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3 Wishes for 2011
Lots of people make New Year resolutions when it comes to a New Year, but I’m not doing
that. This year, I have 3 whishes instead of resolutions and I think it will work better than the
ones from the past few years. In the three wishes, I have one for myself, my family, and of
course to the world. The wish to me is that I want to finish my homework on computer in a
more efficient time. The wish to my family is I wish I can have a better relationship with my
brother. Also, I wish everyone that exists on this planet can care more about our planet.
The wish I should have mentioned 1st was the wish to the world because without the Earth,
the entire creatures on Earth will not be able to survive. I wish that everyone can do something
& know more to help our home and think what kind of the environment we are willing to leave
to the next generation. Everyone can do little steps to reduce the Co2 pollution like turn off your
light when not needed, walk whenever you can...ex. Also, nations can work together to develop
alternate energies and make them cheap by using more of them. Last but not least, if we all
recycle, we can reduce large amount of trees that are supposed to be cut down and plastic
products too! It will come true if we all contribute in the action of saving the Earth!
My 2nd wish is a wish for my family. Lots of time at home when I was arguing and fighting
with my brother, Jadediah, Mom somehow just doesn’t like me doing that and sometimes only
punishes me. But sometimes when the fight or argument gets too far off, we all get
punishments and they are REAL bad ones. Also, somehow Jadediah always have good reasons
to say to Mom that “I” am the one who actually started first! (ˋ_ˊ) This is something I should
really learn from him learn from him… In conclusion, my wish is: Don’t argue with him, it will
just make you into some trouble and it is no good for you if you mess with him. And if he’s being
naughty, just leave for Mom to solve it. Also I wishes that I could share more goods with
Jadediah which means being more generous. (-_-)
The last wish I’m taking this year is I can improve on the time I’m spending on doing
homework on computer. Often that I feel like I’m spending too much time on computer works
and don’t have time to study and practice violin. Mostly when I finish assignments and it is
already 8:00pm (after afterschool activities). I think the main reason that’s causing the problem
is because I get distracted by the stuff on the Internet like advertisements, games, and sports
news….ex. So I tried to focus on just the things I’m looking for on Internet and straight to the
work. I’ve noticed that if I finish the easy ones first, I can have more time to do the harder
projects can be more focusing on the work.
In all, I believe the wishes I made are the ones that will make the family more peaceful,
make the environment more clean and healthy, and of course let me use my precious time even
more wisely. And I hope everyone including me can do little steps to make my wishes come

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