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World War I Class Outline

I. Introduction

II. Impact of Nationalism and Imperialism

a. Weakening of the Ottoman Empire

b. Serbia

c. Austro-Hungarian Empire

d. German Interests

III. European Alliances

a. Triple Alliance or Central Powers

b. Tripe Entente or Allies

IV. Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand

V. American Neutrality

VI. Danger around the US

a. Lusitania

b. Sussex

c. American business interests

VII. 1914 fighting

VIII. 1916 Election

IX. The US enters the War

a. Unrestricted Submarine Warfare

b. Zimmerman Note

c. Russia
d. April 2, 1917

X. The Call to Arms

a. Selective Service Act

b. War Industries Board

c. Fighting

i. Battle of the Somme

ii. Brest-Litvosk Treaty

iii. Second Battle of the Marne

XI. The Bolsheviks

XII. The Fourteen Points

XIII. Paris Peace Conference

a. League of Nations

b. Signing of the Treaty of Versailles

c. Death of Woodrow Wilson

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