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Total eclipse on winter

solstice day
Lunar Eclipse of 2010 June 26- December 20/21.

December 20/21, 2010 Penumbral Eclipse Begins: 05:29:17 UT Penumbral Eclipse Ends: 11:04:31 UT
The global visibility of this lunar eclipse is shown in the eastern Asia, Australasia, northwestern Europe
and Africa, and the Americas. Eclipses during the year 2010, as well as a Lunar Eclipses dates and
places for Eclipsing of the Moon in Earth's Shadow on Orion rises in the East with the Taurus the Bull
Pleiades and above Aldebaran most readily visible from the south Pacific.

Australia will be able to observe the entire eclipse,will be the last eclipse of the two lunar eclipses one
was in June 26, that along Pacific coast it begins the second on the night of December 20,only lunar
eclipse that will occur over this period of 36 years, so would like to know for the December 21, 2010
eclipse touching can only be viewed from a relatively area which brings in the themes provided by the
skies if are clear on, that day eclipse on winter solstice day is visible at mony places, also coinciding with
the Winter Solstice on December 21st 2010.

A total lunar eclipse:

Next covered by the Earth's umbral
shadow 2011 lunar eclipse June 15,
next ; 2011 lunar eclipse December 10.

Partial eclipses:
June 2012 lunar eclipse take place on June 4, 2012

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