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5 G0aLS

WaNt tO
In mY LiFE!
5 thInGs
I C0mpaRe
My lIfe
10 tHingS
I CaN’t

To graduate and finish my college

To be a successful, rich business man…

To marry the girl I loved…

To have a baby
that me and my
wife can take
care with…

To live in a
beautiful house with my family…

I compare myself with
a watch because time is
very important part of
my life because a watch
is useless without time…

I’m the other pair of the
shoe and my friends represent the other one without
the other pair
a shoe can’t be use like being without my friends my
life can’t go on…

A plane flying high into the sky like me
always aiming high to fulfill my dreams
and goals in my life and also I am kind a
pride person…

I compare myself to a
fast car because when
you drive a fast car you
always takes a risk and if
you get careless you can get into trouble so like
life you must always think twice before you
do something…

I am the brush and my friends are the teeth, I always
try to correct/clean my friends sometimes I forgot
that even a
brush that is used to clean also contains
dirt , like me I also commit
errors and wrong doings…

I can’t live w/o ME

because if I don’t exist
everything about me
don’t exist either…

I can’t live w/o F0Od

Coz this is one of the
primary source
of life…
I can’t live w/o Happiness
because my life will be
dull and dark and only
fun/happiness can make
my life colorful and joyful…

I can’t live w/o Music

Because with music you can express
your emotions or feelings easier and
music can also inspire you…

I can’t live w/o my Friends

Coz if I have nowhere to go, friends is
always there in time of sorrow, where
you can always get help and lay your
head into their shoulders…
I can’t live w/o Money
If you don’ have any money
you can’t buy food, shelter
or anything that you need in
your daily life…

I can’t live w/o Water

Because even if you don’t eat, you can
still live just by drinking water and
almost all living things need water to

I can’t live w/o a Computer

Because in computer you can find and
discover almost all the information you
need and playing computer games is fun
and joyful…
I can’t live w/o Cell phone
I use it in my daily life for
communication to my family and friends
and useful for capturing photos of my
friends to record happy memories…

I can’t live w/o Tree

A coz tree gives oxygen, they are the reason
why are we still alive until now and
sometimes they help us in times of
calamities most importantly during floods…

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