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Profiles International, inc. - Convenient, web-based assessments that cost-effectivaly solve the most common employee-related challenges Founded in 1991 in Waco, Texas, Profiles International Is represented today by over 100 employees and 750 independent partners in 69 countries. Profiles’ assessment products are available in more than a dazen languages, Profies International's vision is clear and simple: To create and maintain standards for the assessment industry, Profiles, ‘accomalshing ts goals by investing heir growing resources in asearch and developmont of improved products, technology ‘and delivery systems. Profiles’ consistont success is attributed toils focus on meeting the rapidly changing needs of business ‘and government By seeking to understand and to identify the values, differences, and natural gifts of each individual, Profiles has contributed to the measurable growth and success of thousands of business and government clients. Pernaps even more significantly, Profiles has helped millions of individuals enjoy the satisfaction of eareer achievement ‘as they reach higher levels of human potential Proflex?” Tne ProfilexT™ is a multipurpose "Total Person" assessment used for selection, development, training, promotion managing and succession planning. Researched and developed to be job related, this is the tool that provides insights for aflecive human capital resolutions Customer Service Profile” The Customer Service Prafile™ identifies candidates and ‘employees with superior customer service skis and provides fan easy comparison of an individual's perspective with your company’s customized customer service perspective. It is, sed for placement, sel-improvament and coaching. Step One Survey I" By Using the Step One Survey” employers know thal the people they hire are honest, reliable, drug-tree and hard ‘working, This powerful assessment provides information that helps businasses reduce risk and hire people who contribute to success and avoid those whose actions could jeopardize tho business’ future Profiles Team Analysis” Team building is more than putting people together and hoping for the best, The Profiles Team Analysis” reporis the attributes ‘of each team memer, showing team strengths and potential problem areas, Using this dala, teams achieve results far ‘beyond what individuals could accomplish on their own, ‘Tho CheckPoint 360°” is a process used to help managers become more effective. Managers receive leedback from the full citcle of people with whom they interact. The reports ‘explain how to improve training, management techniques and ‘communication for grealer success. Profiles { International 5 imagine a people” Profiles Assessment Tools Quite simply, the most powerful, easy-to-understand, and infinitely customizable business management tools ever created, ‘A universal need exists for businesses to select and retain the best people, With multiple assessment products, ‘managers and supervisors have access to accurate data to ‘make clear, informed decisions. Profiles’ advanced web-based technology allows instant ‘access from anywhere in the world, when and where an applicant or employee has Internet access. Tracking ‘scheduling and analysis of data produce instant reports that ‘are positive, easily understood and culck'y communicated for maximum effectiveness, While each assessment tool has a specific business application, they also combine as an effective system, providing benefits well Beyond hiring for managing, coaching, ‘r0ss-training and succession planning. If your business depends upon people, you can depend on. Profiles International to help you hire, train and retain the best people, CheckPoint SkiliBuilder’ ‘CheckPoint SkilBuilder” provides action follow-up to the CheckPoint feedback system. They consist of Tips and ‘Action Steps for improving managerial performance. This easy-to -use development program is conveniently available fn the Internet, Profiles Porformance Indicator” ‘The Profiles Performance Indicator” measuras key beliavioral factors and their impact an the critically important aspects of success in business, providing information that makes every ‘employee more valuable and productive. The renort nelps you understand how an individual can be understood motivated and managed Profiles Sales Indicator” The Profiles Sales Indicator” is an excellent oo foridentifying people with he attributes for success in selling. By measuring factors such as competitiveness, porsisience, eneray and sales drive, this assessment helos you build a more produetive and stronger sales force. Profiles WorkForce Compatibility” This powerful tool provides valuable Insight into workplace compatibility between a manager and their empioyees. The tool measures and compares seven working characteristics between the manager and employes, ano it provides uidance on how these charactoristics impact their working relationship. Specific recommendations based on these comparisons are recommended to improve employee! manager communication, reduce conflict and increase productivity ‘oes icernana 5205 Lake sore Erve = aco, Tras P60 1732 « 254) 751-T644 pro Alesinerational com One Assessment - One Price - Many Reports ‘Valu sth laonsip between costand benef Whenicomes to assessments, your greatest vain assessment 6 ProfieXT™ This vrsatle rmanagementtooconbines abate of assesses measuing mule facets ofan indus tiv abs, andattes ys awealtiol cecil cocumenedintormatonwihiamyiadof ses To presen infornatian in an ogerized, targeted xml, Profle XTis designed th several diferent reparis.Each repr serves a sped svanagement pupae and adresses parcarhman resources en erganizatioral development need, Profle XT s administered onlyonce, yetany and alofthe Profile XT eps dsc bow canbe pte ato adtonal ost at any ime 247. Placement Report APlcementRpar pus height parsonin ejb. Rvs employers assossment of ob candidates hiking sve, behavioral ais, and cczupationalntrets, ging the caedate'sporentagemtch tothe company’s op performers, The repor also suggests questions inforiowors can ask o help dstermine a candles suitably forthe poston being ied Coaching Report Coaching reports are a manager’ guide to helping the people they manage develop better wor habits. The report has suggestions for improving employee performance near the level ofthe company's op pesformes. Using the repo lo ret he development of employees ‘enables managers to develop tei eadershi abies, Succession Planning Report ‘The Svecession Planing Report provides a glimpse ofthe future. I. ‘compares a person to allo tha jobs in your company and indicates & {good job maich. Now you can prepare employees for greater ‘esponsiiftes by making sure they acquire the skis and experiences nacessary to perform thejobs they wl incoming years. Candidate Matching Report The Candidate Matching Report narrows your search as you seek ofl ‘positon. It oampares te atibutes of several candidates to your Job Match Pattern and, ata glance, shows you which have the highest Job Match Pereniage. Through clserexamiation ofthe op candidates! Placement Repent, youcan easly de‘crmie the best approach take 29 YOU interview ther and progress tothe next sips in your hing process. Job Analysis Report ‘The Job Analysis Repor deserts in grat deal the type of person who ‘has theight qualies and charactoristis to ta paricularob. This reper ‘complemen siandardob description cetling ho si and dues the jb requires. Together, they contain 2 Total Person approach to dscrbing the requirements ofa particular poston Individual Report Anindividual Reports used for personal growth and development. This report describes anindivduals attributes and gives ideas for improving their performance and productvy. ‘You can download allo hese reports rom your Virual Assessment Center as often as desired. They provide the objective data you need tomake important human resources decisions ina imely manner. The Profile XT yes elevantiniormaton unattainable by any other method. Adequate informations always the basis of ood decisions. Profiles International, In. * Profiles Office Park * 5205 Lake Shore Drive Wavo, TX USA 76710 © 254.751.1644 Profiles (International ProfilexT® ProfileXT® is a multi-purpose “Total Person” assessment that is used for selection, development, training, promotion, managing, and succession planning. The ProfileX” is a powerful and dynamic management tool researched, designed, and developed to be job related. This is the tool that addresses a multitude of human capital issues and provides insights for effective resolutions, Measures: ‘The Total Person + Thinking and Reasoning * Behavioral Traits ‘* Occupational Interests Time To Take: Less than 60 minutes No administrator or proctoring required Used For: Placement Promotion Fit Coaching and Self Improvement Succession Planning Job Description Development Customizable: Develops Job Match Patterns by: + Company * Position * Manager * Geography Individual Report Placement Report Succession Planning Report Candidate Matching Report Coaching Report Job Analysis Report Summary Report Graph Report Sales Placement Report Sales Management Report Validation Studies: 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2006 Administration: Internet and/or Paper/Pencil Scoring: Internet ‘Cony © 2908 Prin tan S205 Lake Shwe De Wao, T7870 +254 7511088 208 ° Profiles \ International imagine great people? ProfileXT CONFIDENTIAL PLACEMENT REPORT Friday, January 04, 2008 Sally Sample DEMONSTRATION PATTERN - not for actual use This Sample Report provided by Profiles International, Inc. Profiles Office Park 5205 Lake Shore Drive Waco, Texas, USA 76710 254-751-1644 rm a a es ronnie Introduction his report provides information about Sally Sample, presented in a manner to help you judge her match with a selected position in your organization. Every employable person will match some positions better than other types of work. This report reflects the responses provided by Sally Sample when she completed the Profile XT assessment, Results are illustrated on a scale fiom 1 to 10. The darker area on the seale represents the “Job Match” target. The enlarged segment of the scale shows where Sally scored. If the enlarged segment is dark, Sally is in the “Job Match” pattern; if it is light, she is not. Information about Sally is reported in these five categories: * Profile for Thinking Style — Learning Index, Verbal Skill, Verbal Reasoning, Numerical Ability, and Numeric Reasoning. * Profile for Behavioral Traits — Energy Level, Assertiveness, Sociability Manageability, Attitude, Decisiveness, Accommodating, Independence, and Objective Judgment. + Profile for Interests — Enterprising, Financial/Administrative, People ce, Creative, Technical, and Mechanical. © The Total Person — Additional information regarding Sally and the significance of her scores, «Interview Questions — Suggested interview questions for acquiring additional information that could be helpful in judging suitability for this, position. Please consult the User's Guide for additional information on using these results in working, with Sally, Copyright© 2008 Prot Inlomational, Inc. Protas Oca Park +5205 Lake Shore Drive « Waco, TX 78710 «254.751 1684 1 Placement Report Salty Sample Profile for Thinking Style ‘The Darker shading represents the Job Match Pattern for this position. The Larger box indicates this individual’s score, problem sav 81% match with Thinking Style Pattern for this position Sally Sample has a 74% overall match for this position, Copyright ©2008 Profiles Intarnatonal, nc. «Prfles Office Park + $205 Lake Shore Driv + Waco, IX 7710 + 256.754 1644 2 Placement Report Sally Sample 61% Behavioral Traits Pattern match for this position. Sally Sample has a 74% overall match for this position. Profile for Behavioral Traits ‘The Distortion Scale Score on this assessment is 9. The Distortion Scale deals with how candid and frank the respondent was while taking this assessment. The range for his scale is 1 to 10, with higher Scores suggesting greater candor. Copyright © 2008 Proftes Intemational, Inc. + Profiles Office Park + $205 Lake Shore Dive - Waco, IX76710 + 254.751.1844 3 Placement Report Sally Sample Profile for Interests For the Job Match Pattern under consideration, the top three interests in descending order a Enterprising, Financial Admin and People Service. The other three interests have no impact on this position. The top three interests for Sally in descending order are: Enterprising, People Service and Creative. Ms. Sample shares two of these interest areas: Enterpri People Service Top three Interests for this position Interests not relevant to this Position (Creative —Incicatad inorostin acwubas ; Using imagination, creativity and orginal J Icons. Mechanical — Indicate interest n werking with fools, equipment and machinery, ‘When the top three interests are in common, the Job Match Percentage is greater than if, there are fewer than three in common. Sally Sample has an 86% match with the Interest Pattern for this position. Sally Sample has an overall match of 74% for this position. (Copyright® 2008 Protesinemational, Inc + Protas Offee Park= 5208 Lake Shore Dive = Waco, TX 76710 «254.751.1044 4 Placement Report Sally Sample f The Total Person This part of the report discusses the results for Sally Sample on each of the scales in all three sections. The reported scores relate to the working population in general, and not to any specific Job Match Pattern. Job Pattern 4-7 Score 6 ‘She is generally adaptive in the intellectual sense. «Sally's overall learning index is good; she suggests a good potential to understand of the requirements of a new job, © Upon completing « new training program, Ms. Sample should pick up new concepts e + Overall, Ms. Sample may be expected to complete a typical training program with adequate success Job Pattern 5-7 Score 3 © With training and experience, Ms. Sample should be able to more quickly and accurately carry out communications as they apply to the job. * Sally may initially need extra time in analyzing verbal and written information. * She demonstrates a level of verbal skill slightly below that of some people in the general population, * Ms. Sample may not have had much recent opportunity to use verbal analysis and communication in work. Copyright© 2008 ProfiesInternatena, Ine. «Profiles Office Park «S205 Lako Shore Drive « Waco, TX 76710 254.751.1644 5 Placement Report Sally Sample Job Pattern 5-7 Score 5 * Sally would not be expected to have any diffi communicating thoughts and ideas to others. lty in effectively © She demonstrates adequate and, in some areas, good verbal skill; certain areas and complexities will need training. © Ms. Sample is proficient in the use of words and language. * Ms, Sample probably will assimilate information with success commensurate with the general population, Job Pattern 4-7 Score 5 © Ms, Sample should be capable of learning to apply basic mathematical principles to new, more complex problems as necessary. * She needs assistance with complex mathematics or technical calculations, ‘+ Ms, Sample should be able to grasp simple mathematical principals that apply to the job, + Sally is comfortable analyzing basic numerical material and performing some mathematical functions without relying on a calculator, Copyright © 2008 Proftes Internationa, Inc. + Profiles Office Park» $205 Lake Shoo Drive + Waco, TX70710 + 258.751.1644 6 Placement Report Sally Sample Job Pattern 3-6 Score 7 ‘+ Ms. Sample demonstrates a relatively strong ability to solve problems of a numerical nature. ‘+ She completes numerical problems with greater success than the general population. ‘+ Ms, Sample works well with numbers and numerical concepts. ‘+ Sally grasps numerical concepts readily. Job Pattern 4-6 Score 7 © Ms. Sample's work pace is comps consistent results. le with average performanee and © Sally's typical work pace should be consistently productive. © She can act with a sense of urgency, even under pressure. ‘* Ms, Sample can be relied on to complete assignments in a timely manner. Job Pattern 5-7 Score 8 + She has a strong need to make decisions, to determine outcomes. ‘+ Ms. Sample has a strong need to be in charge, to be the leader. + Sally is highly motivated by situations in which she is held accountable for results. She is strongly motivated by power and authority. © Ms, Sample can make decisions, enforce company policies and act with authority. She is guite capable of making unpopular decisions when necessary Copyright© 2008 Protos international, Ine. Pofies Ofiee Park +5205 Lake Shore Drive - Waco, TX 76710 + 254.751.1644 7 Placement Report Sally Sample Job Pattern 4-7 Score 4 ‘+ Sally's sociability is moderately compatible with establishing a network of contacts, + Ms, Sample is moderately motivated by assignments that require people contact. * She expresses limited enjoyment of public contact work, Ms. Sample prefers direct and to the point communication and may avoid spending time on small talk and social amenities, ‘allow Job Pattern 6-9 Score 6 ‘+ Ms. Sample is typically willing to accept guidance and suggestions from others. ‘+ Ms, Sample is friendly, accommodating and should be fairly easy to manage ‘+ She should be willing to conform to company policies without feeling any loss of personal freedom, + Sally demonstrates a moderately positive attitude conceming organizational