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Andrew Rome

O thru Z

N- Nucleus- an atom’s central core, composed of protons and neutrons

O- Omnivore- a heterotrophic animal that consumes both meat and plant material

P- Parasite- an animal that benefits by living in or on an organism at the expense of the


Q- quantitative character- a heritable feature that varies continuously over a range, rather
than an either-or fashion

R- Ribosome- A cell organelle constructed in the nucleolus and functioning as the site of
protein synthesis in the cytoplasm: consists of r RNA and protein molecules, which make
up two subunits.

S- Speciation- the origin of new species in evolution

T- Transpiration- the evaporation of water from a plant

U- urethra- a tube that releases urine from the body near the vagina in females and
through the penis in males; also serves as exit tube for the reproductive system

V- Valence electron- an electron in the outermost electon shell

W- Wetland- An ecosystem intermediate between an aquatic and terrestrial one. Wetland

soil is permanently saturated with water, or periodically.

X- Xerophyte- a plant that is adapted to an arid climate, such as a cactus

Y- Yeast- small, single cell fungi that inhabit liquid or moist habitats and reproduce
asexually by simple cell division or by the pinching of small buds off a parent cell.

Z- Zero population growth- a period of stability in population size, when the birth and
death rates are equal

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