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By: Masood Ali Khan

Producers in Savanna
 These producers make their food using the
process of photosynthesis and are eaten by
various herbivores in the Savanna lands. they
gather up their energy from the sun to grow
along with the yearly inundation.
For e.g.: Trees, Shrubs and Grass
Primary Consumers In Savanna
 These primary consumers consume the plants
and take energy and nutrients from plant for
 For e.g.: Zebra, Elephants, Antelope and water
 An organism that consumes primary producers
as food that convert simple organic substance
to more complex.
Secondary Consumers
 These secondary consumers catch their prey
the primary consumers and consume them to
also get energy from them, there is a basic food
chain so all the animals get plants energy.
For e.g.: Cheetah, Lions, Snakes, and Lemurs
 These scavengers then come along and eat the
leftover chunks of meat the primary consumers
left and didn't eat.
 For e.g.: Termites, Vultures, Hyena, Ants, and
Decomposes or Detriments
 These break down the remnants of what the
scavengers left. breaking down the bones and
releases energy back to the sun and provides
nutrients to the soils and becomes a fertilizer.
then new plant life is produced.
For e.g.: Insects, Fungi, Mushrooms and

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