purpose of antigen-presenting MHC proteins on cells that are not part of the
immune system?A. They evolved to alert the immune system to the presence of intracellular
B. They evolved to prevent tissue transplantation between individuals.
C. They evolved to rid the cell of endogenous protein.
D. They have no known function in non-immunological tissues.

16. The role of the Ii protein in class II MHC complexes isA. to display “self” proteins on the
surface of APCs.
B. to target the MHC complex to the Golgi.
C. to provide targeting to lysosomes and a substrate for lysosomal enzymes.
D. to prevent the MHC from binding an endogenous peptide before it encounters an antigen

17. When you meet someone you find attractive, you might speak of having a certain
“chemistry” with that person. What real chemistry might underlie your instinctive attraction?A.
You share certain genes in common with that person.
B. Your different MHC genotypes would maximize the chances that any offspring you produce
could recognize and fight pathogens.
C. Your similar MHC genotypes would ensure that you could donate tissue to that person in the
event of an emergency.
D. You share the same abilities to make antibodies.

18. Which of the following is not a signal pathway between an activated B cell and a TH cell?A.
CD40 and CD40 ligand
B. Cytokines
C. Neurotransmitters
D. neither CD40 and CD40 ligand nor Cytokines are signal pathways.

19. Of the following intracellular cascades invoked by signal transduction, which is novel to
activation by cytokines?A. ras and the MAP kinase cascade
B. phosphatidylinositol 3-hydroxy kinase (PI(3)K) and membrane-bound lipid messengers
C. phospholipase C and the IP3 and DAG pathway
D. the JAK-STAT pathway for activating tyrosine kinases

20. Strep throat is a bacterial infection that can be followed several weeks later by rheumatic
fever, an autoimmune disorder affecting the heart. How can the bacterial infection lead to the
autoimmune disorder?
A. Antibodies against Streptococcus cross react with a glycoprotein on heart valves.
B. The heart valves are weakened by the massive immune response to the bacterium.
C. Streptococcus bacteria escape the immune system and take up residence in the heart.
D. Streptococcus stimulates the heart valves to make antibodies.

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