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7 secrets to learn and improve your English

First Secret

Hello! How’s it going?

My name is Leonardo Leite, I live in Belo Horizonte. I’ve been an English teacher for over
15 years. I’ve lived in America since I was a teenager and I came back to Brazil after I
finished college. I had the chance to learn all the possible ways to achieve fluency in a
foreign language. And I know the difficulties and challenges that we Brazilians go through to
learn how to speak English. So I decided to gather the seven most important secrets I
discovered during my wonderful journey of learning to speak a different language fluently.

I will also teach you a new learning system. You will learn to speak English easily and fast.

One first hint:

Can you imagine yourself speaking English automatically without thinking? The words come
out of your mouth easily and you understand fast English. Some people think they will never
be able to do it. I was one of them 20 years ago.

It’s possible. And to get to this point you need to change the way you study English. And the
first action is: “STOP STUDYING WORDS!” What?


Exactly! Don’t try to memorize words in English. We didn’t learn Portuguese trying to
memorize words. We learned phrases.

Phrases are groups of words that go together.

First Secret Revealed: Always study and revise phrases. Never study single words.

When you find a new Word, always write the phrase that contains that Word. When you
revise always revise the whole phrase.

Once again: Learn Phrases!

That’s it for today. I’ll see you tomorrow with the second secret!

Bye bye!


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