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Kasintorn Anusorn Page: 1 of 1 Total: ____/25 →_____/15

Mid-Year Exam, Semester 1, 2010 Subject: Speaking

Name: Class: S2 No:_____

Learning Outcomes: 6-9

Directions: Answer the questions or the given situations in not less than three
sentences. (Criteria: 3 points for correct answer, 1 point for correct grammar and 1 point for complete answer.)

1. How are you going to spend your time this coming break?

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2. Which among these extra classes would you like to attend to during the break –
English class, music lessons or dance class? Why?

3. If you were given a chance to spend your vacation in any part of the world,
where will you go?


4. Tell me about your dream vacation.

_______________________________________________________ 5

5. Which place in Thailand do you think is the best place for a vacation?

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