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 Introduction

 What is a Drug ? Is Music a Drug ?

 How Strong a Drug?
 Does Music Ruin Your Liver?
 Is Music Addictive?
 Can Music cause Delusions?
 Both effect
 Conclusion

What is a Drug
For example, if I feel thirsty, and I drink water, then I will feel less
thirsty.cquse there is biological need
In constrast, if you consume alcohol, you might feel "better", but this
is not because there is a biological need for alcohol
Another way to say this is that the feelings generated by alcohol are
false feelings
Now music isn't a substance, so it isn't a drug but wa can consider the
question "Is music a drug?" to be a question about the reality or falsity
of the feelings that music generates.
Both effect
Sometimes people say that without drugs music would have been
different. The Beatles. Pink Floyd. Dylan. Grateful dead. Radiohead.
Bob Marley. Many people point to these people and say drugs
are/were essential to their recording or listening. I tend to disagree.
Although it is undeniable that drugs happened to be present for certain
albums and songs in periods of the great artists we love…
I was just thinking of these things because I saw this video on youtube
that really bummed me out. It was video of Kurt Cobain was the most
high-profile drug-related rock star since the 1970's and was still
battling heroin addiction when he committed suicide in 1994. Check
this out.

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