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To access your store enter

***I highly recommend making your “kaching” site your homepage as it eliminates
the need to have to type www dot Yada yada yada or search through your history
every time you need to go shopping. Your store will always be right there at your
finger tips when it’s time to place an order.***

There are 3 areas of shopping: My Store, My Retail Mall, and My Green Store

MY STORE allows you to shop 1 million brand name products directly from the
manufacturer at everyday low prices. Type the specific product you are looking for into
the search bar and KACHING KACHING will pull up the results. You may also search by

MY RETAIL MALL is where you can shop and earn 1% - 40% cash back from all of your
favorite retailers. The SEARCH bar acts as your own personal shopper allowing you to
search by store, by product, and by special deals such as free shipping. Clicking the
“BUY NOW” tab will display all the merchants that carry the specific product you searched
for, the cost comparison from each retailer, and the cash back amount each retailer pays.
The scissors symbol indicates there is a coupon offered for that product.

MY GREEN STORE is where you’ll find our natural and organic products. There are five
different stores with separate shipping charges so try to avoid mixing products between
stores when ordering. For instance, if you bought a few items from Green Horizon
and combined them with a few items from Green Market, each store will charge you
$7.99 for shipping which brings your shipping total to $15.98, so try to order your products
from one store if at all possible.

There are many organic companies to look through so I suggest you search for a
favorite brand such as Seventh Generation, or a specific product such as laundry soap.
Type those keywords in the search bar and your shopping will go much faster.

MY SHOPPING: To view your shopping activity and cash back earnings, Log in to your back
How to navigate your back office

Your back office is where you can check your shopping, cash back, edit your personal
information etc. Login using the username and password you entered when you signed up.

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After logging in you will be brought here. Click around on all the tabs and get accustomed to
where you will find helpful information. The two tabs you’ll want to focus on when you first
sign up are the ‘Settings’ and the ‘My Personal Site’ tabs.

Home My Business My Commissions Buyer’s Club Events My Orders Resources My Personal Site My Shopping
Settings Support Sign Out

SETTINGS: Add/ change your personal info, Billing / Payment info, Change Password,
Email settings, Opt-in/out of company notifications

MY PERSONAL SITE: Edit your Email, phone #, Address and upload a photo to your website.

MY SHOPPING: View you and your preferred customers shopping activity and cash back

Spend the time to search and click through all three shopping areas and your back office.
The more familiar you get with your website the easier and quicker your shopping
experience will be.

Depending on each retailer, it can take up to 30 days to receive your cash back results as this
is the average waiting time for returns.

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