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Betel plant (Piper betle) as antimicrobial agent

Tagalog buyo, ikmo

Shigella, salmonella typhi
Previous finding low gastric cancer
Allylbenzene – antioxidant and antimicrobial

A descriptive study in the 3 most common organis, isolated from hairdressing tools in Caloocan
Significance: increase hair and scalp infection, study aims proper sterilization technique
RRL: ringworm is fungal skin
Trychophyton – tinea capitis
Comparative study of hospital waste management of MCU FDTMF
Determine the waste disposal practices in comparison to other tertiary hospital
Evaluation of wound healing of jatropha multifida in albino rats
Prevalance of bacterial isolates from water sources in MCU hospital

Psidium guajava leaf antiseptic activity in wound cleansing

A study on the susceptibility of the populace to Tuberculosis
HIV acquisition in call center

Stimulatory effect of caffeine on Jr interns

Sleep deprivation and its relation to cognitive performance of Jr. Interns
Assessment of nutritional status based on growth charts of 6-10 years old
Antibacterial act of Chinese white flower oil

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