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Vocabulary and useful expressions – Write a sample sentence for each of them

Remarkable – importante, de relevancia

Gather/meet – reunir

Childhood – Infancia

Sequel – secuela, segunda parte

Hierarchy - jerarquia

‘Kids will take a chance’ / to take a chance – los niños se arriesgan / arriesgarse, tomar una oportunidad,

Mistake – error, equivocación

To be pleased about something – alegrarse por algo, estar satisfecho por algo

At the top – arriba del todo, en la parte superior

At the bottom – en la parte inferior, debajo de todo

‘More often than not’ – muy a menudo, con mucha frecuencia, la mayoría de las veces

‘Speak your/his/her/ mind’ – dar tu/su opinion

By the way – por cierto

Specific questions

At the beginning of the video, the speaker says the conference is about three things, which are those
three topics he’s referring to?

1.- Extraordinary evidence of human creativity

2.- How will the future be – it’s unpredictability

3.- Children’s capacity for innovation

Which one is the hierarchy in academic subjects? (min 8.30)

Mathematics and languages at the top and arts at the bottom. Even in arts there’s another hierarchy:
arts and music are in a superior status than drama and dance.

Which are the three ‘ways’/characteristics of intelligence? (min. 13)

1.- It’s diverse 2.- It’s dynamic 3.- It’s distinct

Generic questions

How can be wrong (or not) help to be creative? (min 5.40, after 3kings story)

Why does the speaker at the end of the video say that ‘if all human beings will disappear from the earth,
within 50 years all forms of life will flourish’ and how is it connected with ‘creativity’? (min. 18.20)

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