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Hello Kitty Bow Tutorial

Bow Template
Black Felt
Red Felt (or any color you like)
Black Thread
White Marking Pencil or tailors chalk

Download and print the Bow Template. I print mine on Card-stock and think it gives it a bit more durability for
multiple bows.

Step 1- Cut out Pattern Pieces (I don't cut those inner little circles I free hand those on the felt by site because
they are too small to trace.)

Step 2: Cut out 3 felt pieces 2 Black and 1 pink (or whatever you want)
Step 3: Use fabric marking chalk to trace and then cut out the Front of the bow on the felt.

Step 4: Attach the little oval-ish piece to the back of the back piece of your bow. I use the machine for this part
or double and triple stitch by hand for strength and durability.

Step 5: Sew around the edges of the top part of the bow (inside and out) see the picture. I did this in paint so
you can sort of see where I sew

TA - DA!!!! Finished! to wear slip a hair clip into the back and clip into hair, use a bobby pin, slip on a head
band, use safety on an outfit or bag, or whatever! I totally want to see your finished products and HOW you
wear them!!


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