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Celebrating Jesus’ Birth

When Jesus was eight days old they took Him to
the temple to be consecrated.

Now, being poor they did not have a lamb to

sacrifice, so they bought two doves to sacrifice

Now, in the temple of Jerusalem there lived a man
called Simeon. He loved God very much and had
spent his whole life waiting for God’s Messiah.

God had told Simeon that he would not die before

he saw God’s Promised One.

God had told Simeon today was finally the day,

and Simeon hurried to the temple to see this
promise come true.

Simeon saw Jesus and took the baby in his arms.

Looking up to heaven Simeon exclaimed, “Thank
you God for this wonderful sight! I am ready to
come to you now for I have seen Your Chosen

Simeon turned to Mary and Joseph and said to

them, “Your son will cause many people in Israel
to rise and fall. People will speak ill of Him, and
because of Him a sword will pierce your soul.”

Mary took Jesus back in her arms and thought on

what Simeon had said.
There was also in the temple a prophetess named
Anna. She was a widow and lived at the temple.
She spent all of her time praising God.

She saw the baby Jesus and praised God for Him.

In a loud voice she told everyone at the temple

“This is the child that will redeem Israel.”

Mary and Joseph were amazed at all that had


At this same time there were magi from the East
who came asking about Jesus.

They didn’t know it was Jesus they were searching

for, but search they did.

“Where is the one who is born King of the Jews?”

the asked everyone. “We saw his star and have
come to worship him.”

But no one knew who they were talking about.

Finally they went to Jerusalem and went before

King Herod to ask him. He had no idea, but
promised to find out.

Herod gathered all of the wise men that he could

He gathered scribes and priests and teachers of the


When they had all gathered before him, he

demanded, “Where is the Messiah to be born?”

He was very upset because Herod was the king of

the Jews. He didn’t want someone to come in and
steal his crown.

They took no time to answer him. They knew

where the Messiah was to be born. “King Herod
the Messiah will be born in Bethlehem of Judea.”

Herod then met with the magi and told them all he
had learned.

But, he had more that he wanted to know. He

asked question after question until he knew all he
could find out. He knew how long the star had
been in the sky, he knew everything he wanted to

“Now go to Bethlehem,” Herod said, “And when

you have met the baby come back and tell me
where he is so I can worship him too.”

After they had met with Herod they began their
journey again. That night the star rose again in the
sky brighter than before.

It rose again higher and brighter in the sky. They

followed it until it stopped right above the house
where the child lived.

They went to the house and saw the child. They

were overjoyed to see Him, and bowed down and
worshipped Him.

Then they opened up their treasures and gave the

child presents of gold, frankincense and myrrh.

That night as they were sleeping they had a dream.

God told them not to go back to Herod. They were

told to return home another way.

So, they followed what God had said and returned

home another route.


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