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Biography Of Sergio Osmena

Sergio Osmeña was born in Cebu on the island of

Cebu on Sept. 9, 1878. He entered the San Carlos
Seminary in Cebu in 1889 and then earned his
bachelor's degree from San Juan de Letran College.
His schooling was interrupted by the 1896 revolution
and the Filipino-American War. During the revolution
he edited the militantly nationalistic periodical El
Nuevo Dia. After the revolutionary struggles he
continued his studies until he passed the bar
examination on Feb. 20, 1903.
On March 5, 1906, Osmeña was elected provincial
governor of Cebu at the age of 28. Although he had
little political experience, he succeeded in solving the
grave problems of public order and community
cooperation in his province, cultivating the people's
trust in the municipal enforcement officers.

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