constraints and restrictions. Job Pattern 6-8 Score 3 + Ms. Sample is inclined to take a negative position, to become critical of self and others, # She is inclined to become suspicious of risk and change. + Ms. Sample is slow to show a positive attitude regarding risk, change and unexpected challenges, + Sally is slow to show a positive attitude regarding changes in policies and guidelines, Copyright © 2008 Protas infomation, Ine. » Profiles fice Park» 5705 Lake Shore Dave = Waco, TX 76710 +254 751.1644 8 Placement Report Sally Sample “nfermaton tom icy a ee 7 2 10 Job Pattern 3-6 Score 8 * Ms. Sample is decisive and quick to act. She is likely to enjoy positions which require immediate action, © She is inclined to take decisive action, to move decisions forward. ‘+ Sally is capable of responding to an emergency and resolving problems. ‘+ Ms, Sample can stand firm on decisions and may not be inclined to back down once a decision is made. Job Pattern 5-8 Score 5 ‘+ Ms, Sample tends to use a positive, informal approach. She will generally demonstrate a willingness to listen. © She tends to be agreeable, cooperative, good-natured, Sally is fairly easy to please. * Sally can be slower than others to avoid arguments, disagreements and/or conflict, ‘Ms. Sample can become defensive whenever someone tries to take advantage of her. Copyright ©2008 Profles International, Inc. + Profles Office Park » 5205 Lake Shore Dive +s Waco, TX7O710 + 264.751.1644 9 Placement Report Sally Sample Job Pattern 2-5 Score 8 ‘+ Ms, Sample takes on new developments independently, bringing in co- workers only when absolutely necessary ‘+ She is highly independent, possibly requiring firm supervision and clearly defined guidelines. ‘* Sally is an independent worker who prefers minimal guidance and coaching. ‘+ Ms. Sample prefers to run her own show and will quietly fight being restricted. She can become impatient with the traditionalist view that "we've been doing this for the last ten years, so why should we change?” Job Pattern 3-6 Score 2 ‘+ Ms. Sample’s judgment has a strong tendency to become subjective when pressured. Ms, Sample's judgment is not compatible with critical independent decision making responsibilities. ‘+ Ms, Sample’s thinking can be effective until she allows personal biases and opinions to replace sound judgment. ‘© Ms, Sample has a tendency to be a subjective thinker, to over emphasize personal opinions more than factual data, Copyright© 2008 Profiles Inlamationa, ne Profiles Ofice Park» 5205 Lake Shoce Dive » Waco, TX 76710 +-254.751.1044 10 Placement Report Sully Sample Occupational Interests The Interest section assesses the relative interests between the six interest areas. The top three interests for Ms. Sample are shown here, along with the top three interests for this position, Note that Sally shares TWO top interests with the requirements of this pos TOP THREE areas of interest for this position, TOP THREE areas of interest for Sally Sample. Indicated interectin actives _assocoted wth persuading ‘trers as well as presenting Plans and concepts, Incicatd intrest in activities _ssorlated wih perauading ‘thers ane presenting plans ano joncopt Indicate ingorostn actries uch as hebing pavgle and promoting the wear of thors Indica intereet in actos such as erganizng information lrbusiness procedures. Indicate interest in actives Such as helping people and romating the wofare of thers Incicatd ietorest in actos lsing imagination, cesta and conga eas, Ms. Sample scored highest in the Enterprising, People Service, and Creative themes on the inventory. She is attracted to positions in which she can use her creative side in a business environment that allows for a high degree of contact with people, She appears to be drawn toward opportunities to solve problems in an innovative way. The chance to serve the needs of customers and the public in general also relates to this interest pattern, With Enterprising as her primary area of interest, Ms. Sample is likely to seek out activities that involve entrepreneurial pursuits and leadership. Her focus, above all other areas of interest, lies in pursuing objectives in the lively world of business. These kinds of activities motivate her most effectively, Secondly, she is motivated by the interaction with others that comes with service to an interpersonal cause as demonstrated by her interest in People Service activities. Helping others or providing them with services may help to energize her in what she does at work. Finally, her interest in Creative activities rounds out her profile of interests. It promotes a concentration in creative expression, trying novel approaches and appreciating the process of innovation, Although this interest area is not as erucial to overall job satisfaction as her stronger interests, it does play a role. Notic [As dlscussad in the User's Guide for this product this ob pattem approach to matching indiAduals o a positon provides information Of great value and should be an important part ofthe placement decison. However, the user Is reminded thatthe results fom any teat should never make up more than athe of te final decison Copyright © 2008 Profiles Intomatonal, nc, + Proflos Office Park » 5205 Lake Shore Drive + Waco, TXTA710 = 284.751.1644 n Placement Report Sally Sample Interview Questions Sally Sample scored outside the position match pattern in the following areas. When interviewing Sally Sample, you should consider the following information: THINKING Job Pattern 5-7 Score 3 ‘On the Verbal Skill scale Ms. Sample is below the designated Profile for this Job Match Pattern. This suggests that her ability to use a thorough vocabulary is less than the position typically requires and that she could have a problem with communicating ideas and concepis. Discussions. with her should explore the possibility that for Ms. Sample, the position may be overly challenging and could lead to frustration and a reduction in her level of performance. * Some people read well but don't always remember what they have read. Do ‘you ever experience this type of situation? How do you deal with it? + Have you ever had someone become upset because you needed instructions repeated? How have you dealt with such a situation? © How often do you read instructions or memos and have difficulty understanding what they mean? Give some examples. Copyright © 2008 Profiles Intemational, ne. + Profles Office Park » 5205 Lake Shoe Drive * Waco, TX 76710 + 264.751.1644 12 Placement Report Sally Sample Job Pattern 3-6 Score 7 On the Numerical Reasoning scale Ms, Sample is above the job profile for this position. This suggests that her ability to analyze data as part of the decision making process is greater than the position typically requires and that she may not be sufficiently challenged to maintain her interest and/or level of performance. * Describe your methods for expressing complex numerical concepts to those with less training; how frustrating can this be for you? ‘* When discussing trends, production values or finances do you seem to understand the conclusions more quickly than the other people involved? Describe a situation when this happened. + Have you ever drawn conclusions based on numbers, graphs or figures that ‘were quite obvious to you, but others had a hard time following? Describe ‘an example. + When making budgetary decisions, can you rapidly see where resources can be reallocated or redistributed? Copyright © 2008 Profies Intemational, nc. « Profles Office Park 5205 Lake Shore Drive * Waco, TX T8710 254.754.1644 1B Placement Report Sally Sample BEHAVIORAL TRAITS endurar “ S 3 a Ate Job Pattern 4-6 Score 7 On the Energy Level seale Ms, Sample is above the designated Profile for this Job Match Pattern, This suggests that her drive and enthusiasm is greater than the position typically requires. Discussions with her should explore the possibility the position may not be sulfliciently challenging to maintain her interest and/or level of performance. © Hard work is necessary in order to achieve. Tell me about a time when you had to work very hard to reach your goals and be specific about what you achieved, * Tell me about a time when you were able to provide your own motivation to produce even though you were working alone. How did you manage to ‘motivate yourself? ‘© Describe for me a situation you have experienced in which you successfully ‘motivated others to accomplish more work for a deadline. * Tell me about a time in your background when you were a driving, motivated worker. CCopytight © 2008 ProfiesIniemational, Ine» Profiles Olce Park + 5205 Lake Shove Dive - Waco, TX 76710 + 254.751.1644 14 Placement Report Sally Sample 0 Job Pattern 5-7 Score 8 Ms. Sample scored above the Profile for this position in the Assertiveness scale. She may find the environment of this position challenging in the area of how much control is appropriately exerted over others. While talking with her, determine her ability to practice greater diplomacy in her interpersonal relations. © Give me an example of a time when you confronted a negative attitude successfully, which resulted in building teamwork and morale. ‘+ Tell me about a situation when you had to "stand up" for a decision you made even though it made you unpopular. * Tell me about a time when you were successful in challenging others’ ideas. ‘What does this say about your ability to be assertive? ‘+ Describe a time when you communicated something unpleasant or difficult to say to your manager. How did you assert yourself? Job Pattern 6-8 Score 3 ‘On the Attitude scale Ms. Sample is below the designated job profile for this position. This suggests that her general response to others will be pessimistic compared to the most successful individuals in this position. Discussions with her should explore the possibility that for Ms. Sample, the position may be overly challenging and could lead to frustration and a reduction in her level of performance, ‘+ Describe for me a specific time when your attitude had an effect on a customer or client. * Describe the last time you experienced a big change in the workplace, like a new set of regulations, for example. How did you feel about those changes? + What role have you played in the recent past in which your team was unmotivated and how did you resolve the problem? © Tell me about a high stress situation when it was desirable for you to keep a positive attitude, What happened? [Copyright © 2008 Proties Intemational, Inc. » Profles Oleg Park +8206 Lake Shore Drive + Waca, TX 76/10 «254.751.1624 15 Placement Report Sally Sample Job Pattern 3-6 Score 8 On the Decisiveness scale, Ms. Sample is above the designated Job Match Pattern for this position. This suggests that she may act without a thorough understanding of the related details. Discussions with her should determine the extent of her spontaneity in decision-making, and consider if her effectiveness could be enhanced by more deliberation. © When a surprise or unforeseen crisis occurs at work, what is your typical plan of action? * Describe a situation in which you had to take immediate action in a crisis involving human life or severe financial consequences, ‘* What was the toughest work related decision you ever had to make? What were the circumstances involved and the consequences afterward? Many situations at work will require fast thinking and speed in making decisions. Give me an example of a situation in which you were especially skillful in making a decision quickly. Job Pattern 2-5 Score 8 On the Independence scale Ms. Sample is above the designated job profile for this position. This suggests that her self-reliance is greater than the position typically requires and that she may become frustrated by the level of supervisory attention typical of this position. Discussions with her should explore the possibility the position may be to challenging to maintain her motivation and/or level of performance. © Creative persons seem to offer fresh insights. Give me an example of a time when one of your insights was particularly well received by others. © Describe a situation in your experience when you required more breathing, f00m (less supervision than was offered) to accomplish your work. * Describe your preferences concerning supervision of your work and explain the ideal situation that produces the best work you can do. Just about anybody can give a routine, standard answer to common problems; however, the payoff is often in the development of unique solutions to common problems. Give me an example of one of your unique and novel problem solutions. Copyright © 2008 Profles Intemational, Ine, + Profls Office Park» 20 Lake Shore Dre + Waco, TX 76710 254 751 1644 16 Placement Report Sally Sample Job Pattern 3-6 Score 2 On the Judgment scale Ms. Sample is below the designated job profile for this position. This suggests that her decision-making process is less objective than the position typically requires and that she could have a problem with the pragmatic nature of the job. Discussions with her should explore the possibility that for Ms, Sample, the position may be overly challenging and could Iead to frustration and a reduction in her level of performance ‘+ What sources of information do you typically use in reaching a decision at work? * Describe a high-pressure situation you had to handle at work. Tell me what happened, who was involved and what you did in terms of problem solving. + Describe the process involved when you have to make a decision under pressure. * ILis often important to use a common sense approach in making a decision Tell me about a time when your common sens¢ paid off for you, Copyright © 2008 Protes Intemational, Inc. + Profles Office Park» 5208 Lake Share Dive « aoa, IX T6710 254.751.1644 7 Placement Report Salty Sample OCCUPATIONAL INTERESTS Administrative duties are commonly of interest to those who match the Interest Patter for this position, However, it seems that the tasks associated with the Financial/Administrative theme as well as other kinds of activities may not motivate Ms. Sample. ‘+ Ifyou work for extended lengths of time on detailed paperwork, how do you maintain your focus for the task at hand? © How do you feel about work that requires lots of administrative details? + How do you encourage yourself to keep interested when working with numbers and data, especially in a records-keeping role? © What is most frustrating for you about doing paperwork or keeping records organized? (Copytight® 2008 ProftesIntorationa, nc. Pofles Oflee Park + 5208 Lake Shota Onva - Waco, TX 76710 +958 751.1644 18 ¢ Profiles \ International imagine great people? ProfilexT ™ CONFIDENTIAL SUCCESSION PLANNING REPORT Friday, January 04, 2008, Sally Sample This Sample Report provided by: Profiles International, Inc, Profiles Office Park 5205 Lake Shore Drive Waco, Texas, USA 76710 254-751-1644 Succession Planning Report Sally Sample Succession Planning Career pathing or succession planning is important to employee satisfaction as well as to positive organizational growth. Knowing where people may fit in the future can also help you design your training for them. Your company has developed customized Job Match Patterns for several positions in the organization. This list shows how Sally Sample matches the Job Match Patterns for these different positions. The overall percent match reflects her Thinking Style, Occupational Interests and Behavioral Traits combined. You should select appropriate positions from the Job Match Patterns listed here and generate reports for Sally that are specific to those positions. These reports will provide very detailed information about Sally to include coaching comments, interviewing ideas for succession planning. Please note this report does not measure or consider the candidate's education, training, or experience; nor does it indicate job skill requirements. Position Mechanical Engineer Personal Computer Specialist... Network Specialist. Programmer... Electrician... Communications Tech Help Desk Manager AGCOUNEANE oo rosnr Data Entry Clerk... Executive Assistant. Administrative Assistant Accounting Clerk Purchasing Agent. Marketing Agent Sales Rep. Maintenance Worker NOTIC! As discussed in the User's Guide for this product, this job pattern approach to matching individuals to a position provides information of great value and should be an important part of the placement decision. However, the user is reminded that the results from any test should never make up more than a third of the final decision Copyright © 2008 Profiesinteratona, no, + Prefles Office Park » 5208 Lake Shore Drive « Waco, TX T6710 = 254.751.1644 Profiles (International Step One Survey II* ‘Step One Survey I is the hiring tool that empowers hiring executives by providing essential information about job candidates’ honesty, reliability, substance abuse, and work ethic. Using a structured interview procass and an altitude assessment, the survey helps employers protect the ‘company's assets against theft, fraud, embezzlement, inefficiency, and other debilitating factors, Provides: Information about a candidate's: Past employment Employment-related problems Illegal substance use Theft of an employer's money, property, data, etc + Computer/Internet/Email abuse Measures: Attitudes regarding = Personal integrity = Substance abuse + Reliability = Work Ethic Time to Take: 20 minutes Used for: Reducing employee theft and fraud Reducing loss of confidential information, trade secrets, and computer data Reducing drug testing costs Reducing absenteeism and tardiness Reducing lost time due to unauthorized computer, Internet, and email usage Selecting honest, hard working employees who show up for work Validation Studies: 1996 - 2007 Reports: Part 1 - Results of direct admission questions Part 2 - Results of inferential questioning/attitudes Internet and/or Paper/Pencil Internet ‘Copyign 2008 Protis Wernatnal «5208 Lake Show ive Wao, TX 70710 + 254.751.1644 208 Step One Survey II CONFIDENTIAL INTERVIEW REPORT Thursday, December 20, 2007 Tom Trouble This Sample Report provided by: Profiles International, Inc. Profiles Office Park 5205 Lake Shore Drive Waco, Texas, USA 76710 254-751-1644 International Profiles Confidential Report Tom Trouble NOTICE REGARDING THIS REPORT The results from this assessment should not be used as the sole determination whether to hire or not hire this individual. One must review previous work experience, the skills required by the job as well as personal references. When the safety of others must be considered, a background check, a drug screening and a physical from a medical doctor should all be considered. This assessment does not measure violent tendencies, psychotic conditions, sexual deviance or political opinions and cannot be used in identifying these conditions or to predict any associated behaviors. Please consult the User's Guide for additional instruction on using these results. Copyright © 2008 - Profs Intemational, lnc. « Profiles ice Park» 5205 Lake Shore Drive « Waco, TX 76710 « 254-761-1644 1 Confidential Report Tom Trouble THE INTERVIEWING REPORT The Step One Survey Il Report contributes information for your consideration while making an employment decision regarding Mr. Trouble. PART ONE Quick Check — This section answers five questions about Mr. Trouble: 1.What is his employment status? 