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My Soccer Buddy: All those funny and intense moments we shared on and off the field have been so
memorable. Youƞve had my back through so much. An amazing friend! I truly mean it when I say that
youƞve made my years in UAS so much better. I will never forget our soccer memories. Iƞm so lucky to
have made a friend like you.

This girl is the funniest, most enthusiastic, and loyal and caring girl I've known. She's been there for me
from her first year here, with the hilarious moments, to our crazed twilight obsession, to our amazing
senior year. I love you so much Caroline (Godmother). Y


uell I want you to know how grateful I am for meeting you and getting to know another person thatƞs as
dumb as I am. These years were filled with laughter and jokes. Together we are ACTORISMS! I really
love you!Y


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