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SUBJECTIVE: Imbalance SHORT TERM: 1.Demonstrate 1.All factors that After 4hrs of
nutrition: lass Unfamiliar or clients ability to can affect nursing
“laging tinapay than body unpalatable food After 4hrs of chew , swallow ingestion and intervention the
lang gusto niyang requirements nursing and taste food. digestion of client family had
kainin, ayaw niya related to loss of ↓ intervention the nutrients. been able to
ng iba” appetite. client family will 2.Ascertain verbalize
Decreased be able to understanding of understanding of
OBJECTIVE: strength and verbalize individual 2.To determine causative factors
stamina understanding of nutritional needs. informational when known and
-thin causative factors need of the client. necessary
↓ when known and 3.Evaluate impact interventions.
-pale necessary of cultural, ethnic,
Decreased food interventions. or religious 3.That may affect After 1 week of
-weak intake desires/ food choices. nursing
LONG TERM: influences. intervention the
-24 hours dietary ↓ client had
recall After 1 week of 4.Prevent demonstrated
Intake insufficient nursing /minimize 4.May have progressive
Breakfast: to meet metabolic intervention the unpleasant odors. negative effect in weight gain
needs client will the appetite. toward goal.
1 slice of bread demonstrate 5.Encourage to
and coffee ↓ progressive buy the prescribe provide After 1 week of
weight gain medicine given by nutritional nursing
Lunch: Imbalance toward goal. the physician support. intervention the
nutrition less than client had
Egg, rice, 1 spoon body requirement. After 1 week of demonstrated
vegetable nursing behaviors, lifestyle
intervention the changes to
Dinner: client will regain/maintain
demonstrate weight.
Rice and 1 pc of behaviors,
fish lifestyle changes
to regain/maintain

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