2.When can Mr. Trouble start? 3. What days/hours is he available to work? 4.What is his most recent salary? 5.Has he supervised others at work? Section |— Inconsistent Responses— Noted inconsistency between two or more responses, Section Il - Employment Profile — Essential information regarding his employment history with possible follow-up interview questions Section Ill -Theft — A summary of self-admissions regarding theft of money, property, data andfor time Section IV - Illegal Substance Abuse — Personal admissions regarding the personal use and/or distribution of illegal and/or regulated substances Section V — Criminal Convictions — Personal admissions regarding criminal convictions, if any PART TWO Section !— Applicant's attitudes regarding Integrity, Substance Abuse, Reliability, and Work Ethic along with descriptions of the factors being measured ‘Structured interview questions that relate to specific issues raised by the applicant's responses are provided here for the interviewer Section Il — Graph ~ A visual summary of the applicant's results Copyright© 2008 ProtiesInlorational, Inc + Profiles Ofice Park» 5205 Lake Shore Drive = Waco, TX 76710 + 254.751.1644 2. Confidential Report Tom Trouble PART ONE Quick Check 1. Mr. Trouble is currently employed. 2. Mr. Trouble is available to begin employment today. 3. Mr. Trouble is available to work full-time. 4, His most recent monthly salary was $3,501 - $5,000. 5. He supervised others at work more than one time. Section | - Inconsistent Responses The following pairs of statements suggest an inconsistency in his responses (shown in parentheses). Please review each pair for possible discussion in the interview. © Are you currently employed? (Yes) © When would you be available to start to work with us? (Today) * Why did you leave your most recent job or plan to leave your current job? (Got fired) ‘¢ Have you ever been fired or quit a job to avoid being fired? (No) © Why did you leave your most recent job or plan to leave your current job? (Got fired) ‘* When was the most recent time you were fired or quit to avoid being fired? (| have never been fired or quit to avoid being fired) ‘* Have you ever had a problem working for a supervisor? (More than one time) ‘¢ How would you describe the relationship you have with your supervisor in your current, or last, job? (Fair) ‘© When was the most recent time you used any illegal drugs while at work? (Between 1 and 3 years ago) ‘¢ How many times have you used any illegal drugs while at work? (I have never used any illegal drugs while at work) © How many times at work have you sold or given any illegal drugs to any of your co- workers? (I have never sold or given any illegal drugs to any of my co-workers) Copyright © 2008 ProfiesIntomational, nc. Profles Office Park + 6206 Lake Shore Drive» Waco, TX 76710 + 258.751.1644 3 Confidential Report Tom Trouble The small amount of illegal drugs you sold or gave to your co-workers was not enough to hurt their performance. (I agree) How many times have you taken (stolen) money from your employers? (I have never taken (stolen) money from any of my employers) You have taken money from your employer without anyone knowing it, but you always put it back later. (Once) How many times have you taken (stolen) equipment, materials, parts, supplies, etc. from your employer? (I have never taken (stolen) equipment, materials, parts, supplies, etc. from any of my employers) The things you have taken (stolen) from any of your employers were not important enough to hurt their business. (I agree) The small amount of illegal drugs you sold or gave to your co-workers was not ‘enough to hurt their performance. (| agree) When was the most recent time you sold or gave any illegal drugs to any of your co- workers at work? (I have never sold or given any illegal drugs to any of my co- workers) What is the estimated value of equipment, materials, parts, supplies, etc. you have taken (stolen) from all the companies you have worked? (I have never taken (stolen) equipment, materials, parts, supplies, etc. from any of my employers) The things you have taken (stolen) from any of your employers were not important enough to hurt their business. (I agree) ‘When was the most recent time you took (stole) money from any of your employers? (I have never taken (stolen) any money from any of my employers) You have taken money from your employer without anyone knowing it, but you always put it back later. (Once) How many times have you used any illegal drugs while at work? (I have never used any illegal drugs while at work) The illegal drugs you have used at work were not enough to hurt your performance. (I agree) CCopytight © 2006 Profies Inlemational, ne » Profiles Ofce Park» 5205 Lake Shove Dive » Waco, TX 76710 + 254.751.1644 4 Confidential Report Tom Trouble ‘* When was the most recent time you took (stole) any equipment, material, parts, supplies, etc. from any of your employers? (I have never taken (stolen) equipment, materials, parts, supplies, etc. from any of my employers) © The things you have taken (stolen) from any of your employers were not important enough to hurt their business. (/ agree) Section Il - Employment Profile Some representative statements made by Mr. Trouble are shown with the questions for the interview. ‘© Mr. Trouble indicates quitting a job without giving notice one time. Interview Question: What motivated you to quit your job in the past? © Mr. Trouble states that he has had a problem working for a supervisor more than one time. Interview Question: Your past problems with supervisors could be easier for me to understand if you describe the common issues of the problems, if any. What tends to cause these problems, from your perspective? Mr. Trouble states that he has had a problem with a co-worker one time. Interview Question: Describe the situation you had in the past conceming a problem with a co-worker. © Mr. Trouble reports that his primary motivation for changing jobs in the past has been ‘opportunity for promotion. Interview Question: What does “an acceptable opportunity for promotion" mean to you? How has this been lacking where you worked in the past? © Mr. Trouble reports that the relationship with his current or last supervisor was fair. Interview Question: If the relationship with your current or last supervisor was only fair, what prevented it from being better? © Tom indicates filing a medical claim even though he wasn't sick or injured one time. Interview Question: What reasons did you have at the time for once claiming medical issues even though you were not actually sick or injured? What justifies that | action, from your perspective? Copyright ©2008 ProftesIntrnationa, nc. « Proflas Office Park » $205 Lake Shore Drive + Waco, TX 7710 +254.751.1644 Confidential Report Tom Trouble Termination This information wes supplied by Mr. Trouble concerning previous terminations. Mr. Trouble reports that he left or is planning to leave his last job because he got fired. Interview Question: Describe for me the details involved with your being fired from your most recent job. © Mr. Trouble reports that he has never been fired or quit to avoid being fired Interview Question: Can you attribute any specific personal qualities to the fact that you have never been fired (or had to quit to avoid being fired)? Section Ill - Theft Theft of Money © Mr. Trouble states that he is not sure if he has taken (stolen) any money from any of his employers. Interview Question: You mentioned that you are unsure whether you have ever taken (stolen) money from any of your employers. Could you explain what you mean by “unsure” or otherwise specify any past experiences about this issue? © Even though he put it back later, Mr. Trouble reports that he has taken money from an employer without anyone knowing it once. Interview Question: What sort of responsibility do we have when an employer's money is readily available for stealing and no one is likely to know about it? Theft of Property ‘* Mr. Trouble reports that he has never taken (stolen) equipment, etc. from his employers Interview Question: Would you say theft in the workplace happens often and why? © Tom states that the things he has taken (stolen) from any employer was not important enough to hurt their business. Interview Question: How would you define “important” materials and property as it pertains to your statement that things you have taken from employers were not particularly significant? What sorts of things were these? Copyright © 2008 PrafesInlomationa, no. «Profle Office Park» $208 Lake Shore Orie = Waco, TX T6710 + 258.751.1644 6 Confidential Report Tom Trouble Theft of Data or Time When reviewing this section of the survey with the applicant, this is an opportunity to share your company's policy conceming the use of confidential computerized information, Internet usage and other computer-related issues. © Mr. Trouble reports that on more than one occasion, he had access to confidential computerized business information at work. No interview question provided. ‘* Tom reports that he did something with confidential information that was clearly in violation of a company policy one time. Interview Question: Describe your violation of company policy concerning the use of confidential computerized business information. * Mr. Trouble reports that he violated company policy concerning the use of confidential computerized business information but is unsure how long ago. Interview Question: What consequences occurred because of your violation of company policy concerning the use of confidential computerized business information? © Tom states that he made personal use of a company's computer to access the Intemet for reasons other than business more than one time. Interview Question: Has your usage of company time and computer access to browse the Internet for personal reasons ever created a conflict for you at work? If 80, please tell me about it * Tom indicates that he's not really sure when the last time was that he made personal use of a company's computer to access the Intenet. Interview Question: What was the policy of your former employer concerning personal use of the Internet while at work? Section IV — Illegal Substance Abuse Personal Use ‘© Mr. Trouble indicates that the most recent time he used illegal drugs while at work was between 1 and 3 years ago. Interview Question: As a consequence, if any, of using illegal drugs at work, did you seek employer-sponsored therapeutic aid and if so, what has that done for you? * Tom indicates that he currently uses illegal drugs on the weekends, Interview Question: Your admittance that you currently use illegal drugs on weekends deserves further clarification. Please explain. Copyright © 2008 Protes international, nc. « Profiles Ofice Park +5205 Lake Shore Dive + Waco, TX 76710 254,751, 1644 7 Confidential Report Tom Trouble ‘¢ Mr. Trouble reports that within the last three years, he has not failed a drug test. No interview question provided. © Mr. Trouble reports that he would agree to submit to a drug test ifit were company policy. Interview Question: How many drug tests have you taken at an employer's request and what results were derived? © Mr. Trouble reports that he has never used illegal drugs at work. No interview question provided. © Mr. Trouble reports that his use of illegal drugs at work did not hurt his performance. Interview Question: You have stated that your drug use at work did not hurt your performance. How do you know this? Distribution Mr. Trouble reports that he has never sold or given illegal drugs to co-workers No interview question provided. © Mr, Trouble agrees that the small amount of illegal drugs he sold or gave co-workers was not enough to hurt their performance. Interview Question: You state that drugs you gave to co-workers did not hurt their performance, but how did you come fo that conclusion? What about safety, efficiency or even just following company policies? Section V — Criminal Convictions ¢ Mr. Trouble reports that in the last 5 years, he has not been convicted of any crime that has not been completely stricken by the court. No interview question provided. Copyright @ 2008 Proftes Intemational, Inc. « Profls Office Park» S205 Lake Shore Drive + Waco, TX 76740 + 254.751.1644 8 Confidential Report Tom Trouble PART TWO APPLICANT’S ATTITUDES INTRODUCTION This report provides information on the four Attitude Scales (Integrity, Substance Abuse, Reliability and Work Ethic). Each attitude is represented by a graph. The paragraph below each graph describes the applicant's attitude. SECTION | - Attitude Scores Integrity — Adherence to moral and ethical principles acceptable in the workplace. Tom appears quite lenient conceming fraudulence on the job, especially as it concems the ownership of property and assets of a company. ‘Substance Abuse — Altitudes toward substance abuse in the workplace. 4 Generally prudent conceming the abuse of illegal substances in the workplace, Tom nonetheless tolerant depending on the situation. Reliability — Attitudes concerning following procedures, dealing with authority figures and working positively with others in the workplace. 