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My phone went off. It was on vibrate and under my pillow. What a way to wake up.

It felt like a mini earthquake, but thr only place it

took affect was my head area. I missed the call by a nano second, it was Marie, she was probably going to ask me what cover story I
told my parents.

'its ight mar,, i told them u just needed som tym on ur ones coz ur bf just dumped u,, if they ask u say that ur sad coz of that thx. i'll
ring u later. just woke up. ily <3' I pressed send, and instantly got a text back.

'thats not wat i wanted to talk to u bout. make sure u ring me when ur done ily too. <3' oh, I thought that's what she wanted to talk
about. Oh welles. I'll just call her when I've finished having my bath. In a few hours.

After my long - but not too long that my fingers and toes were too wrinkly - and soothing, sweet smelling bath, I called Marie. Marie
has been my best friend since nursery. We were born exactly a month apart. Marie in June and me in July. I went to the best school I
could and Marie's mum struggled to keep her in, and she left in Year 3. Of course, Marie and I stayed close and saw each other
regularly. Before we knew it, we were in Year 7 and had made 'the big change from primary to secondary'. We were the ultimate
best friends forever. LOL.

I finally called her after I creamed myself with Palmers Cocoa Butter, and got dressed in my home clothes, nothing too posh, but not
too shabby. I forgot for a moment what I was about to do, then I remembered I needed to call Marie. The phone rang for a nano
second - Marie must have been waiting for my call for hours. "I've got something very important to tell you," Marie said it in a
hushed and very impatient tone, I couldn't tell if she was going to tell me good news or bad.

After a long pause she said "I'm pregnant." And she hung up. I got ready to go to Marie's house. Omigosh. She's pregnant. But who is
the baby daddy? It's like an EastEnders who dunnit. I thought that I should tell someone I was going, then I remembered there was
nobody home. I headed out to my nearest station and headed down to Brixton.

A few train switches and I got to a walking distance from Marie's. I was still shocked at what Marie had just told me, well about half
an hour ago, but, you know what I mean. I got to Marie's door No. 8a on the High Road. I knocked on the door and nearly fell as
Marie instantly opened the door. I could tell from the way she hushed me that her mum was at home. She pulled me rapidly up to
her room and her mum said hi, I replied with a quick hello.

As soon as we got up to her room she laughed and jumped and cried, joyfully.

"How could you be so happy? This is going to ruin you! Do you even know who the father is? Tell me you've told you're mum.

First of all, I'm going to have a baby, second, this is going to make my life better, thirdly, the father's Ramone, at least I think it is, and
finally, I haven't told mum. And one more fact, I'm a month gone, and I want you to be the god mother, so I guess that's two things."
I was speechless. How was this going to make her life better, and how could the baby father be Ramone, didn't Marie realise how
ugly he was like I did, well after I fucked him. He's such a player. And she needs to tell her mum, or get an abortion, if you can when
you're a month give, and she needs to get one of those lessons on contraception.

"I fucked Ramone yesterday while you were covering for me," after I said it I immediately left. Marie's mum said bye but I didn't stop
to acknowledge her. I went out the door and Marie called me, I didn't bother to answer. She texted me that she and Ramone had
been secretly sewing each other for two months, for one of those months she had been pregnant and had fucked seven other
people. I went home, fed Toto, read a book and went to bed. I won't be catching up on my fucking today.

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