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World War II Class Outline Part Two

I. War Clouds

a. The Rise of Aggressive States in Europe and Asia

i. Benito Mussolini and Italy

ii. Adolf Hitler and Germany

1. Munich Pact

iii. Japan

b. The American Mood: No More War

i. Neutrality Acts of 1935-7

ii. Ludlow Amendment proposal

iii. Americans and Germany

c. The Gathering Storm: 1938-9

i. March 15, 1939

ii. German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact

iii. October 1938—Roosevelt seeks 300 million dollars for war


d. America and the Jewish Refugees

i. Nuremberg laws of 1935

ii. Night of the Broken Glass

iii. June 1939—St. Louis

II. Into the Storm—1939-41

a. The European War

i. Blitzkrieg

ii. Bombing of Great Britain

1. Winston Churchill

b. From Isolation to Intervention

i. 1940 Election

ii. Selective Service and Training Act

iii. America First Committee

iv. Lend Lease

v. Atlantic Charter

vi. Reuben James

c. Pearl Harbor and the Coming of War

i. Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere

ii. Berlin-Rome-Tokyo Axis

iii. December 7, 1941—Pearl Harbor

iv. December 8, 1941

III. America Mobilizes for War

a. Organizing for Victory

i. War Production Board

IV. The Battlefront

a. Liberating Europe

b. Battle of Stalingrad

c. Sicily

d. 1943-1944
i. Strategic Bombing

ii. D-Day—June 6, 1944

1. General Dwight D. Eisenhower

iii. Battle of the Bulge

V. War in the Pacific

a. Battle of Coral Sea

b. Solomon Islands

c. Island Hopping

VI. The Grand Alliance

a. Roosevelt’s goals

b. Churchill and Stalin

VII. The Yalta Conference

VIII. Victory in Europe

a. Defeat of the Germans

b. Dropping of the atomic bombs

c. End of the War

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