6 Generally, Tom expresses trust and a willingness to get along with others. However, itis evident that higher levels of confidence in the motives of others may be more difficult for him to develop. Copyright @ 2008 Profiles inlemationa, Inc » Profiles Ofce Park» 5205 Lake Shore Dive + Waco, TX 76710 +254 751.1684 9 Confidential Report Tom Trouble Work Ethic — Belief in the value of work and appropriate supervisory relationships in the workplace. A casual attitude is expressed by Tom concerning what others should expect of him at work. Interview Questions The following interview questions are presented for your consideration as you interview Mr. Trouble. Note that the “Critical Issue” statements are written (0 the interviewer and should not be asked of the applicant. Critical Issue: Does the applicant possess an overly careless attitude about rules or procedures concerning company property? Applicant's Response to: Taking something from your company with the good intention of paying for it later is not the same as stealing. (Mr. Trouble agrees) Interview Questions: What's the difference between stealing and taking company propetty that you pay for later? © Would you say that your opinion about this is somewhat speculative, or have you done something like this yourself, even though you had an excuse? © Would you say that some rules concerning taking company property (even if you DO pay for it later) are too strict? Why? Critical Issue: Does the applicant tend to equivocate about stealing in order to hide an unacceptable behavior? Applicant's Response to: There are some circumstances that justify taking money or merchandise without permission from your employer. (Mr. Trouble agrees) Interview Questions: ¢ What circumstances would you say justify the taking of money or merchandise? «What makes these circumstances different? What makes them appropriate? Is your perspective on this issue purely hypothetical, or has there been a time in which you acted upon these circumstances yourself? Copyright® 2008 ProfiesInlemationa, Ic Profiles fice Park» 5206 Lake Shore Drive = Waco, TX 76710 + 254.751.1644 10 Confidential Report Tom Trouble Critical Issue: Is working while under the influence of illegal drugs a behavior that the applicant is likely to do? Applicant's Response to: There is nothing wrong with using illegal drugs on the job if it helps you to relax and do a better job. (Mr. Trouble agrees) Interview Questions: You seem to feel that some people may have their own reasons to use illegal drugs while on the job. Have you ever done so yourself? You have stated that some illegal drugs can improve job performance. Can you explain more about this and have you tried this tactic to improve your own performance? * Your statement about using drugs to relax on the job is interesting. Would this be a purely hypothetical point of view, or have you tried this yourself in the past? Critical Issue: |s the applicant referring to himself? Applicant's Response to: Most people try to do the right thing when given a chance. (Mr. Trouble disagrees) Interview Questions: ¢ Why do you believe that most people will not do the right thing when given a chance? * Can you give a specific example that supports this belief? Critical Issue: Is the applicant overly critical, negative and fault finding? Applicant's Response to: | believe | should overlook other people's faults and make an effort to get along with everyone. (Mr. Trouble disagrees) Interview Questions: * Why do you believe you should not overlook other people's faults and make efforts to get along with everyone? © Any particular faults? * Any specific individual or group of people? Critical Issue: Is the applicant justified for feeling this way? Applicant's Response to: So little of what | do is really appreciated by others. (Mr. Trouble agrees) Interview Questions: ‘© Why do you feel that you're not appreciated by others? Can you give a specific example? Is this one time or is this repetitive? © What do you mean by “appreciated?” Copyright © 2008 Protiesiniomaion, no. « Prtles Office Park » 205 Lake Shoe Drve = Wace, TX 78710 + 266.751.1644 Confidential Report Tom Trouble ical Issue: Is the applicant's reason for not always telling the truth reasonable and justified? Applicant's Response to: Everyone should be expected to always tell the truth. (Mr. Trouble disagrees) Interview Questions: ¢ When is it okay to not always tell the truth? Give a specific example. ¢ Under what circumstances, if any, should you always tell the truth? * Under what circumstances, if any, should you never tell the truth? Critical Issue: Is the applicant going to follow rules? Applicant's Response to: tis okay to get around rules, as long as you don't actually break them. (Mr. Trouble agrees) Interview Questions: © When is it okay to get around rules? * Work related example, what was the rule? How did you get around it? What was the outcome? ‘© When is it not okay to get around the rules? ‘* What is the difference between getting around vs. breaking rules? Critical Issue: Is this tendency going to cause work related problems? Applicant's Response to: It takes a lot to make me angry. (Mr. Trouble disagrees) Interview Questions: ‘* What stands out as the most common reason you sometimes get angry with others? ‘¢ How much is “a lot?" How short is the fuse? © Can you share a recent example or experience, and the consequences? ¢ How is anger expressed, how strong is the reaction? Critical Issue: Could this cause serious problems with the other employees? Applicant's Response to: | prefer to stay out of heated arguments. (Mr. Trouble disagrees) Interview Questions: Why do you like heated arguments? * Any recent examples? © Who was it with? © What was the topic? What was the outcome? Copyright© 2008 Profi Intemational, ne « Pofles Oflce Park + $206 Lake Shera Drive - Waco, TX 76710 + 254 751.1644 12 Confidential Report Tom Trouble SECTION Il - SUMMARY GRAPH The following scores for Mr. Trouble are summarized in this graph. Higher numbers suggest a lower risk factor. Risk Factors Integrity Reliabili DISTORTION FACTOR The Distortion Factor indicates the respondent's frankness while taking this assessment. The range for this scale is 1 to 9, with higher scores suggesting greater candor. The Distortion Factor for this assessment is 8 Copyright © 2008 Profle inlomtional, Inc + Profiles Ofce Park «6206 Lake Shore Drive + Waco, TX 76710 +254,751.1644 13 January 4, 2008 STEP ONE SURVEY Il — QUICK CHECK REPORT Tom Trouble Mr. Trouble is currently employed. Mr. Trouble is available to begin employment today. Mr. Trouble is available to work fulltime, His most recent monthly salary was $3,501 - $5,000. He supervised others at work more than one time. gpere Integrity 3 Tom appears quite lenient concerning theft on the job, especially as it concems the ownership of properly and assets of a company. Substance Abuse 4 ‘Tom generally considers the situation before taking sides concerning on- the-job drug abuse, but may occasionally side with more tolerant attitudes. Reliabil While Mr. Trouble is generally trusting of others, accopting their intentions at face value, dubious claims and assertions may raise doubts for him, Work Ethic 3 ‘While itis possible that the nature of his previous work environments may have accepted a lax allitude conceming his work ethic, tis nonetheless ‘evident that Tom is quite laidback about the details of getting work accomplished. The Distortion Factor for this assessment is 8 Copyright® 2008 -Profies Intemational, inc.» Pofles Office Park « 5205 Lake Shore Orive « Waco, TX 76710 «254-751-1644 Profiles International’ Profiles Performance Indicator™ ‘The Profiles Performance Indicator measures key behavioral factors and their impact on the critically important aspects of success in business, providing information that makes every ‘employee more valuable and productive. The report helps you understand how an individual can be understood, motivated, and managed. Measures: Time To Take: Validation Studies: Reports: Administration: Scoring: ‘A. Behavioral tendencies in the following critical, job-related competencies and provide suggestions for improving performance: Productivity Quality of Work Initiative Teamwork Problem Solving Adapting to Change B. Response to job related stress, frustration and conflict CC, How to motivate the employee D. Whether the employee is internally motivated or will need to be externally motivated Less than 15 minutes 1998, 2001, 2006 Personal Report, for self-improvement Management Report, for supervisor or manager Graphic Summary Internet and/or Paper/Pencil Internet ‘Copyigh ©2008 Pree Itanaional 5205 Lake Store Dev Waco, TX 78710+254751.1044 208 ‘ Profiles {international imagine great people® Profiles Performance Indicator™ CONFIDENTIAL MANAGEMENT REPORT Friday, December 21, 2007 Sally Sample This Sample Report provided by: Profiles International, Inc. rk Waco, Texas, USA 76710 254-751-1644 2 COC raememre dares i Grieg nue ‘ots oe Prk = 20 ke Shoe rv x aT 771472 UA 28478 te after ch owe 1.2008 Poe: naman, Management Report Sally Sample ee pene = 7 | Management Report | | The primary purpose of this Management Report is to provide you with | information concerning the significant behavioral tendencies of Ms. Sample and | | preferred style of performing her job. This information is intended to augment, and not replace, any other sources of work related data. This report will confirm | or clarify your impressions, and alert you to new considerations, regarding her compatibility with the demands of her position. You will also get a good picture of her potential for growth and development within your organization. This report will help you to understand your employees better in all aspects of your work with them. Combined with your knowledge of their work performance, this information can help you better understand any difficulties that an employee might be encountering. It also contains valuable information with respect to training needs. ae 1 ‘Management Report SUMMARY OF PRIMARY BEHAVIORAL TENDENCIES This section of the report summarizes the typical behavioral tendencies of Sally with regard to six critical job-related components. The purpose of this information is to help you to identify and make full use of her strengths, and to help her manage those areas that might be limiting her effectiveness. roductivity * Concerned with immediate results, she emphasizes the basics as opposed to complicated approaches. She challenges others to do their very best. Setting high standards for productivity, she emphasizes getting the job done. ‘She tends to prefer open-ended structure and flexible schedules. Excited about tasks involving group motivation, she will establish a network of, contacts to enhance the group's productivity. ‘Suggestions for improving her effectiveness: Keep an eye on long-term processes in her attempts to get immediate results. Avoid a tendency to set in many directions at once, with a consequent dilution of energy and resources. Recognize the need for solid thinking about implementation with the support necessary to reach challenging goals. Be accountable for seeing that goal setting and follow-through are maintained. Accept the importance of completing work tasks according to priority commitments and deadlines. IL- Quality of Work She is capable of producing timely results; however, she tends to be more results-oriented than quality-oriented. Although she may be committed to quality work, Sally prefers activities in which exactness and attention to detail are not her primary task Sally can be concerned with quality; however, she tends to become bored quickly with detailed work. Protec Pack» 05 Lake Sore ive « Waco, Texas 7670-1732 USA» 254,751.1684 + we profesetaatonlcom 2 Sally Sample ‘Management Report Suggestions for improving her effectiveness: * Become more consistent in attending to critical details. ‘Take the time to work out the steps in a process in writing before beginning a project. * Focus attention on obstacles to achieving quality results and on ways to avoid or eliminate them. * Focus on the overall objective, but attend to the critical details needed to achieve great results. Mini Forward-looking, Sally is comfortable with change and risk. She is capable of expressing a sense of urgency for others to act now. With the loss or reduction of freedom to determine how tasks are accomplished, she might experience frustration. She can generate enthusiasm about a potential goal, Resourceful, Sally will devise ways to accomplish goals, unhindered by traditionalist thinking. Suggestions for improving her effectiveness: Understand that often the established way of doing things is based on solid reason; be aware that sanctions may exist. Try not to force action when there is no need to do so. Always keep focused on the end result that is required, as well as the process involved. Do not over-commit. Be realistic in determining what work can and cannot be completed IV - Teamwork * Direct and demanding, Sally tells people what to do in a forceful, confident manner, * Concerned with the importance of each person's contribution to the attainment of overall objectives, she believes that if everyone does their job individually, the team's success is assured. * Sally can become impatient with the need to coordinate her own efforts with the abilities and objectives of others. © Gregarious, open, talkative, and approachable, she builds a casual team of motivated people easily. « Preferring to communicate in person, she will mix personal talk with business. roas Once Prk «S205 Lake Shore Drive + Wao, Texas 76710-1732 USA 3 Sally Sample ‘Management Report Sally Sample Suggestions for improving her effectiveness: Spend more time explaining her reasoning process, rather than just announcing her conclusions. Try to develop more informal relationships at work so that she may cooperate with the participants more easily. Avoid a winllose approach to people and relationships. Be willing to delay her individual work to assist others with high priority group projects, Understand how and when to be more objective when dealing with less favorable situations, such as interpersonal conflict. Leam how and when to be more direct and straightforward V.- Problem Solving | Decisive and self-assured, Sally has a tendency to develop quick solutions. | When immediate action is required, she can be counted on to respond quickly. Sally tends to be a quick and decisive problem solver; however, she might fail to consider long-term consequences, or to include all critical factors in more complex situations. Because she enjoys the opportunity for creative brainstorming, she could become frustrated and impatient with a more methodical approach Inclined to show an emotional approach to problem solving, Sally bases decisions and possible solutions on intuition. Sugge: Take time to identify the underlying issues of a problem: Involve others more in the decision making process. Avoid sharp criticism of others, Develop careful control over the use of emotions in problem solving. Be careful not to overestimate her ability to motivate others or to change their behavior. ions for improving her effectiveness: VI- Adapting to CI She will focus more on successfully achieving the goal of change than on the detailed process of actually reaching it. Protes ome ar + 751.1644 «mm protsneratnal cn 4 ‘Management Report Sally Sample ‘* Her appreciation for the value of a team and what they can accomplish for her in handling the details of the change process is often great. Ms. Sample rarely doubts the need for change, even if others are obviously concemed or anxious about it. © She will take time to engender excitement for a new project, then launch at a | fast pace toward the final outcome of change. | Suggestions for improving her effectiveness: Ensure that she has the backup needed from more detail-minded teammates | and that she utilizes their strengths. * Demonstrate a facilitative leadership style that exemplifies teamwork, so that Sally understands its value to the change process. * Help her to pace her work in alignment with the needs of change procedures, | | | at least until the initial phases of the process are launched. * Caution Sally about any frustrations she may feel about those who accept change less openly than she. rofes fice Par «S205 Lae Shee Oe» Wag, Toa 76710-1752 USA» 254.751.1644» we prastamalonlcom 5 ‘Management Report RESPONSE TO JOB-RELATED STRESS, FRUSTRATION AND/OR CONFLICT When experiencing stress, frustration and/or conflict in a job setting, Sally may: Rise to the occasion and take charge of uncertain situations. Become self-reliant, rely on her own strengths and capabil Become decisive, self-assured, and bold. Be trusting and accepting. Be optimistic, reassuring S, If, however, the level of stress, frustration and/or conflict becomes intense and/or continues over an extended period of time, there may be a tendency to: Become impatient, critical, and faultfinding. Overstep policies, respond without checking with proper authority. Act recklessly, become inattentive to critical details and important routine tasks. Appear ambivalent and inconsistent, not standing for anything. Make overly optimistic assessments of others and outcomes. Prolas Onc Prk «5205 Lake Shore ve» Waco, Texas 75710-1732 USA «254,751.64 «wm prolesnteratonlcom 6 Sally Sample Management Report WORK MOTIVATION This section of the report describes the different types of incentives, rewards and conditions that are most compatible with her behavioral tendencies and motivational style. When motivating Sally, consider providing: The opportunity to be in charge, to be assertive, to be the leader. The opportunity to be first, number one; to be the best. A high sense of urgency, pressures, critical deadlines. New challenges in areas of interest that are a real test of abilities. Group activities outside of the job, participating in the community, identifying with various social groups. * Assignments with a high degree of people contacts, the opportunity to be with people. Profs ofesPrk «$205 Lake Shore Dive» Waco, Texas 76740-1732 USA» 254.751.1644» ww. 7 ‘Management Report MOTIVATIONAL ENERGY Motivational Energy (ME) reflects the intensity that an individual shows and how she approaches most situations. Her ME indicates that she will approach most situations with a rather high intensity and suggests that she might be inclined to show one or more of the following behavioral tendencies: * Occasionally, she may dominate a group and cut off the expression of important data by others. Occasionally, she acts recklessly or becomes inattentive to critical details and important routine tasks. * As she tends to push her own viewpoints, she sometimes has difficulty considering the ideas of others. * When acknowledging and recommending employees, she may emphasize individual accomplishments over group contributions. As a result, unproductive competition among team members might increase while team efforts suffer. + Sally can overuse a position of power and authority without careful regard for others. Motivated by the challenge of difficult and demanding situations, she might be inclined to take on challenge when it is not productive or profitable. « Because she is capable of stating her position firmly and with conviction, she might be perceived by others as arrogant and overly demanding. * Preferring a quick pace, variety, new challenges, and opportunities, she might not pay enough attention to the continued success of more long-term, ‘ongoing projects. ros oe Prk «5205 Lake Sore on 8 Sally Sample ‘Management Report The graph shows the relative relationship of her scores on all five scales, while the bulleted statements summarize her results. For a more complete understanding of these results, please refer to the earlier pages of this Management Report. Scale I: 78 Scale | measures control, ambition and results orientation Scale I measures social influence, positive expectancy and Ts ‘Scale Ill measures patience, composure and being a team player Scale IV measures precision and analytical / quality orientation se: | Scale V measures motivational intensity and focus on change The graph above demonstrates the scores attained by Ms. Sample on the PPI. When we observe her scores, we may predict what is most likely to be noticed in her daily activities. These scores suggest the following: * She tends to take responsibility for results and accepts the rewards of her success. She has a need to control the course of what is happening and guide the direction of events. She is a self-starter who will take independent action. She recognizes self-doubt quickly and usually rallies support from her associates. She likes to involve others in the problem-solving process. Strong willed concerning her own ideas. She is self-motivated to make her own decisions and then take action Forceful, she will often seek to be in charge and in control. ose Par «5205 Lake Shore ive « Woc, Texas 76730-1732 USA» 2547511644» woe paflserntioal.crn 9 Sally Sample Profiles {International Profiles Team Analysis” The Profiles Team Analysis reports the altributes of each team member, showing team strenglhs and potential problem areas. Effective teams achieve results far beyond whal individuals could ‘accomplish on their awn, bul team building is much more than putting people together and hoping for the best, Using the Profiles Team Analysis helps achieve team goals. Measures: A. Team balance B, Strengths and weaknesses of the overall team C. Describes each team member's characteristics compared to the team leader’s characteristics in the 12 Team Factors: Control Positive Expectancy Social Analytical Patience Results Orientation Precision Emotions Ambition Team Player Composure Quality Orientation Describes methods a leader can use to maximize the performance of each member as part of the team and what role the leader must play on the team Time to Tak 15 minutes Validation Studies: 1998, 2001 Report: For managers and/or team leaders to make their teams more efficient and to help managers select team members for top performance Internet and/or Paper/Pencil Internet ‘Copy 6 P= Pres Itrnasonel 6205 Lae Shore Ore Wao, 176770284757. 