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How to Be A Good American Citizen

Being an American Citizen for some is a birthright, for others it is attained through
naturalization. Recently, I was at a rally where a woman stated that she came to America
to become a citizen because this was a country that expected each of us to DREAM. If
that doesn't re-energize your patriotic batteries, I don't know what will.

Her comment also reminded me that it's important to be a GOOD American Citizen; to
take the honor of being in a country that offers so much in the way of hope and freedom
and make it shine as a beacon of light to all.

Here are a few steps we all can take that honor American values:

Difficulty: Easy

Things You'll Need:

 A commitment to honor American values

1. Step 1

Love your country. / kesetiaan pada raja dan negara

The United States of America is flawed, it's magnificent, it's diverse, it's vast, it's
a representation of all who call it home. Most importantly, it thrives on (and
deserves) the love of its citizens.

2. Step 2

Abide by the laws./ kedaulatan undang-undang

Our laws, by and large, are meant to protect quality of life for the masses. We
rarely agree with ALL the laws, but as a group, we succeed when we stay within
the lines, so to speak. Respect the laws, and set out to change them, not break
them, when necessary.

3. Step 3

Love your neighbor.

Loving your neighbor as we would a family member is how we stay connected,
how we show our humanity, how we sometimes take the high road and leave the
pettiness behind. Loving your neighbor makes it easy to extend your hand in
tough times, or stand side by side as a united front.

4. Step 4
Protect your country.
Protect the values, the Constitution, the citizens, the land we stand on, the water
that flows through our great nation, and the air we breathe. Protecting this country
not only gives you a sense of pride, but ownership as well.

5. Step 5

Be a good ambassador./ kesopanan dan kesusilaan

People from around the world come to visit our country, and we are far better
citizens when we extend courtesy, kindness, and cultural respect.

6. Step 6

Be educated.
I'm not suggesting that everyone needs to have a college degree, but know what's
going on in the country. Know our history, be aware of our ever changing culture,
and be familiar at the very least with our governing documents (i.e. The
Constitution and The Bill Of Rights).

Go one step farther and be a role model to each and every child, instilling in them
the values, freedoms, and dreams that can be realized here in the U.S. now and in
the future.

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