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 Teachersforus

十二/八/二一 八:二六:二〇 八十二/P 十二

M y name is Yeji Lee. I am currently

a sophomore in an international school in
Seoul. I have prestigious goals to succeed in the
field of elementary English education. 

"To help individuals by teaching writing and English
through teamwork and cooperation with the students in
order for them to reach their highest potential."

"To obtain a position as an elementary English teacher
where I can easily aid foreign individual students whilst
using and developing teamwork and cooperation skills
with them in the English writing field." Profession
I would like to intern as a student-teacher at a Korean
Future Education community service hagwon. My first job profession will
I will study in either a Canadian East coast university, or be as an English teacher for elementary students. 
an American East coast university that has a good
reputation in it's Education program. The university itself Development in my Profession
will be a large well-known one. My major will be I hope to work as an Elementary English teacher first,
Education and my minor shall be Literature. then gradually start to do minor work outside of school.
Then, I will move my whole profession to non-school
related education (ex: hagwons). 
Decline in Profession
18 Highschool Degree I will aid less fortunate elementary children with their
English as a full-time hagwon teacher in a community
20 Student Teacher
22 Entry level part- hagwon. 
time teacher
24 Full time teacher
25 Full time hagwon
English teacher
28 Headmaster of

Qualities to Thrive.
 Determination
 Persistence
 Consistency

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