16He 200 ° Profites {International imagine great people® Profiles Team Analysis ™ ‘CONFIDENTIAL TEAM ANALYSIS REPORT Friday, January 04, 2008, Quality Control Team Widget Manufacturing Company 1015 Bain St. Waco, Texas. 79710 PeenTrarT? tis Ot 2» 5205 Lake Share Ore» Wace, “exe 7710-1752 USA» 254:7S.1644 «www petestesnionalcon ‘Spine Soba ter ermal Team Report Quality Control Team COMPANY: Widget Manufacturing Company DATE: January 4, 2008 TEAM ANALYSIS REPORT TEAM LEADER: Barbara Sample Quality Control Team This report has four sections: Section! Team Balance Table ~ a visual representation of the distribution of the 12 factors essential for team success, indicating your team’s strengths and where the team may be lacking. — Overall Team Balance ~ \.ists of factors that are (1) well represented and (2) not well represented on your team. Characteristics missing from your team are described to increase your awareness of possible problems. Section I Section III — Behavioral Factors ~ This section describes the characteristics of team members and suggests considerations for leading the team, Section IV ~ Team Leader Action Summary ~ This summary provides a convenient point of reference to remind you which team members have strengths you can call on as you lead the team to the successful attainment of its purpose, The ability of a team o work effectively is greatly influenced by the compatibility of the team members. While any team can adjust 10 accommodate compatibility issues, the fewer the adjustments, the more efficiently the team will function. [a managing a team, the more data available to help understand the characteristics ofthe Team Leeder and the Team Members, the more focused the ‘management of that tear, eeeEeEeER_S NOTE: These results provide an important contribution tothe team management process; however, decisions should not he made based exclusively on these results. ‘Copyright © 2008 ProkiesInlsnationa, nc. + Profiles Ole Park » 205 Lake Shore Drive « Wao, 1X 76710 + 254.751.1644 1 Team Report Quality Control Team SECTION I Team Balance Table ECs CENTRE TsO Control . none [4s 3 Social “2 ane [3 Patience 24s RTS *6 Precision nas |e 9.6.7 Ambition . 67 2.4.5 3.8 Positive Expectancy 2 678 o.34s Composure 2458 | 67 Analytical 3 24s 678 ieee | OE Results Orientation |367 2 458 Emotions eas s4a7 [2 Team Player |2 34568 [er Quality Orientation [45/3 22678 | a | "Note: A shaded area suggests a factor NOT well represented on this team exclusive of the Team Leader Team Member Key © Barbara Sample - Team Leader 5. Ed Sample 2. Bill Sample 6, Judy Sample 3. Bob Sample 7. Kerry Sample 4, Darrell Sample 8. Sharon Sample Copyright © 2008 ProftesIntoratona, nc. «Profs Office Park » 5205 Lake Shore Dive + Waco, IX 78710 254.751.4044 2 Team Report Quatity Controt Team SECTION II Overall Team Balance ‘Team balance is important. When each of the twelve factors has at least one team member who is strong in that factor, the team is well balanced. Well Represented YT Well Represented CONTROL, COMPOSURE SOCIAL. ANALYTICAL, PATIENCE QUALITY ORIENTATION PRECISION AMBITION POSITIVE EXPECTANCY RESULTS ORIENTATION EMOTIONS TEAM PLAYER Not all twelve factors are well represented on this team, When a factor is NOT well represented, the team leader should constantly be aware of this and compensate for it Copyright © 2008 Prats interatonal, nc. + Proties Ofce Park + $205 Lake Shoro Dive Waco, TX 76710 «254.751.1684 3 Team Report Quality Control Team Characteristics Mi ig from Your Team COMPOSURE * Sensitive to the established methods and procedures «Can be relied upon to handle details and perform with accuracy and precision * Typically listens to other team members ‘© Seeks harmony in the workplace ANALYTICAL © Takes pride in staying calm and in being analytical in high pressure situations ‘© Relies on factual data and logic when making decisions © Has high standards for quality + Tends to be systematic in communications, using logic and data to persuade QUALITY ORIENTATION © Can be critical of self and others © Tends to criticize other's performance © Shows a sense of commitment to quality and accuracy Inclined to look for ways to improve the quality of the work being done Copyright © 2008 Profies Inlerational, Inc. Profiles Otfce Pork 5205 Lake Shore Drive - Waco, TX 76710 254,781, 1644 4 Team Report Quality Control Team SECTION III Behavioral Factors CONTROL Control is defined as the tendency to take charge, to be assertive, and/or to take control of a situation. Listed below are the Team Leader and the members who scored moderately high to high with regard to Control Characteristics of the Team Leader Barbara Sample ‘This is not a factor with characteristics particularly typical of you. For this reason, input from the team members below can be particularly important in this area. Characteristics of the Team Members Bob Sample © May be overpowering to other team members, ‘+ May be blunt and sarcastic with others ‘© Decisive and self-assured with a tendency to make quick decisions ‘* Usually responds to challenges Darrell Sample and Ed Sample © May fear close supervision © Makes decisions easily * May Jack tact and diplomacy ‘© Likes to initiate activity Copyright © 2008 Profiles Inaratona, Ine Profiles Office Park » 5205 Lake Shore Drive + Wann, TX 7710 +254 761.1644 3 Team Report Quality Controt Team Considerations for Leading the Team Individuals who score moderately high to high in this factor are generally strong-willed people who can be demanding and firm when necessary. As you work with the above listed team members, the following ideas should be considered: «Help them develop a greater sensitivity toward people © Ask specific questions © Use direct answers to their questions © Be clear and firm in setting limits Copyright © 2008 Prafias Infomation, no. = Profles OMce Park + $205 Lake Shore Drve + Waco, TX 76710 + 254.751.1644 6 Team Report Quality Controt Team SOCIAL Social is defined as the tendency to be outgoing, people-oriented and extroverted. Listed below are the Team Leader and the members who scored moderately high to high with regard to Social. Characteristics of the Team Leader Barbara Sample ‘This is not a factor with characteristics particularly typical of you, For this reason, input from the team members below can be particularly important in this arca, Characteristics of the Team Members Bob Sample © Moves toward people to enlist their assistance with problem resolution © Likes to participate with others and bounce ideas off of team members © Seeks social recognition ‘© Enjoys motivating the group and networking with contacts Darrell Sample, Ed Sample, Judy Sample, Kerry Sample, and Sharon Sample ‘Enjoys involving others in work tasks Likes to communicate in person © Comfortable in an informal setting ‘© Works well with team members to maintain quality standards Copyright © 2008 Profiles Inlemstions, Inc. = Pate Ofice Pav» $208 Lake Shora Drive « Waco, TX T0710 = 254.751.1644 7 Team Report Quality Control Team Considerations for Leading the Team Individuals who score moderately high to high in this factor are generally entertaining and make friends easily. As you work with the above listed team members, the following ideas should be considered: © Put details in writing, * Be enthusiastic in your communications ‘+ Give them freedom to speak * Show them how improving their performance will gain them recognition from the team ional, Ine.» Profs Ofow Park «6205 Lake Shore Orve = Waco, TX 76710 254 751.1044 CCopyight 2008 Profes Inter. 8 Team Report Quatity Control Team PATIENCE Patience is defined as the tendency to be patient, tolerant and understanding of others. Listed below are the Team Leader and the members who scored moderately high to high with regard to Patience. Characteristics of the Team Leader Barbara Sample © Most comfortable working with traditional procedures «Tends to move forward with an unhurried approach © Able to be empathic with the team members © Enjoys working in a structured situation and may be uncomfortable with team members, who seem to work without structure Characteristics of the Team Members Judy Sample » Empathetic with team members © Works well with structure © Generally prefers traditional procedures © Generally performs with an unhurried approach, Copyright © 2008 Profiles Intrationa, nc, = Profs Office Park » 5205 Lake Shere Dive « Waco, TX 76710 + 254.751.1644 9 Team Report Quality Control Team Considerations for Leading the Team Individuals who score moderately high to high in this factor are generally cooperative and good- natured. As you work with the above listed team members, the following ideas should be considered: Use an informal and methodical approach ‘© Recognize consistent performance © Offer continuing support © Ask specific questions about how things will happen Copytight © 2008 Profiles Iniermational, Inc + Profle Otficx Park 205 Lake Shore Drive « Waco, TX7S710 +254 751.1644 10 Team Report Quatity Control Team PRECISION Pre jon is defined as the concern for accuracy, details, and exactness. Listed below are the Team Leader and the members who scored moderately high to high with regard to Precision. Characteristics of the Team Leader Barbara Sample © Expects team members to handle details and perform with accuracy and effectiveness © Takes the time to plan ahead and organize the team's work © Effective at establishing processes and procedures for the tearm © Generally an effective problem solver Characteristics of the Team Members Judy Sample and Kerry Sample ‘© Enjoys working with objective facts © Can be relied upon to handle details and perform with accuracy and effectiveness + Usually organizes work efficiently ‘* A very conscientious team member Copyright © 2008 Pratles Intemational, Ine, -Profes Office Park 5205 Lake Shere DiNe * Waco, TX 76710 + 284.751.1644 i Team Report Quality Control Team Considerations for Leading the Team Individuals who score moderately high to high in this factor are generally thorough individuals who arc patient with details. As you work with the above listed team members, the following ideas should be considered: ‘© Let them have an occasion to be an expert and express their knowledge Provide adequate information when discussing new ideas ‘+ Be specific and accurate * Be well prepared before initiating communications with them Copyright © 2008 Praties Internationa, Ine, = Profes Office Park 8208 Lake Shore Dike = Waen, 1X T6710 + 264.751.1644 12 Team Report Quality Controt Team AMBITION Ambition is defined as the tendency to be comp: aggressive. ive, to have a desire to win, and to be Listed below are the Team Leader and the members who scored moderately high to high with regard to Ambition. Characteristics of the Team Leader Barbara Sample ‘This is not a factor with characteristics particularly typical of you. For this reason, input from the ‘team members below can be particularly important in this area. Characteristics of the Team Members Bob Sample and Sharon Sample © May experience frustration when team members do not get much accomplished © Seeks prestige and authority Tends to question the status quo Needs to develop a good understanding of people Bill Sample, Darrell Sample, and Ed Sample © Enjoys working with objective facts ‘© Effective at establishing processes and procedures for getting work done * Can be relied upon to handle details and perform with accuracy and effectiveness ‘© Aneffective problem solver Copyright® 2008 Profies Intemational, Ine Prfles Oice Par 6206 Lake Shore Drve = Waco, IX T8710 + 286.753.1844 1B Team Report Quality Control Team Considerations for Leading the Team Individuals who score moderately high to high in this factor are generally persistent in pursuing personal goals. As you work with the above listed team members, the following ideas should be considered: © Be organized and have facts when you initiate communications + Be briefand to the point © Match with others who weigh pros and cons well ‘+ Help them to relax more and pace themselves Copyright® 2008 Profiles Inlemations, Ine = Pratl Office Pave 5205 Lake Share Orie « Waco, TX T6710 254.751.1644 4 Team Report Quality Control Team POSITIVE EXPECTANCY Positive Expectancy is defined as the tendency to have a pos and outcomes. attitude regarding people Listed below are the Team Leader and the members who scored moderately high to high with regard to Positive Expectancy. Characteristics of the Team Leader Barbara Sample © Has a desire to be helpful to the team members © Should establish positive personal relationships with the team members © Generally optimistic Characteristics of the Team Members Bob Sample, Darrell Sample, and Ed Sample ‘© Should establish positive relationships throughout the organization ‘© Hasa desire to help others on the team. © Can help reassure team members * Often optimistic Copyright © 2008 Profiles Inemational, Inc. Proftes Ole Park» $205 Lake Shore Drve + Waco, TX 76710 + 254.751.1044 Is Team Report Quality Control Team Considerations for Leading the Team Individuals who score moderately high to high in this factor are generally accepting and encouraging of others. As you work with the above listed team members, the following ideas should be considered: ‘* Provide concrete ideas rather than dreams, © Give them recognition * Provide support for their intentions © Help them develop goals and the action steps to reach them Cop yignt © 2008 Protles inerational, Inc. Profes Oice Park» 8205 Lake Shore Dive - Waco, TX76710 + 258.751.1644 16 Team Report Quality Controt Team COMPOSURE Composure is defined as the tendency to be easygoing and casual, to take things as they come. Listed below are the Team Leader and the members who scored moderately high to high with regard to Composure Characteristics of the Team Leader Barbara Sample * Tends to be cautious © Typically a good listener for the team members * Comfortable with a low-key approach * Generally flexible and open-minded Characteristics of the Team Members This characteristic is not well represented on this team. You, as Team Leader, will need 10 be sure that this does not have an adverse impact on team performance. Copyright® 2008 Proftes Inertia, ne = Proftes Offiew Park» S205 Lake Shore Drive + Waco, TX 7740 + 254.754.4644 7 Team Report Quatity Control Team Considerations for Leading the Team ‘There were no team members who fell in the moderately high or high range for this factor. This suggests that the team leader will need to be particularly careful the team performance does not suffer as a result of this missing factor. CCooyright @ 2008 ProfiesInomation, ne Profle Office Park + $205\Lake Shore Drive» Waco, IX 78740 +254 751 164d 18 Team Report Quatity Control Team ANALYTICAL Analytical is defined as liking to identify and analyze problems. Listed below are the Team Leader and the members who scored moderately high to high with regard to Analytical, Characteristics of the Team Leader Barbara Sample ‘This is not a factor with characteristics