Iliad Representation

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Author: Homer THE ILIAD

Settings Point of View: Themes: Major conflict: Rising Action: Climax:

Third person The glory of war; Agamemnon’s Hector’s assault on Achilles’ return to
Time: (Omniscent) military values over demand for Achilles’ the Achaean ships; combat turns the tide
9 years after the start family life; the war prize, the maiden the return of
of the Trojan War impermanence of against the Trojans
Briseis, wounds Patroclus to combat;
Place: human life and its once and for all and
Achilles’ pride; the death of
Troy creations Achilles’ consequent ensures the fated fall
Patroclus of Troy to which the
refusal to fight causes
the Achaeans to poet has alluded
Characters: suffer greatly in their throughout the
battle against the poem.
The Acheans The Trojans Gods and Immortals Trojans.
 Achilles   Hector  Zeus
 Agamemnon  Priam  Hera
 Patroclus  Hecuba  Athena
 Odysseus  Paris  Thetis Denouement:
  Diomedes  Helen  Apollo The retreat of the
 Great Ajax   Aeneas  Aphrodite Trojan army; Achilles’
 Little Ajax   Andromache  Poseidon revenge on Hector;
 Nestor  Astynax  Hephaestus the Achaeans’
 Menelaus   Polydamas  Artemis desecration of
Hector’s corpse
 Idomeneus   Glaucus  Ares
 Machaon   Agenor  Hermes
 Calchas   Dolon  Iris
 Peleus   Pandarus
 Phoenix   Antenor
 The Myrmidons   Sarpedon
  Chryseis
 Briseis
 Chryses

Christine E. Orozco

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