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Buying - (Add to Cart and Place Order):

The above sequence diagram shows a successful transaction of adding a product into the
shopping cart and place an order.
- When a customer performs a selection operation on some kind of product on
Product.aspx Webpage, the getProductDetails() method will be called which
will retrive the product details. When customer clicks "Add to Cart" a new cartItem
object is created and added to the cart.
The method calcPrice is called to calculate the total amount after all the products are
added to the shopping cart.
- Before performing checkout, a customer can update his shipping information. If the
customer is not logged-in during this process, the system will send
loging request to the customer. When a customer checks out a product, the prices of all
products selected are calculated, including the shipping charges.
Then an order is placed order confirmation message is sent to the customer.

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