particularly typical of you. Characteristics of the Team Members ‘This characteristic is not well represented on this team. You, as Team Leader, will need to be sure that this does not have an adverse impact on team performani Conyight © 2008 Profiles Inlrnatona, Inc Profiles Office Park 5205 ake Shere Drive + Waco, TX 78710 +254 751.1644 9 Team Report Quality Control Team Considerations for Leading the Team This is not a factor with characteristics particularly typical of you or any of your team members. Please refer to Section II of this report to see what characteristics may be missing from your team Because these characteristics are not well represented on this team, the team leader will need to be particularly careful the team performance does not suffer as a result Copyght ® 2008 Profies Intron, ne. « Profle Office Park +5205 Lake Shore Dive + Waco, IX 76710 +254 751.1648 20 Team Report Quality Control Team RESULTS ORIENTATION Results Orientation is defined as the concern for timely results and the tendeney to be quick to take action. Listed below are the Team Leader and the members who scored moderately high to high with regard to Results Orientation. Characteristics of the Team Leader Barbara Sample + Emphasizes getting the job done ‘© Enjoys accepting challenges © Focuses primarily on results # Tends to be less concerned with how it is done than with getting it done Characteristics of the Team Members Darrell Sample, Ed Sample, and Sharon Sample ‘© Tends to get immediate results * May need to develop listening skills + May appear impaticnt to others © May act as if the end does justify the means Bill Sample © Tends to at pt challenges easily © Focuses on results Tends to be more results-oriented than process~ + Enjoys getting it done Copyright© 2008 Prafiles Intrnntona, Ino. = Profs Office Park» 5208 Lake Shore De + Waco, TX 76710 +254 751 644 2 Team Report Quality Controt Team Considerations for Leading the Team Individuals who score moderately high to high in this factor generally accept challenges easily, ‘As you work with the above listed team members, the following ideas should be considered: ‘© Present change in terms of its positive impact on their goals ‘© Help them see how being a part of the team will help them get results ‘© Give them challenging tasks to complete © Be clear and to the point in your communications Copyiight ® 2000 Profiles interstions, Ino Profiles Ofce Par = 5208 Lake Shore Drive = Waco, TX 76710 + 256.751.1644 22 Team Report Quality Control Team EMOTIONS Emotions is defined as the tendency to show emotions, to share feelings. Listed below are the Team Leader and the members who scored moderately high to high with regard to Emotions, Characteristics of the Team Leader Barbara Sample This is not a factor with characteristics particularly typical of you. For this reason, input from the team members below can be particularly important in this area, Characteristics of the Team Members Bill Sample * May need to work on being more objective when making decisions Seeks freedom of expression © Approaches problem solving from a subjective, emotional approach + Comfortable using own "gut feelings” in decision making process Considerat ns for Leading the Team Individuals who score moderately high to high in this factor generally accept challenges easily As you work with the above listed team members, the following ideas should be considered: ‘* Establish a democratic relationship with them © Provide ideas for achieving action Be casual in your communications Allow them the chance to verbalize their feelings CConyright © 2008 ProfiesInomationa, ne. « Pafles Ofie Park + 5205 Lake Shove Drive + Waco, TX 70740 + 258.751.1644 23 Team Report Quality Control Team TEAM PLAYER ‘Team Player is defined as a preference to be a part of the team and to work with others. Listed below are the Team Leader and the members who scored moderately high to high with regard to Team Player, Characteristics of the Team Leader Barbara Sample * Works best with members of a cooperative and friendly team © Willing to share information with others © Supports the exchange of ideas between the members of the team * Enjoys working in a team situation Characteristics of the Team Members Kerry Sample ‘* Willing to extend self to do what is right ‘© Comfortable being a team member * Good listener Contributes insightful ideas and supports the exchange of ideas between team members CCopytight ® 2008 Profiles Inlomational, Inc Proftes Ofes Par - $206 Lake Shore Drve « Waco, IX 76710 + 254.751.1644 24 Team Report Quality Control Team Considerations for Leading the Team Individuals who score moderately high to high in this factor are generally supportive and considerate of others. As you work with the above listed team members, the following ideas should be considered: © Use sincere statements to help build a relationship, © Give them enough time to decide on changes © Be appreciative of their efforts © Provide frequent opportunities for informal discussions Copyright © 2008 Profs Internationa, Ine Profle Offce Park 5205 Lake Shore Drive» Ween, TX 76710 + 254.751.1644 Team Report Quality Controt Team QUALITY ORIENTATION Qu: 'y Orientation is defined as a concern for standards and high quality work. Listed below are the Team Leader and the members who scored moderately high to high with regard to Quality Orientation Characteristics of the Team Leader Barbara Sample This is not a factor with characteristics particularly typical of you. Characteristics of the Team Members This characteristic is not well represented on this team, You, as Team Leader, will need to be sure that this does not have an adverse impact on team performance. ‘Copyright © 2008 Prfes Intemational, In. = Proies ice Patk «5205 Lake Shere Dre + Waco, TX TSTIO + 254.751.1644 26 Team Report Quality Control Team Considerations for Leading the Team ‘This is not a factor with characteristics particularly typical of you or any of your team members. Please refer to Scetion II of this report to see what characteristics may be missing from your team, Because these characteristics are not well represented on this team, the team leader will need to be particularly careful the team performance does not suffer as a result. Copyright© 2008 Praties Inlomntiona, ne, = Pros Office Park 5205 Lake Shore DW * Woeo, TX T6710 + 264.781.1644 27 Team Analysis Report Quality Control Team SECTION IV Team Leader Action Summary CONTROL Bob Sample, Darrell Sample, and Ed Sample scored moderately high or high in this factor. Such individuals are generally strong-willed people who can be demanding and firm when necessary. As you work with them, the following ideas should be considered: ACTION STEPS © Help them develop a greater sensitivity toward people * Ask specific questions © Use direct answers to their questions © Be clear and firm in setting limits SOCIAL Bob Sample, Darrell Sample, Ed Sample, Judy Sample, Kerry Sample, and Sharon Sample scored moderately high or high in this factor. Such individuals are generally entertaining and make friends easily. As you work with them, the following ideas should be considered: ACTION STEPS, © Put details in writing ‘© Be enthusiastic in your communications ‘© Give them freedom to speak ‘+ Show them how improving their performance will gain them recognition from the team Copyright® 2008 Profiles Internationa, Inc, + Prolo Offce Park » 5205 Lake Share Live « Waeo, TX 76710 + 254.751 1648 28 Team Analysis Report Quality Control Team PATIENCE Judy Sample scored moderately high or high in this factor. Such individuals ate generally cooperative and good-natured. As you work with them, the following ideas should be considered: ACTION STEPS * Use an informal and methodical approach * Recognize consistent performance © Offer continuing support * Ask specific questions about how things will happen PRECISION Judy Sample and Kerry Sample scored moderately high or high in this factor. Such individuals are generally thorough individuals who are patient with details. As you work with them, the following ideas should be considered: ACTION STEPS ‘© Let them have an occasion to be an expert and express their knowledge ‘+ Provide adequate information when discussing new ideas ‘© Be specific and accurate '* Be well prepared before initiating communications with them AMBITION Bill Sample, Bob Sample, Darrell Sample, Ed Sample, and Sharon Sample scored ‘moderately high or high in this factor. Such individuals are generally persistent in pursuing a personal goal. As you work with them, the following ideas should be considered ACTION STEPS ‘* Be organized and have facts when you initiate communications © Bebrief nd to the point © Match with others who weigh pros and cons well ‘Help them to relax more and pace themselves CCopsight © 2008 Profiles Inlamationa, Ino Profle Office Park » 5205 Lake Shore Drie « Waco, TX 76710 = 264.751 1648 29 Team Analysis Report Quality Control Team POSITIVE EXPECTANCY Bob Sample, Darrell Sample, and Ed Sample scored moderately high or high in this factor. Such individnals are generally accepting and encouraging of others. As you work with them, the following ideas should be considered: ACTION STEPS # Provide concrete ideas rather than dreams * Give them recognition * Provide support for their intentions, ‘Help them develop goals and the action steps to reach them COMPOSURE This characteristic is not well represented on this team. You, as Team Leader, will need to be sure that this does not have an adverse impact on team performance. ANALYTICAL This characteristic is not well represented on this team, You, as ‘Team Leader, will need to be sure that this docs not have an adverse impact on team performance. RESULTS ORIENTATION Bill Sample, Darrell Sample, Ed Sample, and Sharon Sample scored moderately high or high in this factor. Such individuals generally accept challenges easily. As you work with them, the following ideas should be considered: ACTION STEPS ‘© Present change in terms of its positive impact on their goals + Help them see how being a part of the team will help them get results © Give them challenging tasks to complete © Be clear and to the point in your communications Copyright © 2008 Profiles Inlrnatona, in + Profles Office Park 205 Lake Shore Drive + Waco, TX 76710 = 258.754.1044 30 Team Analysis Report Quality Control Team EMOTIONS Bill Sample scored moderately high or high in this factor. Such individuals are often expressive to others with how they feel. As you work with them, the following ideas should be considered: ACTION STEPS © Establish a democratic relationship with them ‘© Provide ideas for achieving action ‘+ Be casual in your communications, ‘* Allow them the chance to verbalize their feelings TEAM PLAYER Kerry Sample scored moderately high or high in this factor. Such individuals are generally supportive and considerate of others. As you work with them, the following ideas should be | considered: ACTION STEPS ‘+ Use sincere statements to help build a relationship ‘* Give them enough time to decide on changes ‘+ Be appreciative of their efforts ‘* Provide frequent opportunities for informal discussions QUALITY ORIENTATION This characteristic is not well represented on this team, You, as Team Leader, will need to be sure that this does not have an adverse impact on team performance. Copyright @ 2008 ProfiesInlomatona, Inc. Profles Ofiee Park + 205 Laks Shore Drive + Waco, TX 78740 + 254.751.1644 31 Profiles International’ Profiles Sales Indicator” ‘The Profiles Sales Indicator is an excellent tool for identifying people with the attributes for success in selling, By measuring factors such as competitiveness, persistence, energy, and sales drive, this assessment helps you build a more productive and stronger sales force, Measures: The key qualities that make successful salespeople: Competitiveness Persistence Self-reliance Energy Sales Drive Performance in these critical sales behaviors: + Prospecting Closing Sales Call Reluctance Self Starting Teamwork Building & Maintaining Relationships Compensation Preference Time to Take: 15-20 minutes Validation Studies: 2000, 2001 Reports: Management Report, used for selection, coaching, and training Individual Report, for self improvement programs Customizable: Customizes Job match patterns by: + Company * Sales Job * Manager * Geography Administration: Internet and/or Paper/Pencil Scoring: Internet {Cenyngn © 2008 ProiesIlernaonsl S205 Laka Shore Deve Waco, TE 6710+ 254751 1888 208 Profiles \ international imagine great people Profiles Sales Indicator ™ CONFIDENTIAL Job Match Management Report Wednesday, January 02, 2008 Steve Sample DEMONSTRATION PATTERN — not for actual use This Sample Report provided by: Profiles International, Inc. Profiles Office Park 5205 Lake Shore Drive Waco, Texas, USA 76710 254-751-1644 Cee none} rd eg ona . See Job Match Management Report ‘Steve Sample The Profiles Sales Indicator Job Match Management Report presents the following information you will find helpful for managing Steve Sample: Please consult the User’s Guide for additional information on using these results in working with Mr. Sample GUIDE TO THE JOB MATCH MANAGEMENT REPORT Sales Indicator Summary — This chart provides a snapshot of the Sales Success Qualities Steve Sample brings to the job. It shows the overall match to the job and individual scores. You will also see how the scores match the target pattern. Sales Success Qualities — This section of the report has a more complete description of the Sales Success Qualities you can expect from Steve Sample This section describes Steve Sample ess in selling. ith regard to seven Critical CCopynght ® 2008 ProtiesInematona), no Profiles Ofies Park S20 Lake Shore Dnve = Wace, TX 76710 254.751.1684 Job Match Management Report Steve Sample Sales Indicator Summary Job Match Pattern: Sample + Reserved jf + Non-confrontational + Cooperative Competitiveness ] + Persuasive + Confient — + Asertive Hien Self-Reliance Hien Persistence << Hien E nergy + High endurance CLT! : ne << Hien Sales Drive for procedures Low + Flexible + Good sensitivity Low + Systemat + Steady paced Low + Relaxed + Unarsuming Low as LLL Ist, “The shaded areas represent the range of characteristics provided by your organization for this job pattern, ‘The Distortion Seale deals with how candid and frank the respondent was while taking this assessment ‘The range for this seale is 1 to 9, with higher scores suggesting greater candor. ‘The Distortion Scale score on this assessment is 9 The x's" ieate this individual's scores. Copyright © 2008 Profies Intemational, Ine. — Profiles Ofce Park $208 Lake Shore Drive = Waca, TX 76740 + 254°751.1644 2 Job Match Management Report Steve Sample Sales Success Qualities This section further details the results for Mr. Sample, For cach quality, you will sce the Job Match Patter and the score obtained. Following this, the bulleted statements from the individual’s report are shown, along with comments directed toward his supervisor. Should the score fall outside of the Job Match Pattern, additional comments are provided. Competitiveness Bw Low Hie © He rarely finds it difficult to express his ideas or defend his opinions to others. You may need to mediate, however, when his opinions are stated too forcefully. ‘+ His confidence in expressing himself may occasionally be misinterpreted as unwarranted pride Overconfidence may come into play depending on his skill at being objective about his abilities and personal strengths, ‘* When competition takes form, he is often ready for the challenge. He should be willing to accept any level of challenge, but you may need to determine if his experience and abilities match the confidence he expresses. ‘+ Some individuals express themselves less enthusiastically than he does, which may be a cause for some frustration for him. When his patience with others wears thin, you may have to mediate between the players in such a situation. Self-Reliance x Low Mich On the Self-Reliance scale Mr. Sample scored comparably with most people. However, his score is above the designated profile for this particular Job Match Patter. This suggests that his self-reliance is ereater than the position typically requires but that he should have no problem with the capability to | work under supervisory guidance, Interview questions should explore the possibility that the position ‘may not be sufficiently self-directed to maintain his interest and/or level of performance. resent the range of characteristies prov job pattern. sate this individual's scores, os Offce Park 6205 Lake Shore Prive « Waco, TX 76710 + 264.761.1644 3 Copyright® 2008 Profiles Interatona, no. —| Job Match Management Report ‘Steve Sample © Hes capable of performing well when he is allowed to determine the process toward a goal ina self-reliant fashion, Encourage as much of this as possible, noting for him what elements of this behavior work best in your organization. ‘* _ Iftoo much routine conformity is expected of him in the workplace, he may occasionally refuse to give in, choosing to try his own way to achieve objectives. Tf at all possible, allow for the space he needs. Even so, you may occasionally find it necessary to clearly define the limits of his freedom. © The solitary aspect of some sales careers (doing his best on his own) can be fun for bim but he also appreciates the occasion to work with others cooperatively. Try to mix the requirements of his