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RANDOM Crossword

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7 8


11 12 13


Across Down
2. New York Times op-ed columnist Paul 1. How was last night? Pretty good. Just
Krugman wrote that "the tea parties don't pwned some
represent a spontaneous outpouring of 3. Actor Michael Scott
public sentiment. They're _________ 4. Newton's second law.
(fake grass roots) events, manufactured
by the usual suspects." Hint: Think indoor 7. is the best yo, true dat, double true!
sports. 8. The original malted milk balls.
10. Wuck
5. The D of DMB 12. impenetrable to light
6. lol 13. Tetrahydrocannabinol
9. Mobile phone OS that will have market
dominance in aproximetly 18 months.
10. “Listen to many, speak to a ___.”
11. Bret and Jemaine's number one fan
12. Taking care of business and working
14. Freudian

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