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E l e m e n t s of X - r a y Diffraction. B y B. D. CULLITY. accounts are not designed for the expert, b u t for the
P p . x i v + 514 w i t h m a n y figs. a n d tables. R e a d i n g , general practitioner who m i g h t wish to learn w h a t k i n d of
M a s s a c h u s e t t s : A d d i s o n - W e s l e y . 1956. P r i c e $10.00. help a particular i n s t r u m e n t could afford h i m ; so it
would h a r d l y be fair to expect the chapter on X - r a y
The book is addressed to a reader w i t h no previous diffraction to contain m u c h to intrigue the skilled crystal-
knowledge of the t h e o r y of X - r a y diffraction, the ex- lographer.
perimental m e t h o d s used a n d their applications. The As the title of t h e book implies, there is special em-
t r e a t m e n t is based on the Bragg's law a n d no knowledge phasis on the tools of the trade. The properties of X-rays,
of the reciprocal lattice is required, t h a t subject being the crystalline state, and the basic methods of recording
referred to only in a n a p p e n d i x of some 15 pp. W i t h i n diffraction p a t t e r n s are dealt w i t h in a m a t t e r of some
these self-imposed limitations the a u t h o r has given a v e r y eight pages. There follows a short description, w i t h illus-
good i n t r o d u c t o r y account of the subject which should trations, of examples of commercial diifraction apparatus,
be of interest to students of metallurgy, chemistry a n d including the diffractometer (which is referred to as a
mineralogy requiring a simple description of the m e t h o d s Geiger-counter spectrometer). A quite n o t e w o r t h y a m o u n t
of X - r a y analysis. of experimental detail about powder methods is packed
The subject m a t t e r falls into three sections : F u n d a m e n - into t h e space of a few pages, a n d the chapter finishes
tals, E x p e r i m e n t a l Methods, and Applications. The first with a v e r y brief pointer to the scope of X - r a y fluorescence
of these (136 pp.) consists of four chapters dealing w i t h spectroscopy.
the properties of X-rays, the geometry of crystals, a n d I t is a little u n f o r t u n a t e t h a t the table of wavelengths
the direction a n d i n t e n s i t y of the diffracted X - r a y beams. on p. 126 was t a k e n w i t h o u t correction from the 1933
The rotating-crystal m e t h o d is mentioned only briefly edition of The Crystalline State. The values are t h u s in
on the grounds t h a t 'the complete determination of com- k X . units, a n d not in ~ units as stated, a n d tiffs leads to
plex crystal structures is a subject beyond the scope of a discrepancy between the Cu K a radiation figures given
t h i s book a n d outside the province of the average metal- in the t e x t on p. 146 a n d in the corresponding table. I t
lurgist who uses X - r a y diffraction as a l a b o r a t o r y tool'. m a y perhaps be considered a n o t h e r error of j u d g m e n t
The section on experimental methods (76 pp.) has t h a t in giving advice about sources of crystallographic
t h r e e chapters devoted to the Laue method, the powder information there is mention of Strulcturbericht b u t not
m e t h o d a n d diffractometer measurements, the last in- of Structure Reports, a n d of Wyckoff's Structure of Crys-
cluding a readable account of the use of proportional, tals b u t not of his more recent Crystal Structures.
Geiger a n d scintillation counters.
The remainder of the t e x t contains an account of some Research Laboratories H. P. RooKsBY
applications of X - r a y analysis a n d a m o u n t s to r a t h e r The General Electric Company
more t h a n half t h e book (238 pp.). The applications re- Wembley, England
ferred to are n e a r l y all of metallurgical interest, such as
t h e d e t e r m i n a t i o n of simple structures, precise p a r a m e t e r
m e a s u r e m e n t s a n d t h e i r application to phase-diagram
work. Chemical analysis, q u a n t i t a t i v e a n d qualitative,
is covered in three chapters, in which the use of diffrac-
O r d e r - D i s o r d e r Phenomena. B y E. W. ELCOCK.
tion methods, fluorescent radiation a n d absorption P p . i x + 166 w i t h m a n y figs. L o n d o n : Methuen;
m e a s u r e m e n t s are described. N e w Y o r k : W i l e y . 1956. P r i c e l l s .
The book concludes w i t h a chapter giving a list of t e x t This book, one of Methuen's Monographs on Physical
books, reference books a n d periodicals recommended for
Subjects, gives a n excellent introduction to the difficult
f u r t h e r s t u d y Of the subject, a n d fifteen appendices. E a c h
topic of order-disorder problems. I t consists of five
c h a p t e r concludes w i t h a n u m b e r of problems, t h e an-
chapters. The first gives a general introduction a n d the
swers to some of which are given.
second deals w i t h the several kinds of order p a r a m e t e r s
G. D. PRESTON and their experimental determinations. The principal
University College subject of this volume, however, is to be found in the
Dundee, Scotland
next two chapters, which treat the statistical theory of
ordering of binary alloys. The third chapter follows closely
the presentation, given in Fowler & Guggenheim's,
Statistical Thermodynamics, of two interpenetrating lat-
tices, each of them being entirely or partially occupied
Modern I n s t r u m e n t s in Chemical Analysis. by one of the constituents. In the fourth chapter alloys,
B y FRANK M. BIFFElV a n d WILLIAM SEAMAN. P p . described by four interpenetrating lattices, are discussed.
i x + 3 3 3 w i t h m a n y figs. N e w Y o r k , T o r o n t o , L o n - The title of this chapter is somewhat misleading, as it
d o n : M c G r a w Hill. 1956. P r i c e $ 7.50; 56s.6d. suggests that Chapter 3 is concerned only with stoichio-
metric alloys. The last chapter gives a clear exposition of
This is a book which describes a n u m b e r of physical the problems of ferromagnetism, antiferromagnetism and
m e t h o d s used for, or applied to, chemical analysis. ferrhnagnetism. Most chapters conclude with a summary.
E x a m p l e s of the subjects covered are emission spec- The theoretical investigations in each chapter are
troscopy, flame p h o t o m e t r y , mass spectrometry, polaro- followed by the experLmental evidence, and the discrep-
g r a p h y , potentiometrie analysis, a n d radioactivity. Only ancies between these two are discussed, and, as far as
one of the fourteen chapters deals w i t h X - r a y diffraction possible, explained.
a n d this review is confined to a discussion of t h a t chapter The booklet is also intended for the reader with less
(pp. 31 w i t h 18 figs.). The authors stress t h a t their specialized interests, a n d it m a y stimulate him to m a k e

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