work so that both cooperative and independent tasks call for his attention. ‘© His above-average autonomy and individualism may often lead to innovative goal setting and accomplishment. You may have to occasionally define what works creatively in your sales environment and what is too improbable Persistence oe Low Hien While Mr. Sample achieved a Persistence score comparable to most people, itis below the job profile of this position. This suggests that his perseverance is moderately less than the position typically requires but that he may not have a problem with the ability to focus on moderately stressful work. Interview questions should explore the possibility that for Mr. Sample, the position may be too challenging under more stressful conditions © Failure may be difficult for him from time to time, but he does seem to have the traits needed to accept occasional risk. Encourage his moderate acceptance of risk in order to enhance his overall sales effectiveness, ‘He may occasionally suggest that a project cannot be completed with limited resources and propose trying new plan. This slight tendency for doubt is related to his average level of persistence, and may represent prudence more than actual self-doubt. ‘Other people may test his tolerance, especially when he is under great tension. This intolerance refers to emotional toughness. You may need to provide him with ways to blow off steam, as appropriate. * He may sometimes work at what he is most successfull with, but sidestep risking failure in additional undertakings. Providing support and encouragement may build his ability to hazard potential failure in the pursuit of success. The shaded areas represent the range of characteristies provided by your organization for this job pattern. ‘The “X's” indicate this individual's scores. Copyright © 2008 ProtiesInemational, ne. ~ Profiles Ofce Park 5205 Lake Shore Drive + Waco, TX 78710 +254:761.1644 4 Job Match Management Report Steve Sample | fis Low © The hustle and bustle of a dynamic profession can be motivational for him, but he can appreciate the opportunity to relax and catch his breath, Provide opportunities to regroup and prepare for the next challenge. * His moderate level of determination and enthusiasm can be motivational to others, yet he is equally capable of tuning to others for his motivational needs. He should, in other words, be open to working closely with others to build and share enthusiasm and encouragement. © Working behind a desk, with little or no change in the routine, can sometimes be rather annoying for him. His ability to respond with enthusiasm may be encouraged with spontaneous goal setting and impromptu sessions of brainstorming with you or team members, © Coping with numerous responsibilities at the same time can ereate a moderate cballenge for him. Sales Drive LLL TTT ase Low d ieh * He is able to state his outlook decisively and with conviction. Try to also build his ability to listen closely and take into account the views of others when appropriate. * Although the service he provides to customers and clients is essential, the winning aspects af sucessful sales are the true reward of this profession for him. '* Success is the primary motivation for him in most situations, If team members do not share this positive attitude about winning, some form of understanding may be needed, emphasizing the differences in team players and the strength that diversity provides the team. ‘+ He is capable of making unpopular decisions when necessary, willing to force results in conflict ridden conditions. “The shaded arcas represent the range of characteristics provided by your organization for this job pattern: “The “X's” indicate this individual's seores. Conyright ® 2008 Profiles International, nc. ~ Profiles Ofice Pak 5205 Lake Shore Drive « Waco, TX 76710 + 254.751.1644 5 Job Match Management Report Steve Sample Critical Sales Behaviors This section presents seven sales behaviors that were developed from a combination of Sales Success Qualities. They are typically considered important for success in most selling situations. The statements provided should be considered when working with Mr. Sample. PROSPECTING More often than not, Mr. Sample has the energy to hunt for opportunities. He tends to be most effective in prospecting when it is done in brief spurts of activity rather than over an extended period of time. Trusting his own ability to develop an approach, he will tend to display innovation in developing a list of prospects and qualifying them for a sales call | CLOSING THE SALE Mr, Sample is usually willing to move toward a close from the very beginning of the presentation. His confidence and competitiveness are quite high. With an average level of persistence and a high level of sales drive, he should consistently demonstrate the motivation to present his product in the most favorable perspective and use a variety of approaches to help the prospect appreciate their nced for the product. CALL RELUCTANCE ‘Typically, call reluctance will be only an occasional hurdle rather than a real problem for Mr. $ Because of his resistance to rejection, Mr. Sample should show a consistent level of confidence when placing sales calls. He should be willing to pursue the sales process to completion in a consistent manner. His high sales drive serves him well in pushing through any periods of doubt that may occur. | SELF-STARTING. If given the opportunity to add excitement to his daily events, Mr. Sample accepts it with interest. The bustle and stress of a fast paced profession is very motivational for him. Energetic and driven, Mr. Sample should prove to be an individual who takes initiative, gets things going during lull periods and uses resources to maximize such initiative. Mr. Sample tends to work out the details of how he will complete tasks on his own and is likely to accept additional challenges in order to satisfy his drive and energy. His autonomy and individualism are higher than many of his peers, which leads to unique goal setting and accomplishment, Mr, Sample derives motivation from within, taking the lead as a source of encouragement to others. He may need greater competitive challenges in order to maintain his initiative and satisfaction, ‘Copyright © 2008 Proftes Internationa, Inc. -Profes Offee Park $208 Lake Shove Dive + Waco, TX 76710 + 254 751.1644 6 Job Match Management Report Steve Sample WORKING WITH A TEAM ILis often easy for Mr. Sample to lead others and direct the course of action, yet he can also be perceived as rather dominant by some. When competition takes form, he should be ready for the challenge and is interested in directing others toward competitive goals. His drive and individualism are high and this may occasionally overshadow his willingness to coordinate the team and encourage cooperative efforts He may prefer to set his own direction and establish personal methods rather than doing so as part of a consensus. Rarely does it take an outside motivation, like the inspiration of the team, to get him going, Mr. Sample derives motivation from within, and may be willing to take the lead as a source of encouragement to others within the limits of his relatively high self-reliance. BUILDING AND MAINTAINING RELATIONSHIPS. Mr. Sample is balanced in terms of his approach to building relationships. He has relatively high energy and autonomy under the right conditions. This should encourage him when initiating relations with clients, but may occasionally create boundaries for how much individualism he is willing to sacrifice. A relationship that suffers only an occasional snag when initiated is most favorable for his interpersonal style. COMPENSATION PREFERENCE When competition takes form, he will often be ready for the challenge. Mr. Sample is. primarily motivated by winning and the chase that concludes with a successful sale. He has a highly developed drive for sales and a focus on getting results. He has a self-reliance that is higher than average, which should add to his motivation and compensation needs. Mr. Sample derives motivation from within, occasionally taking the lead as a source of encouragement to others. Although the service he provides to customers and clients is essential, the winning aspects of successful sales are the greatest reward for him. NOTE: This job match pattern should reflect your expectations andlor how your lop performers responded to the Profiles Sales Indicator. The report indicates how this individual's results compared with the job match patter. A continuing review of the impact and effectiveness ofthis job match pattem is important to ensuze that it zeflects your company’s needs and culture, ‘When using this report for decision-making, its contents should not be used as the basis for more than one-third of any ‘decision, Profiles International, Inc. is only responsible for the contents of this report and is not Kable for any natthorized Uiselosure or misuse of the information contained herein. Copyright © 2008 Profiles Internationa, ne. ~ Proles Office Park $205 Lake Shore Dive + Waco, TX 76710 + 254.751.1644 7 Profiles { International’ Customer Service Profile” ‘Customer Service Profile” is a tool for shaping and communicating your company's Customer Service philosophy. It provides an easy comparison of an individual's behavior traits, proficiencies land perspective on Customer Service to your company’s standards. Measures: Behavioral Characteristics * Trust ‘= Conformity * Tact © Focus + Empathy + Flexibility Proficiencies: * Vocabulary © Numerical Employee Customer Service Perspective Employee or Candidate's Customizable: Develops Job Match Patterns by department Time to Take: 45 minutes Validation Studies: 2003, 2006 Reports: + Individual * Placement * Coaching Company Service Perspective - Company Service Perspective Comparison - Company Service Perspective Alignment By company, department, manager, and against best practices Versions: General Hospitality Health Care Financial Services Retail Administration: __ Internet and/or paper/pencil Scoring: Internet ‘Covyigh © 2008 -Prclas taraonal S25 Lake Shore Oxve Waco, TX 70710754 751.144 12.08 Profiles \ International Customer Profile ™ CONFIDENTIAL PLACEMENT REPORT Friday, December 21, 2007 Sally Sample Demoristration Pattern-NOT FOR ACTUAL USE This Sample Report provided by: Profiles International, Inc. Profiles Office Park 5205 Lake Shore Drive Waco, Texas, USA 76710 254-751-1644 Introduction Service to the customer is a part of the job for virtually every employee. Proficiency in providing this service is related to an individual's Behavioral Characteristics, basic Proficiencies and their own perspective on providing customer service. This report reflects the responses provided by Sally Sample when she completed the Customer Service Perspective assessment. The information is presented in the following five parts: Behavioral Characteristics— six behavioral characteristics that are important factors for success in providing service to customers. * Proficiencies— a view of basic proficiency in mathematics and vocabulary. * Job Match Percent— the degree of match to the Job Match Pattern in both of the Proficiencies and the six Behavioral Characteristics. + Considerations for Interviewing—on the scales where Ms. Sample scored outside of the Job Match Pattern, suggestions for interviewing are provided to assist in the selection process. + Company Service Perspective— the degree of alignment between the individual's perspective on providing service to the customer and that expressed by the company. Please consult the User's Guide for additional information on using these results in working with Sally. ‘| Confidential Placement Report Sally Sample Summary of Behavioral Characteristics ‘The darker shading represents the Job Match Pattem for the role of Demonstration Pattern-NOT FOR ACTUAL USE. The larger box indicates her score. ‘The Distortion Score on this assessment is 10. The Distortion Scale deals with how candid and frank the respondent was while taking this assessment. The range for this scale is 1 to 10, with higher scores suggesting grealer candor. Protos oftcs Pa +5205 Lae Share Drive» Waco, Teas 76710-1732 USA» 254.751.1648 + ww pelsirtamationcom ‘opyrah 62008 mores Ineraton ne 2 Confidential Placement Report Sally Sample Behavioral Character Trust Wary Unquestioning © Vigilant Uneritical © Skeptical Optimistic Pattern 5-8 Score 9 Comments on Trust Ms. Sample can be rathor trusting at times. She genuinely wants to believe that what others say is true and authentic, possibly regardless of evidence to the contrary. She may not be suspicious of another person's motives and she strongly feels that most people are honest, Tact © Direct + Discreet = Ob fious + Diplomatic Pattern 6-9 Score 4 Comments on Tact ‘She can seam inconsiderate regarding the feelings of others as shown by her relatively low level of tact. ‘This may be due to a lack of understanding for a customer's needs but, whatever the reasons, she may foften comment in a less than tactful or diplomatic fashion. Alternatively, situations that call for a direct interpersonal style are suitable for Sally. Empathy + Detached + Understanding + Indifferent + Compassionate + Distant + Sensitive Pattern 7-9 Score 7 is. Sample generally finds it easy to be sympathetic, understanding and compassionate, tothe point of allowing hersot to become personaly involved in solving the needs of customers, She has a strong need to be helpful to those with whom she has contact. Conformity * Inventive Traditional + Free-spirited eres ie + Compliant + Independent ‘= Conventional Pattern 6-8 Score 10 ‘Comments on Conformity She generally believes in, and is obedient to, the norms of a group or organization. Sally isa strong believer in folowing the orders or instructions of those in authorily. She is apparently one who will adhere to all known rules and regulations expected of employees in this position. es ‘Copmahe 2008 Pres irernational Ine 3 Confidential Placement Report Sally Sample Behavioral Characteristics (cont’d) Focus + Distractibie + Attentive . = Purposeful . = Efficient Pattern 6-8 Score 7 Comments on Focus Sally demonstrates a relatively strong level of concentration when allowed the opportunity. Only an ‘exceptionally distracting environment should cause her to stray from her focus. The advantage here is that her focus is not so strong as to be completely inflexible. So a change of priorities should not be too disrupting for her, if she is given the time fo gather her faculties and head in the new direction. Flexibility © Uncompromising + Adaptable = Inflexible + Accepting = Cautious ae 10 «Enjoys new approaches Pattern 5-7 Score 3 Comments on Flexibility She indicates a preference for routine or repeiitious tasks that remain unchanged over time. New ways of doing things are rather disconcerting for her and are probably avoided whenever possible. She may be most effective providing service to the customer if the rules and procedures are clearly defined. 4 Confidential Placement Report Sally Sample Proficiencies ‘The darker shading represents the Job Match Patter for the role of Demonstration Pattem-NOT FOR ACTUAL USE. The larger box indicates this individual's score. Job Match Percent ‘The Job Match Percent reflects the degree of match between the results for Ms. Sample and the Job Match Patter for the six Behavioral Traits and the two Proficiencies. For Sally, the match to the position of Demonstration Pattern-NOT FOR ACTUAL USE is 68%. Job Match [ 5 Confidential Placement Report Sally Sample Considerations for Interviewing ‘The darker shading represents the Job Match Pattern for the role of Demonstration Pattern-NOT FOR ACTUAL USE. Ms. Sample scored outside the Job Match Pattern in the areas listed below. Information and interview questions are pri fe the selection process. Pattern 5-8 Score 9 Considerations for In Ms. Sample has a score on the Trust Scale above the Job Match pattern for this position. The issue of interest is whether she is able to discern the motivations of others who may try to take advantage of her. Is too much trust in everyone's motivations a liability that she cannot overcome? A few typical questions may include: ‘+ How do you feel about co-workers who think that most people are basically dishonest? Is there any truth to such an opinion? * Describe a recent situation in which you discovered that a customer was trying to take advantage of your good nature. Does this happen often? Pattern 6-9 Score 4 Considerations for Interviewing With a relatively iow result on the Tact scale, Ms. Sample scores outside of the Job Match Pattern for this position. Her willingness to adjust her behavior through training should be determined. Since the score is in the lower mid-range, itis possible that only some adjustment is required. Her readiness for training may bbe determined by interview questions. A few typical questions may include: ‘+ Provide a recent example of your skil at dealing diplomatically with a customer. How do you feel about this kind of communication style, and what skills would you ike to develop to improve in this, area? ‘+ When a customer requires a delicate touch, what methods do you usually employ? Would learning ‘some new competencies be of interest to you? Pattern 6-8 Score 10 Sally is highly motivated to conform to the traditions of an organization, but her level of Conformity is higher than the Job Match Pattern for this position. This implies that she may be overly challenged by 6 Confidential Placement Report Sally Sample ‘opportunities to constructively make an exception to the rules. Questions could focus on whether she is overly rule-bound. A few typical questions may include: How do you fee! about those who bend the rules or take a casual attitude about procedures? Describe for me a time when you deviated from the exact interpretation of a procedure to achieve ‘success for the benefit of your team or an organization. Flexibility ~ Tendenc me approaches to doing th deg 10 Pattern §-7 Score 3 ni F Interview Ms. Sample has a score on the Flexibility scale outside the Job Match Pattern for this position. Questions. in the interview may need to focus on her willingness or ability to be more or less adaptable in her approach to sticking to procedure. Her willingness to lry a new approach may need to be discerned. A few typical questions may include: ‘+ Describe for me the importance of complying with procedures. What if a system seems obsolete or ‘out-of-date? Whal should be done in that case? ‘+ Have you recently experienced the need to suggest a new way to do something at work? Tell me more about that experience. 7 ror a, Tae TED 70 USA 254.751.1644 ow etn 7 Confidential Placement Report Company Service Perspective Sally Sample Fifty (50) questions related to providing service to the customer were presented to Sally. The responses. to these questions suggest her perspective of providing customer service. The answers provided by the ‘company represent their perspective and are compared to the answers provided by Sally PERSPECTIVES THAT CONFLICT HER ANSWER Certain technical questions should be referred to an internal expert or supervisor. Customers don't care how many people they have to talk to as long as they get the answers they need. Customers don't care whether | refer to them by name, as long as they receive good service. Customers expect me to be friendly no matter how busy ! am. | should follow up with customers to see that they are satisfied with the service | gave them, | can't salve all of a customer's problems; some concerns have to be referred to others or left alone, Ifa customer wants to chat, | should let them. If hear a customer speaking badly about our business, | should defend the company. I our product is high quality, customers will come back even if my service is below average. | should wait until several people complain about a problem before trying to correct its cause | should give customers what they ask for even if | don't think it will be right for them in. the long run. Itis often possible to satisfy a customer by explaining why he or she is wrong, Itisn't necessary to suggest complementary services or products; customers know what they want when they contact us. Departmental policies are less important than what | think is best for the customer. ‘Once | have a customer's requests fulflled, | immediately help the next customer waiting. ‘Some customers simply cannot be satisfied. ‘Sometimes | hesitate to let customers know about other products and services since their time is valuable and shouldn't be wasted, ‘The more | know about our products and services, the more my customers will trust me. No Yes Yes No No No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes No 8 Confidential Placement Report Sally Sample ‘Thore are times when | should have a supervisor speak to the customer. No When a customer asks to speak to the supervisor, the customer relationship can'tbe Yes. salvaged, When a customer tolls me that | am wrong, | should defend my opinion. Yes ‘When calling my supervisor for help, I don't need to let the customer know what's going Yes on, If'a conversation with a customer is going too long, | should find the most expedient way No to break free; others need my attention too. If my supervisor helps me with a customer, | should discuss how the customer was No handled so | can learn from the situation. ‘Once their initial request is handled, | should ask the customer if there's anything else | No can do, With customers who can't be satisfied by my service, there's no point in finding someone Yes else to address their needs, Solving a customer's problem in a professional manner should be more important than No ‘sympathizing with their personal situation, "Sapht 82008 Pee Toenail ne me raeserenesonatcons 9 The ABC Company Profites {International e Client Services Team - 97 Customer Service Profile Company Service Perspective Alignment Report This report compares your company’s service perspectives with that of other companies. It also displays the percentage of a selected group from your company who do not agree with the perspective held by your company. ‘The left column shows the answers typical for other companies. Where your answers differ from these, both answers are highlighted for your convenience. This DOES NOT ‘mean that you need to change your responses since the perspective of the other ‘companies is not an absolute rule. — The standards that were set for your organization are shown below in the right column. You may change your responses if you think they should be adjusted, % of selected group NOT in agreement with your ‘company’s perspective. All of a customer's concems are important; never dissuade them from asking questions. ~All customers should be treated the same; no customer is more 11% important than any other. Certain technical questions should be referred to an intemal expert or supervisor. Customers don't care how many people they have to talk to as long as they get the answers they need Customers don't care whether | refer to them by name, as long 25% as they receive good service. 5 | No | No 89% 6 IT customers dont ike to be asked a lot of questions. 7 Yes | Yes | Customers expect me to be friendly no matter how busy | am. ale Yes _| Customers should be just as comfortable dealing with me as with | 54, | es Yes any of my co-workers. | ‘Customers should expect more attention and better service as 8 Yes YS they continue to do business with me. a | Developing rapport with a customer is a good way to hear what 10 Yes [Yes | else they may need, | | should follow up with customers to see that they are satisfied | 11 Yes Yes with the service | gave them. | Page tof 4 ‘Copyright © 2008 Profes Internation, ne, Protes ice Park 6205 Lake Shore Drive» Waco, TX 76710 254-751-1644, Profiles (International The ABC Company . * Client Services Team - 97 Customer Service Profile Company Service Perspective Alignment Report Typical for other companies. -— Standards that were set for your organization. % NOT in agreement. | ] J cant solve all ofa customer's problems; some concems have to 2) 12 | Yes | _¥@ | be referred to others or left alone. oe 413 Yes___Yes_ Ifa customer wants to chat, | should let them. 11% 54 If hear a customer speaking badly about our business, | should 14 | Yes Ye | defend the company. ie ieee cue (a oa teers eee Tees ela eee eter nest ae rel thar on te Itis better to serve as many customers as possible than to spend _ca time with each ncvicual custom 18 No No 16 No No | should wait until several people complain about a problem | as _before trying to correct its cause. (ss | should make decisions promptly when talking to a customer, | | rather than going to my manager for advice. | | Leer terres | a reer | | Itis more important to attract new customers than to maintain the | | 2 | Re Ne ‘ones we currently have. = Ee: wren. mn | it is the duty of the customer to have all information ready when customers know what they want when they contact us. Its a good feeling when | can help a customer by realizing something else they need. 27 Yes Yes Page 2014 Copyright © 2008 Proftes Internationa, Inc. Profles Ofce Park: 5205 Lake Shore Drive Waco, TX 76710 254-751-1644 Profites {International " The ABC Company . Client Services Team - 97 Customer Service Profile Company Service Perspective Alignment Report | Typical for other companies. ‘Standards that were set for your organization. { | | | %NOT in agreement. | ‘Length of customer contact time is less important than doing 28 Yes Yes what is required to satisfy them, wes spose epee aloe porn ne cnet cot : for the customer. (eeaheny No. Myj0b isto full the customer's request, even if| dont 4 | understand it; | shouldn't waste their time asking questions. | should never give a customer any reason to think that | don't know something about my ‘Once | have a customer's requests fullled, | immediately help the next customer waiting iN | | One of the ways | should offer grea service is to help in ways | 33 Yes Ye8 | customers did not ee 78% | | Service is enhanced when | have complete authority to act on the | Bee [customers behalf ae 36 No No_ Seng customers quick should be the mst ag | | 37 [35 | veo | ves eS Aisagrecing with a customer will lead to better resus | yy, | | = pis Sin ae ae | 39 No No. Sometimes | hesitate to let customers know about other products | 449g | [and senioes since ther im fs valuable and shouldnt be wasted. | Tao Yes | Yes | The more | know about our products and services, the more my | 449, | customers will rust me. | | 41 | Yoo | Yes | Thereare times when should havea cupereorspesktotho | Using a supervisor to help witha dificult cent is a sign of | 42 | NO | NO | weakness. | 43 No. No __ When a customer asks i speak othe supervisor, the customer | | | relationship can't be salvaged, | ‘When a customer tells me that lam wrong, ! should defend my | sy [SE Nes Ness lennon ies Paget Copyright® 2008 Profle international, ne.» Profiles Office Park $205 Lake Shore Drive Waco, TX 76710 254-751-1644 Profiles {International The ABC Company . 7 Client Services Team — 97 Customer Service Profile Company Service Perspective Alignment Report | Typical for other companies. [— Standards that were set for your organization. % NOT in agreement. E Fnac Cree TCLS a [encanatsg 9 incetnererennte terres ee ee eee 46 [oan ven scan expen vy tte tell wet tc | 22% to0. | if my supervisor helps me with a customer, | should discuss how the customer was handled so | can learn from the situation, | Once their initial request is handled, | should ask the customer i there's anything else | can do. With customers who can't be satisfied by my service, there's no point in finding someone else to address their needs. Solving a customer's problem in a professional manner should be | so, more important than sympathizing with their personal situation. 47 Yes | Yes 48 Yes Yes 49 No | No 50 Yes Yes Page dof 4 Copyright © 2008 PraftesInlernational, ne. Profles Oca Park: $208 Lake Shore Drive » Waco, TX 76710 254-751-1644 Profiles International’ Profiles WorkForce Compatibility™ Profiles WorkForce Compatibility” is a powerful tool which measures critical workplace ‘compatiblity information between a Manager (exccutive, director, supervisor, team leader) and their employees. Having a greater undorstanding of the dynamics of the relationship helps the Manager and Direct Report appreciate where their perspectives are similar and where they differ, resulling in a more productive and positive working relationship! Provides: Insight into compatibility between Manager and their Direct Reports Specific steps to increase Manager and employee productivity Measures: 7 Compatibility Characteristics + self-assurance self-reliance conformity optimism decisiveness objectivity approach to learning The Process: The Manager completes the online assessment The Direct Report completes the online assessment Profiles WorkForce Compatibility” Reports are generated online at the request of the manager 35 minutes Increasing productivity Identifying and closing compatibility gaps between Manager and employee Improving communications between Manager and employee Raising the level of engagement Reducing employee turnover Reports: Supervisor Report Employee Report Research and Validation Study: 2007 Administration: _ Internet and/or paper/pencil ‘conyish © 208 Prt Itamatona! 5205 Lake Ste Ove Waco, TX 76710 «254 75.1044 08 Profiles {International Imagine great people Profiles WorkForce Compatibility” CONFIDENTIAL Supervisor Report Wednesday, January 02, 2008 John Jones Supervisor Sally Sample Employee This Sample Report provided by: Profiles International, Inc. Profiles Office Park 5205 Lake Shore Drive Waco, Texas, USA 76710 254-751-1644 fea reas eon Pros ois Park «208 Lake Shore ive » waco, teas 76710-1722 USA «25 ‘pyran 008 roe Increstona ne Profiles WorkForce Compatibility™ John Jones - supervisor Sally Sample - Emplovee Introduction —— ‘This report is designed to provide information concerning your compatibility with your employee Sally Knowing more about your similarities and differences will help you forge a better understanding of how you can work together to realize the highest potential for both of you. This report is written for you to use as a guide as you explore your work relationship with Ms. Sample. ‘Another report is available for Sally to use that focuses on the work relationship with you fram her point of Having @ greater understanding of the dynamics of this relationship will help both of you appreciate where your perspectives are similar and where they differ. This mutual understanding will result in @ more productive and positive working relationship, This WorkForce Compatibility Report consists of: ‘+ Profiles Summary + Characteristic Comparisons + Working Together + Next Steps ‘This report for the supervisor displays the score ranges obtained for you and your employee. This information will help you more clearly understand the included statements. It is not advisable to share the scoring information with Sally. A good understanding of the relationship will be apparent to Sally without those scoring details. Profiles WorkForce Compatibitity’ John Jones ~ supe:visor Sally Sample - Employee Profiles Summary You and Sally Sample are unique Individuals who bring your own characteristics to the work place. Because you supervise Sally, an awareness of these characteristics will help you understand her response to your supervisory style and will allow you to appreciate the need for treating her as an individual. This consideration will enhance your working relationship with her and could guide you in increasing her productivity. While the following pages will consider, In detail, your relationship with Sally, below is an overview of both. YOU = supervisor + You focus on critical deadlines and timely results and have a need to make decisions as quickly as possible. + You are readily decisive, quick to act, and comfortable with positions that require immediate action = You can become defensive whenever someone tries to take advantage of you. = You take on new developments independently, bringing in others only when absolutely necessary. + You will generally use 2 more intellectual approach in making judgments, trusting logic to resolve Issues. + You are generally adaptive in the intellectual sense. + You are typically quick in communicating correct conceptual solutions to problems. + You may not have had many recent opportunities to use numbers in work but should be able to complete mathematical tasks with litle difficulty. Sally Sample - enoioyee «Sally focuses on gathering all the facts before making @ decision. This may prove to cause some The management strengths to build on © Skill Sets that require additional development © Gaps in perception between the manager and the reference group that may generate management challenges Organizational Management Analysis” consolidates CheckPoint assessment data from the entire management team to create an executive view of an organization's management capabilities. * Verifies alignment between executives and management of strategic goals for human capital development. * Pinpoints the collective strengths: and weaknesses of the organization's management capabilities. — « os * Helps —— eee | Peeritize nine faa ~SS—SCseaadership HS = development training to target specific skill Sets and/ or groups of managers that require specific leadership development los Iternatlonal 5205 Lake Shore Brive | Waco, TX 76710 | 254.751. Profiles SkillBuilder” leverages the findings from the CheckPoint 360° to create a personalized improvement plan for each management Skill Set that requires further development. * SkillBuilder guides the manager through a series of online interviews and exercises to identify specific opportunities to apply development activities in your work environment + SkillBuilder generates @ Personal Action Plan, uniquely tailored to the manager in their work environment, that provides a detailed roadmap of activities and strategies to improve the targeted management Skill Sets SkillBuilder also generates a custom Coaching Guide that provides detailed guidance to your leadership coach on activities and advice they can use to help you reach your leadership milestones and goals. Coaching Services provides personalized guidance to help your isons managers reach their leadership growth goals. * Managers align with experienced leadership coach for the duration of the project. © Leverages the manager's personalized SkillBullder Coaching Guide to apply leadership growth activities to their specific skills and work situation. + Can act as primary coach or supplement your organization's existing coaching resources Profiles (International imag great people’

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